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Tribulation Period Survival Guide Book
Tribulation Period Survival Guide: It Will Be Awful, But You Can Survive, Here’s How! For several years I have been researching various survival strategies that could be applied to the events of the tribulation period. Rapture Happened, Left Behind, What's Next! is specifically written and designed around what will happen during this time period and how to prepare for these events in advance.
You need to get this book into the hands of every lost person you know. If you have Facebook (or other social media), a website or youtube channel, let your friends and readers know it is available. This book could literally save their life and save their soul. To read the full book description Click Here.
To download a free copy of Rapture Happened, Left Behind, What’s Next! click here then scroll down!
Guía para la Supervivencia durante el Periodo de la Tribulación
Is The Rapture About To Happen? Bible Prophecy Experts Say It Is! Here's Why!
For Previous Prophecy Commentaries To read or view video click here.
To learn what will happen during the tribulation period in chronological order from beginning to end click here.
Prophecy Update: The Events That Will Likely Follow the Rapture & Their Order!
Report: Russia's Oil Fields Are In Decline; Will They Attack Israel Over New Oil Discoveries?
Israel Official: Israel and Other Countries Will Attack Iran If Necessary (4-26-12)
Latest Prophecy News Headlines
Iran/IAEA talks to resume mid-May: Tehran envoy
Iran/IAEA talks to resume mid-May: Tehran envoy
Iran "undecided on nuclear bomb"
Iran Plots a Low-Grade Nuclear Attack Which Israel Must Forestall
Peres to Haaretz: Israel must not put off peace process with Palestinians
Deadly blast hits Syrian capital
Jordanian prime minister resigns
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In Egypt president race, Muslim clerics seek voice
Israel's former Shin Bet chief: I have no confidence in Netanyahu, Barak
Panetta: I hope that IDF chief is right on Iran nuclear program
Legal officials: Israeli government's request to delay West Bank outpost evacuation breaks the rules
Russia warns EU Iran oil embargo will be costly
White House Gives $192M to Palestinians...
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Iran to Annex Persian Gulf Islands, Key to Locking Strait of Hormuz
Headlines 4-27-2012
The War Operation against Iran May Be Just Weeks off
Israel army chief: Other nations could strike Iran
Syria ;not complying with truce
Egypt presidential race boils down to 3 candidates
Libya bans faith-based parties
Jordan suppressing free speech
North Korea missiles put on parade are fakes, experts say
Haaretz exclusive: A visit to the war-torn heart of Syria's struggle for independence
93% of Israelis proud, 80% wouldn't live anywhere else
Protest as Turkey drills for oil in northern Cyprus
Headlines 4-26-2012
Iran's FM hopes talks to mark end of nuke issue
As Israeli leaders wrangle over Iran, a new US spy agency will deal with Tehran
Despite sanctions, Iran shows no change in nuclear ambitions
Israeli prime minister Netanyahu says sanctions on Iran 'better work soon'
Egypt poll body reverses ban on last Mubarak-era PM
Egypt Islamic body backs Brotherhood candidate
'Revolutionary Guard pressing Iran to halt uranium enrichment'
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Becoming A Christian & Living For Christ
Our only hope is in Christ Jesus. You can't get to heaven as you are because your sins have separated you from God (Romans 3:23). That's why God sent his only Son to die for the sins of the world, to bridge the gap between God and man (Romans 6:23). If you were good enough to go to heaven on your own merit, Jesus' death, burial and resurrection would have been unnecessary.
Well, what do you need to do? Click Here to learn how to become a Christian.
Already a Christian? Click Here to get a daily submission guide.
Hell is real but you don't have to go there! Click Here to read my tract on the reality of death, the judgment, and the lake of fire.
If you have been left behind, click on this link, print it out and accept Jesus Christ as Lord. It's not too late!
If you have be left behind, this is what will happen next! click here.
Tribulation Period Events In Order
Revelation Revealed is a chronological look at the tribulation period in the order it is believed to unfold. To describe it, I would say it is a thorough walk through the tribulation period packed with life like scenarios. You will also learn in-depth knowledge about the Millennium, the judgments, and the eternal state.
The reason I wrote this book is twofold. One, to be a vehicle that will lead people to Christ now and during the tribulation period. Two, to give Christians and non-Christians alike an accurate chronological look at what will happen during this horrible time period. Revelation Revealed gives you a timeline and accurate examples of what this time period will bring. It is a complete walk through of the tribulation period in the steps of one who has survived.
If you have family and friends that do not know the Lord, I firmly believe that this book could be used of God to lead them to His Son Jesus.
Here are some key features that you can expect to find in this book Click Here.
To order a copy of Revelation Revealed please Click Here.
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Reality Of HellRebirth Of Israel To PeaceRapture: Are You Ready?Rapture & 1st Half Of Tribulation2nd Half Of TribulationAntichrist: What Will Come Rapture: Left Behind? This Is What Will Happen Next! The Rapture Of The Church: What You Can Expect To Follow Pt. 2! Short Video Of The Entire Tribulation period12 Events That Will Immediately Take Place Following The RaptureNews Sites
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