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Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon
You are invited on a one-of-a-kind reading experience. Enjoy a novel and biblical commentary at the same time. This unique book is designed with appeal for both fiction and non-fiction audiences.
George Thompson believes his grandson Tyler lives in the final generation. Lovingly, he prepares the lad for the treacherous road ahead. All young Tyler wanted was a chance to join his sister at Eastside Middle School in the fall, but the Arab Spring led to an apocalyptic summer disrupting his plans. Middle East wars and nuclear terror in America quickly turned his world upside down.
Join the Thompson's on their journey through the Bible prophecies of the end times, and discover how their gripping story uncovers the silver lining of hope against the backdrop of global gloom and doom. The commentary section explains how their story could soon become your reality!
Latest Articles
Psalm 83 Israeli War Casualties – Part 2
on Thursday, April 26, 2012 by Bill Salus
Article transposed from the commentary of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon. There are three main trains of thought concerning the potential for Psalm 83 Israeli war casualties. These possibilities are; • Divine intervention in Psalm 83 limits Israeli casualties. • The Israel of Ezekiel 36 mitigates Israeli casualties in Psalm 83. • Isaiah 17:1-6 [...]
Listen to Bill Live Today on the Jiggy Jaguar Show and Tomorrow on IRN Radio ‘News and Views’on Thursday, April 26, 2012 by Bill Salus
Listen live to Bill Salus today at 2:00 PM Pacific Time on The Jiggy Jaguar Show. Click here to listen live online. And then on Friday April 27 at 10:35 AM Pacific Time on IRN Radio “News and Views” Click here to listen live online. Bill will be discussing his new book Revelation Road, Hope [...]
Psalm 83 Israeli War Casualties – Part 1on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 by Bill Salus
This article was transposed from the commentary of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon. War casualties of Israel’s enemies will abound in the coming biblical Mideast wars of Psalm 83, Ezekiel 38, and the Armageddon campaign, but what about Israeli losses? How many soldiers and civilians will be numbered among the dead and wounded when [...]
Latest Radio Broadcasts
Advancing the Gospel through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter
on Monday, April 16, 2012 by Bill Salus
This week on Prophecy Update Radio, Bill Salus interviews Nathan Jones, the webmaster of Dr. David Reagan’s Lamb and Lion Ministries, and co-host of the Christ in Prophecy TV show. Nathan is one of today’s foremost experts on the topic of utilizing modern technologies to comprehensively discern Bible prophecies. Daniel 12:4 predicted that both travel, [...]
The Global Transformation Prophecieson Wednesday, April 4, 2012 by Bill Salus
Is it the Twilight Zone, or are we living in the last days. Lately, the headlines have been reading more like an Orson Welles fiction thriller, than the blasé tabloid gossip, or the ho-hum less than investigative mainstream media news. For example; • “Vatican: It’s OK for Catholics to Believe in Aliens.”(i) • “Possible ‘Mile-Wide [...]
Bill Salus YouTube Radio Shows & Teaching Videoson Sunday, April 1, 2012 by Bill Salus
Bill has several radio show interviews and teaching videos that have been posted on YouTube for your listening and viewing enjoyment. All of these resources cover a wide range of topics, and are instructive for learning more about Bible prophecies that are seemingly stage-setting today. YouTube – Watch “The Future of the Middle East in [...]

ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East
Set to explode in the near future, is a devastating war in the Middle East. The Jews will fight off Arab aggression and end terrorism once and for all! ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, boldly unveils significant Bible prophecy that has eluded the discernment of today's great scholars.
Once upon a foretold time the Jewish people were to meet with a holocaust type condition, out from which they would return back to their ancient homeland of Israel. They would begin as refugees, but promptly emerge into an exceedingly great army. As per Psalm 83, destiny's design for this great army is a head to head confrontation with a formidable Arab confederacy consisting of Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, Iraqis, and Egyptians. Isralestine is the only book its kind that explores all aspects of the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli War prophecy.
Featured Articles
Bestselling Revelation Road Watched Internationally!
on Monday, April 23, 2012 by Bill Salus
The two-part Jewish Voice television show featuring Revelation Road has been airing for two weeks consecutively throughout the world. These shows are extremely timely and informative and can be watched at the links below. Tens of thousands have watched these shows and the book is rapidly becoming a bestseller on Amazon. Here’s what Jonathan Cahn, [...]
Watch Revelation Road on Jewish Voice TV (Part 1)on Monday, April 16, 2012 by Bill Salus
Jonathan Bernis and Bill Salus show how ancient prophecies have become today’s top headlines. Jeremiah 49:34-39 informs that Iran has fiercely angered the Lord, and predicts that because of this the rogue state will be severely struck at the “foremost of its might!” Isaiah 17, and Jeremiah 49:23-27 both warn that Damascus will be destroyed! [...]
The Future of America in Bible Prophecy – Videoon Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by Bill Salus
People want to know….Where is AMERICA in God’s Prophetic plan concerning the End Time scenario as outlined in the Prophecies of Scripture. Is it really possible that AMERICA, the greatest SUPERPOWER in world history, is absent from the world’s stage as events that lead up the return of Jesus Christ unfold daily before our eyes. [...]
Upcoming Events
The Midnight Cry 2012 Bible Prophecy ConferenceJoin Eric Barger, Bill Salus and Gary Kah as they speak on topics such as Is the End Really Near? Will There Be an Arab-Israeli war? A New World Order? Friday April 20th at 7pm and Saturday April 21st at 1pm and 6pm The event is Free to the Public. Downloads: Poster Tickets
Q & A
PSALM 83 – Has It Found Final Fulfillment?
on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by Bill Salus
Currently many Bible prophecy experts are discussing the Psalm 83 petition formatted prophecy written by the seer Asaph approximately 3000 years ago. This prophecy enlists a ten-member population whose goal is nothing short of wiping Israel off of the map. These ancient populations are identified by their modern-day equivalents on the map, and their confederate [...]
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