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Read The Entire Series -
Israel - America &
God's Judgement - By Ray Gano
I have been getting a lot of positive complements on my series "Israel - America & God's Judgement"
I have also gotten a lot of requests on how to read the entire series.
To help with that, I have all the individual articles linked here...
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 1
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 2
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 3
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 4
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 5
Isreal - America & God's Judgement - Pt 6
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 7
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 8
Israel - America & God's Judgement - Pt 9
Enjoy and know that there is more to follow...
Survive The Coming Storm By Ray Gano
Insane spending by past and current administrations has led us into staggering debt. Paying back the loans and interest gathered in the attempt to spend out way out of that debt has become impossible.
The demise of the dollar is looming, poised to die in flaming downward spiral. When it hits bottom, this nation will fall into chaos like she has never seen before, plunging into third -world status. Food, gas, and most everything else will become drastically more expensive, coupled with a rise in crime. The "New Normal" for our nation will be upon us as these changes take place.
Hollywood has painted an apocalyptic world, filled with mutant "Mad Max" biker gangs and zombies as this nation's future.
What is sad is that the masses have bought into this false idea.
In this book the author, Ray Gano, takes examples from history as well as from a Christian biblical standpoint showing what you can do to prepare. Is your family prepared to Survive The Coming Storm?
BUY NOW - US Orders - $20.00 - S&H Included
BUY NOW - INTL Orders - $25.00- S&H Included
Folks, I have come upon a service that I am totally recomending to everyone and anyone concerned about Solar EMP.
We know that scripture tells us that there will be signs from the sky. (Sun, moon, stars) Many in the bible prophecy arena believe that this points to a possible Solar EMP eruption. With trends in solar activity, I am begining to agree with these people.
FlareAware is the notification service dedicated specifically to alerting common everyday people of the potentially hazardous solar flares and coronal mass ejections of our local star, the sun. We are now on the edge of reaching the climactic full strength of this 24th 11-year solar cycle.
This means the sun is ramping up for an extra active period during the next few years in which we are expecting some extraordinary effects of space weather on our earth.
These effects can range in severity from simple degradation of radio signals and GPS malfunctions to state wide and country wide power outages that can last for days, weeks, or longer.
Flareaware's mission is to alert our subscribers through phone txt and voice messaging to the sun’s huge magnetic explosions, called flares, and the CMEs (giant plumes of super heated plasma ejected into space) that often come with them.
Flareaware has 3 plans to choose from...
Premium Plan: For those who really want to know what is going on with the sun, this plan delivers all our current solar alerts right to you via text or phone call, easy to follow solar storm preparedness guides, and more.
Plus Plan: For those who want to know when the major storms are happening, we offer emergency watch text phone alerts, and easy to follow guides to help you plan the safety of your family, friends and electronics.
Free: Free Weekly Forecast email & free Solar Weather Preparation Guide

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Christians Are Losing the Battle for Civilization Because They Are Using the Wrong Weapons
By Barbara Henderson
When I was in school a history teacher showed a documentary film of Ethiopians using spears to go out and fight tanks. Ethiopia lost. Her warriors were brave and valiant, but they never had a chance. Obviously, the Ethiopians fought with spears because they had no better weapon. There was never any question regarding who would actually win that war.
Christians today seem to be losing the war to maintain a form of Christian civilization. Now why do you suppose that is? I think we are told what is wrong in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4. (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:1-5

- The Family Farm Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America
- Israel - America & God's Judgment Pt 9 - Our Babylon
- Americans dangerously close to living in dictatorship
- America Rise Up!
- Bishop Says Obama on Hitlerian Path
- Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
- What Rhymes With Gestapo?
- Israel - America & God's Judgment Pt8 - It Begins With Us
- The Culture of Death
- There Is No Freedom For America Without Faith In God
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:13-14. The first three words of verse...Read More...The Family Farm Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America
An entire way of life is rapidly dying right in front of our eyes. The family farm is being systematically wiped out of existence in America, and big agribusiness and the federal government both have blood all over their hands. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number...Read More...Americans dangerously close to living in dictatorship
On Sunday, April 22, The New York Times published a story about how the man who occupies the Oval Office and his staff have set course on a strategy to use Executive Orders and "executive power" to do what it wants without the consent of Congress. The plan, as former White House Chief of Staff William...Read More...When Ministries Become Big Business
There is something afoot in America and throughout the world that has actually been going on for quite some time. Unfortunately, most within the visible Church seem completely unaware of it.Read More...
People take the time to look to leaders of ministries - whether they are church or para-church...America Rise Up!
Our Republic and freedom is flat lining
Our country has been raped by Obama and his regime and he has put us in the ‘devils playhouse.’ Voting for Romney in November will just take us to another room in the unconstitutional and evil playhouse we are lost in now.
Shameful betrayals...Bishop Says Obama on Hitlerian Path
Comparing Obama to Hitler is something that the liberal/left used to blame on the Tea Party. However, posters and signs showing Obama with a Hitler moustache were inevitably traced to followers of Lyndon LaRouche. They sometimes tried to portray themselves as conservatives, but in reality LaRouche is...Read More...Sacrosanct Pastors and Their Defiled Religion
A few years ago, I wrote about Purpose Driven Life pastor Rick Warren's trip to Syria and how he was used by the anti-Christian Islamist Bashar Asaad to give people the false impression that Christianity is accepted and protected in Syria. He wrote me a personal email taking me to task for the critique...Read More...Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
For many years, it has been taught that in the Last-Days literally every nation of the earth – including the United States – will be utterly dominated by the Antichrist; there will be no place to escape from the dreaded Mark of the Beast; every last nation of the world will come against Jerusalem....Read More...Allen West Exposes Red (Communist) Influence in Congress
Rep. Allen West’s comments about alleged communists in Congress have led to what West calls “A lot of buzz and inaccurate reporting” in the media. Some reporters have nitpicked West on whether he has concrete proof of actual card-carrying members of the Communist Party USA in the Congress.
Read More...The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance On The West Coast Of The United States
Does it seem to you like there has been an unusual amount of seismic activity around the world lately? Well, it isn't just your imagination. The Ring of Fire is roaring to life and that is really bad news for the west coast of the United States. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes...Read More...American Crossroad: Wring hands or ring Liberty bell
Many people have written The Daily Jot expressing concern, anxiety, confusion, anger, hopelessness, some a sense of doom over the prospective presidential elections. As a former political consultant, I, too, am dismayed, even chagrined over the choices we have at the moment--a man whose theology...Read More...Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization
The United States Congress is steadily headed to a place where those who owe money to the US government shall be treated criminally.Read More...
This phenomenon is advancing domestically and now, increasingly, internationally. The first shot in this latest campaign took place in 2010 when US President...What Rhymes With Gestapo?
Many political observers are baffled by the Obama administration's decision to divert a half-billion dollars -- outside the normal appropriations process -- to the IRS to gear it up for its role in Obamacare.Read More...
The IRS will be responsible for making sure that you buy government-approved...Trust Your Eyes
"Hear this now, O foolish people, Without understanding, Who have eyes and see not, And who have ears and hear not." -Jeremiah 5:21Read More...
“There are none so blind as he who will not see.” -Ray Stevens
There is a blindness creeping across America. I don’t know if it is caused by...A Cashless Society May Be Closer Than Most People Would Ever Dare To Imagine
Most people think of a cashless society as something that is way off in the distant future. Unfortunately, that is simply not the case. The truth is that a cashless society is much closer than most people would ever dare to imagine. To a large degree, the transition to a cashless society...Read More...The Meaning of Passover
Tonight at sunset, all over the world, the Jews will began the celebration of The Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, as instructed by God Himself in Leviticus and Exodus. Over the past few days, they have been removing from their homes, all foods that contain 'leaven' or yeast. This includes any...Read More...Of Religion and Resurrection
Near to the eve of His destruction, He taught in the temple to the multitudes and to His disciples, giving a stern rebuke to the scribes and Pharisees, and they did not receive his words because their hearts were hardened, leading Him to conclude: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets,...Read More...There Is No Freedom For America Without Faith In God
It is no mystery that America was founded by courageous and committed Christians who treasured freedom and were willing to fight for it. Our whole foundation legally and culturally was built on Judeo/Christian values and beliefs. This is the true backbone of our history even though many try and invent...Read More...The Culture of Death
To cure the genocide of real weapons of war in other lands, and yet sustain the medical genocide of abortion that kills 3000-4000 Americans daily in our own land, is sheer lunacy...[letter written by a woman who experienced two abortions years ago]Read More...
Galatians 5:14: "The entire law is summed...How to Choose the Right Church
Are you out of church and thinking of getting started going again? Are you one of those people who ‘got saved’ watching a television show and want to find a church? Were you brought up in church, stopped going, and now find yourself feeling a need to attend church again? Was there a fight in your...Read More...PESSAH (PASSOVER)
This year the Seder is on April 6th, 2012 The prophetic fulfillment of this Holiday is clear. It is a time to thank God for our freedom, and that covers many types of freedoms. To be a free people, and to be free to worship God. But the word that summed up the true meaning of Pessah is "Redemption"....Read More...
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Do You Believe That a Solar EMP Event is Possible?


- Farmageddon
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- Last post by Heart4Horses
- 1 day, 6 hours ago
- Romney Watch
- In General Discussion
- Last post by Ray Gano
- 1 day, 22 hours ago
- Newby to the forum world
- In Welcome - Introduce Yourself
- Last post by Heart4Horses
- 1 day, 23 hours ago
- Who or What will shut us down?
- In General Prepper Discussion
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- 1 day, 23 hours ago
- Osteen's Christian Litmus Test
- In Apostasy Watch
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- 1 day, 23 hours ago

If you are concerned where this
nation is going, then you have
to see this video. Once you do,
You will share it with everyone.