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"For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people. It trains us to renounce ungodly living and worldly passions so that we can live sensible, honest, and godly lives in the present world as we wait for the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us to set us free from every wrong and to cleanse us so that we could be his special people who are enthusiastic about good works. These are the things you should say. Encourage and refute with full authority. Don't let anyone look down on you." (Titus 2:11-15, International Standard Version)

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Recently Added or Revised Articles
Connecting the Dots: A Handbook of Bible Prophecy (Nov 2010) Earlier Online Book in Eschatology Section
- Binaural No More New Newsletter
- Ephesians Forum Class Lambert is currently teaching Ephesians
- Common Things How Apropos!
- My Repentance (Part III)
- My Repentance (Part II)
- The Beast and the False Prophet
- Let's Start Taking God Seriously
- The Great Division Coming
- The Patriarch Job, Chalcolithic Ossuary Jars, and the Resurrection of the Body by Gordon Franz
- The Childhood of Jesus
- Rethinking Our Approach to Youth Ministry by Tim Nicholls
- The Christmas Myth as displayed by the American Atheists by Gordon Franz
- Could Man Become Extinct?
- "What is This Thing Called Love?"
- Prayer 101
- My Repentance (Part I)
- The Rapture is a Family Matter!
- The Rapture is a Big Deal!
- Get Ready! Stay Ready! Be Ready! (The Rapture)
- Metrosexuals and Cage-fighters, by Doug Shearer
- Christianity without Christ
- Ever Seen A Miracle? I ARE One (Lambert Dolphin)
- Daniel, Noah and Job
- Ussher Revisited
- Perilous Times
- Times of Stress
- Certain Inalienable Rights...
- Noah's Ark Discovered Again?, by Bill Crouse and Gordon Franz
- Denial
- The State of the World and the End of the Age
- INDIVIDUALISM AND THE AMERICAN CHURCH: How American Culture Distorts our Perception of the Church, By Pastor Douglas R. Shearer (1993)
- Notes on Repentance (revised)
- Discovering the Body of Christ
- Dangerous Times, by Ray C. Stedman
- Human Sexuality from a Biblical World View
- What it Means to be in Christ -- Part I
- What it Means to be in Christ -- Part II
- On Covetousness
- Where Does Money Come From?
- On the Central Question of Climate Sensitivity, by Lord Monckton of Brenchley (Global Warming)
- What Caused the Financial Meltdown, Essay by Robert J. Samuelson
- Demographics & Depression, by David P Goldman
- What is the Recession for? by John Piper
- Wandering and Wondering, by Preston D. Probasco
- Economic crisis: What actuality is going on? by Andre Delage
- Economic Crisis: As Christians, what are we to do? Answer: "REST", by Andre DeLage
- Let Us Pray
- Sex, Religion, and Money: Times are 'achanging
- The Meaning of Sodom...
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- The Ultimate Sign (Isaiah 7) by Gordon Franz
- On Newsletters (an update)
- Reviewing a Plasma Universe with Zero Point energy, by Barry Setterfield (Plasma Cosmology) (linked, PDF)
- The Day of Man and the Day of the Lord
- Personal Strongholds
- Calvinism vs. Arminianism (discussion)
- Every Man in his Room of Pictures (Ezekiel 8-11)
- Man's Lost Dominion
- The Seed of the Serpent
- Relax! The End is Near!
- The Worthless Shepherd
- Jesus Friend of Sinners
- Jesus the Shepherd King
- No King in the Land
- Nearing the End of the Age
- Discover--or Rediscover--The Exchanged Life
- Michael Krugjohn: Tributes to a Friend
- The Crucified One
- When Truth is Removed
- A Miscellany (The Book of Job)
- The Consequence Engine
- Capital Offenses
- On Understanding the Book of the Revelation
- Without Faith
- When Churches Run on Autopilot
- A Personal God
- Provocations, by Soren Kierkegaard, (PDF download, 1.4 MB)
- Keeping Ready for the Return of the Lord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- Earthquakes and the Bible, by Lambert Dolphin (updated)
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- On Lepers and Virgins
- Seasons of Stress in the World
- Job Openings for Domestic Servants
- Two Great Papers on the Just Nature of God, by Glenn Miller #I, #2
- Discipleship is not Seeker-Friendly
- Empty Religion or the Narrow Gate?
- God's Long Term Purpose for Israel
- Modern Islam and the New Age Movement, by Nancy Pearcey (excerpt)
- No Such Thing as Chance
- "What the Bleep Do They Know!?" by Ryan Davidsen (review)
- Expository Teaching or Greek Oratory?
- Hey, Who Invited GOD to this Century? by Glenn Miller
- When God Leaves -- and Returns Again
- 12 Keys to Understanding Israel in the Bible, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- The Error of Replacement Theology, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- Israel, God's Lightning Rod, by Zola Levitt
- Zechariah's Eight Visions for Israel, by Clarence H. Wagner
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
- Israel is the Key to World peace
- The New Testament Basis for the Restoration of Israel, Jan Willem van der Hoeven
- Revisiting the Haight-Ashbury
- Cultural Christianity
- How God Saves Us
- On Superficial Christian Books, by Lynn Berntson
- The Track Record of God's People
- Jesus, Judge of All
- Class notes and audio: Daniel to Malachi (updated weekly)
- Class notes on Ezekiel
- Class Notes on Romans
- The Role of Women in Ministry (Collected Papers)
- Class Notes on New Testament Prophecy
- The Prophet Jonah, by Richard E. Young
- Our Collapsing Civilization
- On Human Pride: Behemoth and Levithan, by Ray C. Stedman
- Pornography and the Church, by Larry E. Ball
- Sexual Politics and Moral Absolutes
- The Vacuum: Much Ado About Nothing
- On Seeing Jesus
- The language faculty: evolution, design, or?, by Prof. Fred Field
- Do I Need an Expert to Tell me What the Scriptures Mean? by Fred Field
- A Biblical Worldview: narrow is the gate, by Fred Field
- A Glorious Church...
- Christ in the Passover, by Curt Sewell
- Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
- The Riches of Grace in Christ Jesus, by Lewis Sperry Chafer
- The Point of No Return, by Ray C. Stedman
- Love and Relationships: Song of Solomon
- God With Us, by Elaine Stedman
- Women in the Ministry (collected papers)
- Hosea and Israel's Future
- Perilous Times
- Itching Ears
- Is the Universe Static or Expanding? by Barry Setterfield (new 8/23/02)
- On Preaching and Teaching
- Dynamic or Static Salvation?
- Upheaval in Physics: History of the Light-Speed Debate, Helen Setterfield
- Isaiah 58: Paint or get off the Ladder (html) |
MP3 message
- The New Covenant: Entering In
- Sacrifice Sunday (Old Covenant vs. New)
- The Great Example of King Jehoshaphat
- Jehoshaphat Defeats the Porn Kings
- Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Authority of the Word, by Ray C. Stedman
- Israel and the New Covenant, by Ray C. Stedman
- God's Land - God's People
- The Church in the Mirror: Critiquing the Modern Church (class notes)
- The Biblically Illiterate Church: "My People Perish"
- Matters of Death and Life
- Toppling Strongholds
- A New Creation (Colossians and Ephesians)
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- The Return of the Landlord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- Corporate Prayer is Not an Option!
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Evangelism By All Means
- The Iraq War and such...
- The Spin of War: The Other War, by Bill Crouse
- Iraq and the Bible, by Bryant G. Wood
- A Coming Mega Attack? by Emmanuel Winston
- The Center of the Bible (Powerpoint)
- September 11, 2001: America in the "Valley of Decision" by Gordon Franz
- September 11, 2001: A Joint in Time
- Ten Propositions Concerning War, by Ray C. Stedman
- God of Space and Time, by Ray C. Stedman (Isaiah 44-45)
- Lessons on Spiritual Warfare, by Ray C. Stedman
- On The Judgments of God in History, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Dying Wealthy
- Some Notes on Heaven
- Why A Timothy?
- The "Elements" of the World System
- Common Grace, by James Montgomery Boice
- Paint or get off the Ladder (Isaiah Chapter 58)
- Notes on Repentance
- The Meaning of Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Strongholds of Inner Space
- To my Muslim Friends, from Glenn Miller
- Understanding Muslims
- The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Revivng the Caliphate, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Comfort Within the Boundaries: Finding One's Voice Regarding Evil, Robert A. Pyne, Th.D. (linked)
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- An Arab Moment of Truth: Which way the Islamist fantasy? by David Pryce-Jones
- What's Wrong With A Palestinian State, by Bret Stephens
- Will Islam Cause WWIII? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- Searching for Paul's Shipwreck on Malta: ...Critique, 700 Club Program, by Gordon Franz
- Bloodline: Serious Documentary or Hollywood hoax?, by Gordon Franz
- The Search for Noah's Ark, a review by Gordon Franz, Bill Crouse, & Rex Geissler
- The Sinking of "The Lost Shipwreck of Paul," by Gordon Franz
- Archaeology with Ron Wyatt: A personal account, by Bernard Brandstater
- Mt. Sinai is not at Jebel El-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Is Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Questions for Bob Cornuke from Gordon Franz
- Problems with Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Brad Sparks
- The Red Sea Crossing, analysis by Tom Pickett (linked)
- Did Edom's Original Boundaries Extend West of 'Wadi Arabah? by Bruce Crew
- Excavations at Nisya, Israel, by David Livingstone, PhD, (ABR)
- The Situation in the Middle East, by Thomas Ice
- The Silence of Adam or the Anguish of Adam?
- Breath of Fresh Air (Mars Hill Church Seattle)
- On Terrorism
- Certain Inalienable Rights...
- Stumbling Blocks and Millstones
- Jesus Courts a Bride
- On Spiritual Rebirth
- Brokeback Nation
- Love Your Enemies
- Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
- One Flesh, One Soul, One Spirit
- The Under Rowers
- The First Begotten
- Jesus our Jubilee
- The LORD Who Heals
- Stumbling Stones on the Path to Wholeness
- The Consequence Engine
- Capital Offenses
- On Understanding the Book of the Revelation
- Without Faith
- When Churches Run on Autopilot
- A Personal God
- Provocations, by Soren Kierkegaard, (PDF download, 1.4 MB)
- Keeping Ready for the Return of the Lord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- Earthquakes and the Bible, by Lambert Dolphin (updated)
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- On Lepers and Virgins
- Seasons of Stress in the World
- Discipleship is not Seeker-Friendly
- Empty Religion or the Narrow Gate?
- Living in the New Covenant, by Bert Hartmann
- God's Long Term Purpose for Israel
- No Such Thing as Chance
- Expository Teaching or Greek Oratory?
- The God Who Leaves -- and Returns Again
- Israel is the Key to World peace
- Revisiting the Haight-Ashbury
- Cultural Christianity
- How God Saves Us
- The Track Record of God's People
- Jesus, Judge of All
- On Seeing Jesus
- The Vacuum: Much Ado About Nothing
- Love and Relationships: Song of Solomon
- Hosea and Israel's Future
- Perilous Times
- Itching Ears
- Is the Universe Static or Expanding? by Barry Setterfield (new 8/23/02)
- On Preaching and Teaching
- Dynamic or Static Salvation?
- Our Collapsing Civilization
- Sexual Politics and Moral Absolutes
- A Glorious Church...
- On Superficial Christian Books, by Lynn Berntson
- Hey, Who Invited GOD to this Century? by Glenn Miller
- The Prophet Jonah, by Richard E. Young
- The Imperial Cult and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Romans 1:3-4), by Gordon Franz
- The Slaughter of the Innocents -- Historical Fact or Legendary Fiction? by Gordon Franz
- John Mark: Always Playing Second Fiddle, by Gordon Franz
- That the World May Believe (John 17), by Gordon Franz
- Jewish Burial Practices...John 11, by Gordon Franz
- Let the Dead Bury Their Own Dead, by Gordon Franz
- Apollos: Eloquent And Mighty In The Scriptures, by Gordon Franz
- Barnabas: A Good Man, by Gordon Franz
- Ancient Harbors of the Sea of Galilee, by Gordon Franz
- The Demoniacs of Gadara, by Gordon Franz
- The Mystery of Godliness Hymn, by Gordon Franz
- The Angelic Proclamation to the Shepherds, by Gordon Franz
- The New Testament Basis for the Restoration of Israel, Jan Willem van der Hoeven
- On Human Pride: Behemoth and Levithan, by Ray C. Stedman
- Three Essays by Mark Pendleton
- Pornography and the Church, by Larry E. Ball
- Job Openings for Domestic Servants
- Two Great Papers on the Just Nature of God, by Glenn Miller The Just Nature of God, #1, The Just Nature of God, #2
- 12 Keys to Understanding Israel in the Bible, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- The Error of Replacement Theology, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
- Israel, God's Lightning Rod, by Zola Levitt
- Zechariah's Eight Visions for Israel, by Clarence H. Wagner
- Premillennialism in the Old Testament, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
- Modern Islam and the New Age Movement, by Nancy Pearcey (excerpt)
- The language faculty: evolution, design, or?, by Prof. Fred Field
- Do I Need an Expert to Tell me What the Scriptures Mean? by Fred Field
- A Biblical Worldview: narrow is the gate, by Fred Field
- Christ in the Passover, by Curt Sewell
- "What the Bleep Do They Know!?" by Ryan Davidsen (review)
- The Point of No Return, by Ray C. Stedman
- The End of Courtship, by Leon R. Kass
- God With Us, by Elaine Stedman
- Women in the Ministry (collected papers)
- Upheaval in Physics: History of the Light-Speed Debate, Helen Setterfield
- Isaiah 58: Paint or get off the Ladder (html) |
MP3 message
- The New Covenant: Entering In
- Sacrifice Sunday (Old Covenant vs. New)
- The Great Example of King Jehoshaphat
- Jehoshaphat Defeats the Porn Kings
- September 11, 2001: A Joint in Time
- God's Land - God's People
- The Iraq War and such...
- The Church in the Mirror: Critiquing the Modern Church (class notes)
- The Biblically Illiterate Church: "My People Perish"
- Matters of Death and Life
- Toppling Strongholds
- A New Creation (Colossians and Ephesians)
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- The Return of the Landlord
- Accidents and Disasters--Does God Care?
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown
- Corporate Prayer is Not an Option!
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Evangelism By All Means
- Paint or get off the Ladder (Isaiah Chapter 58)
- Notes on Repentance
- The Meaning of Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Strongholds of Inner Space
- The Spin of War: The Other War, by Bill Crouse
- Iraq and the Bible, by Bryant G. Wood
- A Coming Mega Attack? by Emmanuel Winston
- The Center of the Bible (Powerpoint)
- September 11, 2001: America in the "Valley of Decision" by Gordon Franz
- Ten Propositions Concerning War, by Ray C. Stedman
- God of Space and Time, by Ray C. Stedman (Isaiah 44-45)
- Lessons on Spiritual Warfare, by Ray C. Stedman
- On The Judgments of God in History, by Ray C. Stedman
- Jesus is our Sabbath Rest, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Authority of the Word, by Ray C. Stedman
- Israel and the New Covenant, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Dying Wealthy
- Some Notes on Heaven
- Why A Timothy?
- The "Elements" of the World System
- Common Grace, by James Montgomery Boice
- To my Muslim Friends, from Glenn Miller
- Understanding Muslims
- The Agenda of Islam - A War Between Civilizations, by Prof. Moshe Sharon
- Comfort Within the Boundaries: Finding One's Voice Regarding Evil, Robert A. Pyne, Th.D. (linked)
- Attack on America: A Christian Perspective, Daniel B. Wallace (linked)
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- An Arab Moment of Truth: Which way the Islamist fantasy? By David Pryce-Jones
- What's Wrong With A Palestinian State, By Bret Stephens
- Will Islam Cause WWIII? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- Did the BASE Institute Discover Noah's Ark in Iran?, by Gordon Franz
- The Sinking of "The Lost Shipwreck of Paul, by Gordon Franz. Response by James Mulholland .
- Archaeology with Ron Wyatt: A personal account, by Bernard Brandstater
- Mt. Sinai is not at Jebel El-Lawz in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Is Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Gordon Franz
- Questions for Bob Cornuke from Gordon Franz
- Yahweh Inscription Discovered at Mount Sinai! by Gordon Franz
- Problems with Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Brad C. Sparks
- The Red Sea Crossing, analysis by Tom Pickett (linked)
- Did Edom's Original Boundaries Extend West of 'Wadi Arabah? by Bruce Crew
- Excavations at Nisya, Israel, by David Livingstone, PhD, (ABR)
Most Recently Added Articles:
, (MP3, or RealAudio) by Lambert Dolphin--my special thanks to Blue Letter Bible
Some Bible Classes by Lambert
- Psalms
- Genesis 1-11
- Relevant Words from Four Obscure Hebrew Prophets
- The Book of Amos
- New Testament Prophecy Series
- The Days of the Judges
- The Book of Micah
- The Letter to Philemon
- The Book of Isaiah
- The Book of Job
- The Gospel of Luke
- Leviticus: The Royal Road to Wholeness
- The Letter to the Hebrews
- Daniel to Malachi
- The Book of Ezekiel
- The Letter to the Romans
- New Testament Prophecy Studies
- The Creation of Everything. (Genesis 1-11)
- Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon
- Miscellaneous Bible Classes
Some Basics of the Christian Faith
- The Four Spiritual Laws
- What is a Christian? by Glenn Miller
- A slow-paced, long-winded, but low-key argument for "The Faith" by Glenn Miller
- Audio Lectures by Glenn Miller
- Lambert's personal search---"My Search" (Also in RealAudio or MP3)
- What is Authentic Christianity? by Ray C. Stedman
- Idolatry Notes
- Biblical "Problems" and "Contradictions," by Helen Fryman
- Can the Bible be Taken Literally? -- A response to Lenny Flank by Helen Fryman
- Good News for Losers...
- The Returning Backslider, by John Bunyan
- What in the World is the Gospel?
- What is the Gospel?
- Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n Roll
- What LSD Did for Me (in 1962)
- Teach me to Number my Nanoseconds: Psalm 90
- Developing Christian Priorities in Life
- Entering God's Rest
- Unmasking the Flesh
- Accidents and Disasters: Does God Care?
- What is the Human Condition?
- Notes on Repentance
- On Covetousness
- Pots, Pressures and Power, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Falling in Love, by Elaine Stedman
- The Eight-fold Path of Knowing God, (2 Peter 1:1-11)
- Paul's Key to the Liberated Life, by Norman Grubb (Romans 6-8)
- Christian Internet Apologetics (Discussion Paper)
- Life in the Rear View Mirror, by Cliff Koustik
Rediscovering the Body of Christ: Small Groups
- Leaderless Core Groups
- The Palo Alto Think and Pray Group (1970)
- Small Group Guidelines
- Four Trips to Mexico
- Riding The Wave at Ft. Hood, Texas, (A trip report)
- Ted Wise and I Visit India (1971)
- Description of the Spiritual Gifts
The Arthur C. Custance Library ( The Doorway Papers | ![]() |
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the cleverness of the clever I will thwart." Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption; therefore, as it is written, "Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

Various Biblical Articles
- Earthquakes and the End Times, by Steve Austin, PhD
- Earthquakes and the Bible, by Lambert Dolphin (updated)
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- The Old Cross and the New, A.W. Tozer
- The Eye of God (on Web Cams)
- A Caution Concerning Torah Codes, by Uri Marcus
- The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ
- Jesus the Avenger of Blood
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Barabbas
- What (in the world) is the Church?
- New Bodies for Old! (On the resurrection body)
- The Kings of Israel and Judah (Table)
- The Names of God in the Bible
- What is a Covenant?
- Notes on the Scapegoat Offering, by Ray Stedman
- The Mainline Covenants of Yahweh
- Miscellaneous Information about the Bible
- What is the Jewish Talmud? by A.L. Bass (linked)
- Biblical Words Concerning "Sin" (Vine and Unger)
- The Children of Lot
- The Ruthlessness of God
- Phinehas: Justified by his Faith
- Deborah the Prophetess
- Jericho and the Date of the Exodus
- God and His Angels
- The Angel of the Lord, by Loren Jacobs
- Time and Eternity
- Eternity and the Son of Man (Incarnation)
- Articles for Passover/Easter
- Jesus' Death: Six Hours of Eternity on the Cross
- New Bodies for Old! (On the resurrection body)
- Did Jesus Descend into Hell?
- On Everlasting Destruction
- Jesus, Son of God, Son of Man
- The Potter and The Clay
- The Veracity of the Old Testament: A Scientific Validation, by Scott Jones
- Remote Viewing, Channelling--ESP and the Power of God
- Water on the Temple Mount?, by Uri Marcus
- Jewish Reactions to American Evangelicals
- The Case of the Disappearing Rabbis, by Uri Marcus
- Messiahmas? On the Birth Date of Jesus of Nazareth, by Uri Marcus
- Who Were the Magi, by Chuck Missler, et. al.
- The Christmas Star, by Barry Setterfield
- God's Christmas Gift, Barry Setterfield, 1999

God, Israel, and the Church
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem: ( For more information on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, research concerning the location of the First and Second Temples and recent developments there see our separate web site. Maps and history of Jersualem are brought up to date with RealAudio lectures by leading scholars and research papers concerning the location of the Jewish Temples and plans for a Third Temple. Developed with the help of Mike Kollen, Jim Milligan and Tuvia Sagiv. | ![]() |
- On Expository Preaching, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Church and the Churches, by W. E. Vine
- Cultural Christianity
- Rethinking the Wineskin: The Practice of the New Testament Church, by Frank A. Viola (Excerpts) [Revised and updated as Reimagining Church (2008)]
- Who is Your Covering? A Fresh Look at Leadership, Authority and Accountability, by Frank Viola [Revised and updated as Reimagining Church (2008)]
- Rediscovering the Body of Christ, Part II, Reforming the Church
- Rediscovering the Body of Christ, Part I, "What (in the World) is the Church...
- Corporate Prayer is Not an Option!
- Israel, the Church and the USA Compared
- The Church at the End of the Age
- God Is Doing a New Thing in His Church, by David Wilkerson
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- Leadership in the Church, by Paul Winslow
- Tithing, by Paul Winslow
- The New Covenant Defined, by Jimmy Stewart
- The Godly Use of Assets, Time and Money, by Paul Winslow
- The Authority of the Word, by Ray C. Stedman
- A Pastor's Authority, by Ray C. Stedman
- Find the Will of God, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Power You Already Have, by Ray C. Stedman
- Legalism, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Christian and Worldliness, by Ray C. Stedman
- How God Uses Government, by Ray C. Stedman
- Who's Minding the Store?, By Ray C. Stedman
- The Scars of Sin, by Ray C. Stedman
- You Have Come to the New Jerusalem..., by Ray C. Stedman
- Modern Israel's Right To The Land, by Dr. Thomas Ice
- A Brief History of Early Premillennial History, by Thomas Ice
- Palestine: The Coming Storm Center, by Harry Rimmer (1940)
- Israel Study Tour, Lambert Dolphin and Glenn Miller (March 3-17, 2001)
- Israel 2001 (Tour Report)
- Israel's Birth Pangs
- The Islamic Threat to Israel, by Dave Hunt
- Understanding Muslims
- The Confusion of the Middle East and God's People, by Yoseph Shulam
- Islamic Claims and the Holy Land (several recent articles)
- The Struggle and Prognosis for Jerusalem (Khouse)
- Rosh Hashana Notes
- What is Worship, by Ray C. Stedman
- Where is the Temple?, by Tuvia Sagiv, 9/3/00
- Has Bible Prophecy Already Been Fulfilled? by Thomas Ice (Preterism) (Revised)
- Preterism and the Confused Sea of Modern Eschatology
- Progressive Dispensationalism Notes (Zola Levitt)
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Towards One World Religion
- The Promised of the Rapture, Bernard E. Northrup, ThD
- Micah and the Long, Sad Days before Israel's Latter Days, Bernard E. Northrup ThD
- The Underlying Cause of the Arab-Israel Conflict, by Prof. Paul Eidelberg
- It's Time for Israelis to Learn Jesus was Jewish (HA'ARETZ newspaper)
- Recent Temple Mount News from Jerusalem
- Hanukkah, The Festival of Light, by Gordon Franz
- The Camp of Israel, by Chuck Missler
- Messiahmas? On the Birth Date of Jesus of Nazareth, by Uri Marcus
- The Meaning of Pentecost, by Uri Marcus
- Status of Life in Israel---Spring1996
- 1996 Trip to Israel and Jordan
- 1993, 1994, 1995: Three Trips to Israel
- Israel, the Church and the USA Compared
- The 9th of Av, 586 BC: Ezekiel and the Destruction of Jerusalem
- Land Owned by Famous Jews
- Who Owns Jerusalem?
- Asher Shall Dip his Feet in Oil... by Gordon Franz
- Notes on the Rabbinical Tunnel
- The Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens? (Dr. Harry Mandelbaum)
or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people,
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves,
and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:13,14)
The Temple Mount and the Jewish Temples
- Was the Dome of the Rock once a Canaanite High Place? by Tuvia Sagiv
- Tour of Jewish and World History
- Sketches of Jewish Social Life, by Alfred Edersheim (1876)
- Modern Jewish Beliefs Concerning their Coming Messiah
- Does God Need a Temple?
- Early History of the Temple Mount
- Jerusalem and Mount Moriah
- Historical Events and Dates for Jerusalem and the Temple Mount (Jim Milligan)
- Solomon's Temple
- The Destruction of the First Temple
- Second Temple Times
- The 400 Years Between the Testaments, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Destruction of the Second Temple
- The Temple Mount Under Islam (from 638 AD)
- The Religion of Islam (Saudi Arabia source)
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- Preparations for the Third Temple (since 1967)
- Ready to Rebuild? by Ray Gano
- The Treasures of the House of the Lord (Wealth of the Temples)
- The Importance of the Temple Mount for Christians
- The Coming Third and Fourth Jewish Temples (update)
- Where Were the First and Second Temples Located?
- Chronology of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
- Geophysics and The Temple Mount
- Geophysical Investigations in Israel
- Ezekiel's Temple
- Ezekiel's Temple (Visual Tour)
- Visiting the Temple Mount
- Notes on the Rabbinical Tunnel
Eschatology (Biblical Prophecy)
"The folly of Interpreters has been, to foretel times and things by this Prophecy, as if God designed to make them Prophets. By this rashness they have not only exposed themselves, but brought the Prophecy also into contempt. The design of God was much otherwise. He gave this and the Prophecies of the Old Testament, not to gratify men's curiosities by enabling them to foreknow things, but that after they were fulfilled they might be interpreted by the event, and his own Providence, not the Interpreters, be then manifested thereby to the world." (Sir Isaac Newton, Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of John, J. Darby & T. Browne, London 1733.)
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done - An online book on prophecy by Ron Graff & Lambert Dolphin
Free, HTML or PDF. Over 350,000 downloads since 1998. Newly Revised Edition (Nov 2010)- Behind History by Ray C. Stedman, 1976 edition (The Study of Matthew 13)
- Death of a Nation by Ray C. Stedman, 1976 edition (The tragedy of Judah as it unfolds in the Book of Jeremiah is the tragedy of nations today.)
- There's a War On, Folks! (The Church and the Tribulation)
- China and the Kings of the East, by Dr. N. W. Hutchings
- The Coming Cosmic Shakedown (End of the age judgment of angels and men)
- Separating Synagogue and State in Israel--Is it Possible? by Uri Marcus
- Bible Prophecy Messages, by Ray C. Stedman
- Signs of the Time or Signs of the End of the Age? (The Olivet Discourse)
- The Seventy Prophetic Weeks of Daniel, by Noah W. Hutchings
- The 70 Weeks of Daniel by Thomas Ice
- Babylon, Its Coming Destruction, by N. W. Hutchings (Iraq)
- The Rapture: Fact or Fiction?, By David M. Williams
- What Bible Prophecy is NOT!
- Has Bible Prophecy Already Been Fulfilled? by Thomas Ice (Preterism)
- Preterism and the Confused Sea of Modern Eschatology
- Prayer Alert! False Prophets! by Uri Marcus
- Prewrath or Pretribulation?, by Ron Graff
- Biblical Terms referring to the End of the Age
- Chronology of the Time of the Gentiles
- A Summary of Islamic Beliefs and Eschatology
- The Qur'an and the Land of Israel, by Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi
- What is Heaven Like?
- The Judgment Seat of Christ
- Lambert's Chart of the End Times (375k)
- The Second Coming of Christ in Power
- The Appearing and the Coming of Christ (The Rapture and the Second Coming)
- The Judgment of the Great White Throne
- On Everlasting Destruction
- The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord
- Israel's Coming Exile in Edom
- Babylon, Its Coming Destruction, by N. W. Hutchings (Iraq)
- The Sad Days Before Israel's Latter Days, Bernard Northrup, ThD
- Jesus and His Church during the Tribulation
- History and Final Destiny of Edom
- Jesus the Avenger of Blood
- What (in the world) is the Church?
- The Church at the End of the Age
- Twenty Ways the World Could End Swept away (Discover)
- The Emerging Global Community, by Thomas Ice (link)
- The Concept of the Remnant
- The Coming Marriage Feast of Jesus Christ
- Jewish Wedding Traditions, Jesus Christ and the Church
- The Ultimate Wedding, by Bill Risk
- The Theme of the Great Harlot in Scripture
- The Antichrist in Scripture
- Islam and Eschatology, compiled by a Muslim Medical Doctor
- False Messiahs and Counterfeit World Leaders
- Jerusalem Above, Jerusalem Below

Sexual Identity and Wholeness in Christ
- Keys to the Song of Solomon (190k)
- Made in the Image of God
- The Fatherhood of God
- The Boundaries of Godly Sexuality (Leviticus 18), by Bob Deffinbaugh (link).
- Mt Sinai or Mt. Zion? Calvary Crossroads Church Grants Pass,
MP3. 6/15/03.
- Yin, Yang, the Tao and Wholeness
- A Revolutionary Teaching on Sex, by Alan Medinger. (A review of Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II)
- The Eight-fold Path of Knowing God
- Sexual Politics and Moral Absolutes
- Jesus and the homosexual
- Homosexuals in the Rapture, by Jack Kelley
- Human Rights and the Homosexual, by Ted Wise
- Sex: Should We Change the Rules? by Bishop John W. Howe
- Questions from High School Students on Sex...
- The State of the Family: James Dobson's July 2001 Newsletter
- The Root Cause of Violence in Society
- Aberrant Sexuality in the Bible
- Sex and the Environment (Leviticus 18), by Ray C. Stedman
- Masturbation and the Bible
- Single in Christ: A Name Better than Sons of Daughters, by John Piper
- Life without Marriage, by Ray Stedman
- Marriages in America: Changes Needed
- The Uroborus Symbol
- A Consideration of Homosexuality and Marriage, by Steve Zeisler
- Jehoshaphat Defeats the Porn Kings
- The Theme of the Great Harlot in Scripture
- The Strongholds of Inner Space
- Deliberate Sin
- The War Within: An Anatomy of Lust
- CyberXXX, by Heather Stringer (TechWeek)
- Why is the Church Failing to Minister to Those Struggling with Homosexuality, by David Vann
- On Human Failure, by David Vann
- Intimacy
- True Human Potential, by Ray C. Stedman (Colossians 3)
- Jewish Wedding Traditions, Jesus Christ and the Church
- The Ultimate Wedding, by Bill Risk
- Caution: God at Work (On Divorce), by Ray C. Stedman
- Sexuality and Wholeness, by Ray C. Stedman (1 Thess. 4)
- New Morality or Ancient Foolishness?, by Ray C. Stedman
- Life Without Marriage, by Ray C. Stedman and Doug Goins
- God's Design for our Sexuality, by Brian Morgan
Glenn Miller's Christian Think Tank An outstanding collection of writings and debates on Christian apologetics, theology, philosophy, Biblical studies, skepticism. Links to other Christian pages as well as skeptical pages on the Web. Also contains material of general Christian interest, as well as group research projects. | ![]() |
Topics in Science and the Bible
The works of the Lord are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them. (Psalm 111:2)
Inscription above the door of the Cavendish Laboratory (in Latin) placed by James Clerk Maxwell.
- In The Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order, by Ian T. Taylor (online book)
- Guidelines for Understanding the Witness in the Record of the Rocks, by Bernard E. Northrup Th.D. (rev.)
- Factors Causing Problems in Bible Interpretation, Bernard E. Northrup Th.D.
- Biblical Chronology and Dating of the Early Bible, by Curt Sewell
- A Biblical Chronology, Barry Setterfield (revised, 9/9/99)
- Biblical Chronology and History, by Alan Montgomery (collected papers)
- The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus Christ
- Family Tree of the Patriarchs of Israel
- Events in the Life of Adam
- Physics Problems for Creation Week
- Is Genesis Myth or Historical Narrative?, by Helen Fryman
- Accuracy in Genesis, (Resources) H. Daily
- The Creationist Community and Speed-of-light Research, by Helen Fryman
- The Unraveling of Scientific Materialism, by Phillip E. Johnson
- Evolution and Christian Faith, by Phillip E. Johnson, DJ
- Creationism, by Helen Fryman Setterfield (revised)
- C. S. Lewis on Evolution
- How I Approach the Book of Genesis
- The Uniqueness of Creation Week: Genesis 1-2
- Introduction to the early Chapters of Genesis
- Notes on Genesis Chapter One
- Made in the Image of God (The creation of man and woman)
- Adam's Account of Creation and the Fall: (Genesis 2-3)
- Notes on Genesis Chapter 3
- Notes on Genesis 4-5
- Notes on Genesis 6-9
- The Ruin of Creation (The fall of the angels and of man)
- Genesis 6: The Nephilim, Giants on the Earth
- The New Testament and the Flood (William Barclay)
- Noah's Drunkenness and the Curse on Canaan
- Charts: Life Spans of the Patriarchs
- Patriarchal Life Span Exponential Decay by Base e
- Five Biblical Catastrophe Harmonization Chart, Bernard Northrup, ThD.
- Harmonizing Geological and Biblical Chronology (LXX), Chart, Bernard Northrup
- On the Great Flood of Noah
- Theory Supporting the Biblical Account of the Great Flood, James A. Marusek (linked)
- Ages of the Patriarchs after the Flood
- The Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Languages
- The Days of Peleg, by Richard D. Lanser
- The Table of Nations (Genesis 10-11)
- Population Growth Since the Creation (formulas, graphs, references), by Lambert Dolphin (revised, 4/9/98)
- World Population before the Flood, by Tom Pickett
- Applications of Modern Sensing Techniques to Egyptology (1974, 1977 Reports)
- Hidden Codes in the Bible: The Value of Pi, by Chuck Missler
- Jesus' Epitaph, by Chuck Missler
- The Controversy Continues: Speed of Light Slowing Down?
- The Mystery of Time's Arrow
- Signs in the Stars? (The gospel message in the stars)
- Science in a Broken Universe
- God and the "Quality" of Time
- How Old is the Universe?
- Is the Velocity of Light a Constant in Time?
- Exploring the Vacuum, (J. of Theoretics) Barry Setterfield
- What Holds the Universe Together?
- Faster Than the Speed of Light (space travel and the speed of gravity)
- What is Light?
- My 30 years in Scientific Research (humorous)
- The Great Mediterranean Desert
- Science Articles from Chuck Missler's Personal Update Newsletter (Includes: Is Empty Space Empty?, The Other Side of the Vacuum, Exploding Planets and Ancient Catastrophes, When the Universe Became Fuzzy, The History of Hyperspace, I, II).
- Creation References in the Old Testament after Genesis
- Creation References in the New Testament
- Exposition of Genesis 1-11, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Limits of Science
- A Chart: Steps in the Scientific Method
- What is Revelation from God?
- Time and Eternity
- How I Approach the Book of Genesis
- The Bountiful Fullness of Empty Space
- Creationism, by Helen Fryman Setterfield (revised)
- Ruminations on Entropy and Related Topics, by David Cavanaugh
- Why Scientists Must Believe in God: Divine Attributes of Scientific Law, by Vern Sheridan Poythress (PDF)
- Playing Solitaire, by A.F. van der Meijden
- Kublah Khan and the Scientific Method, by A.F. van der Meijden
- Six Days are Six Days, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (linked)
- An Open Letter to Freethinkers from David Cavanaugh
- The Shroud of Turin Enigma
- On the Origin of the Solar System
- Questions Concerning the Early History of the Earth
- Science and the Book of Job
- God's Rule by Means of the Angels
- What Holds the Universe Together?
- The Atomic Constants, Light and Time. 1987 Report by Barry Setterfield and Trevor Norman
- After the Flood, by Bill Cooper (book)
- Chronicle of the Eary Britons, by Bill Cooper, translated from Welsh. (Mike Gascoigne).
- Hal Puthoff reviews Paul Hill's book, "Synopsis of Unconventional Flying Objects."
- Christianity and Science, by Michael J. Bumbulis, PhD
- Creation By Intelligent Design, by Delmar Dobberpuhl
- How science correlates to Christianity, atheistic scientism, and New Age mysticism, by Prof. Vladislav S. Olkhovsky
- Fascination with Mars
- The Uncertain Trumpet of the National Academy of Science, by Prof. Phillip Johnson
- The History of Hyperspace
- Quantum Mechanics, Beyond All Reason, by Paul Ashley
- A Brief Earth History: Summary of the Monograph Creation and Catastrophe, by Barry Setterfield
- Some Quotations by Albert Einstein
- The Great Library at Alexandria (the Mouseion)
- Creation: The Jewish Oral Tradition
- The Islamic View of Creation
- Historic Papers on Geocentricity for Reference Purposes (PDF)
- Star Formation, by Jon Covey
- Star Formation and Genesis One, by James Stambaugh
- Age of the Universe, by Jon Covey
- Big Bang Under Fire, by William C. Mitchel, (linked)
- Earthquakes and the Bible (updated)
- Is the Velocity of Light a Constant in Time?
- The Vacuum, Light Speed and the Red Shift, by Barry Setterfield, 6/21/01
- A Simplified Explanation of the Setterfield Hypothesis, by Helen and Barry Setterfield
- The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift, by Barry Setterfield
- Reports of the Death of the Speed of Light Decay are Premature, by Malcom Bowden
- An Open Letter to Dr. Hugh Ross
- Entropy in the Old Creation
- Ruminations on Entropy and Related Topics, by David Cavanaugh
- Thermodynamics of Living Systems, (from The Mystery of Life's Origin, by Thaxton, Bradley and Olsen)
- Has the Garden of Eden been located at last? by Dora Jane Hamblin
- The Tablet Theory of Genesis Authorship, Curt Sewell
- Carbon Dating shows that the Earth is Young, by Curt Sewell
- Syntax and Semantics in Genesis One, by Charles V. Taylor
- Understanding the Hebrew of Genesis One, by James Stambaugh
- Academy of Jerusalem: Commentaries on Genesis
- Genesis, Fact or Fiction?, by Joseph Byczko
- Facts on the Ark of Noah and the Flood (Christian Information Ministries)
- The Days of Creation in Genesis One, by G. F. Hasel
- Notes on Genesis Two, by Joe Palmer
- The Relationship between Sin and Death in Genesis, by James Stambaugh
- Creation And The Curse, by James Stambaugh
- Chronogenealogies in the Biblical History, by G. F. Hasel
- A Brief Earth History: Summary of the Monograph Creation and Catastrophe, by Barry Setterfield
- Birds, Beetles, and Life, by Barry Setterfield
- Fossils and Catastrophes, by Barry Setterfield
- Genetic variability by Design, (Chris Ashcroft) (linked)
- Strategies for Dissenting Scientists, by Brian Martin
- The Veracity of the Old Testament: A Scientific Validation, by Scott Jones
- Can Order Come out of Chaos?, by Henry M. Morris and John D. Morris (ICR)
- Eccentricities Observed in Bouw's "Geocentricity," by Bernard Northrup, ThD
- Genesis and Geology by Bernard Northrup, ThD
- Guidelines for Understanding the Witness of the Record of the Rocks, by Bernard Northrup, ThD
- On Finding an Ice Age Book, (Job) by Dr. Bernard Northrup
- Taphonomy, A Tool for Studying Earth's Biblical History, by Dr. Bernard Northrup
- The Genesis of Geology, by Dr. Bernard Northrup
- The Geological Foundation below the Noachic Flood Deposits, by. Dr. Bernard Norhtrup
- The Deposition and Erosion of the Grand Canyon... by Dr. Bernard Northrup
- Genesis Chronology According to the Miao People of South China, Dr. Bernard Northup
- Eccentricities Observed in Bouw's "Geocentricity," by Bernard Northrup, ThD
- Tim Unruh's Astronomy and the Bible Library (UFO/Alien Phenomena, Phaeton the Planet that Exploded, The Days of Noah)
- As in the Days of Noah: Return of the Aliens? by Chuck Missler
- Problems with Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia, by Brad C. Sparks
- Nimrod, Babylon and Mars, by Bryce Self
- Semiramis, Queen of Babylon, by Bryce Self
- Extraterrestrial Life: Analyzing a Mysterious Prospect, by Tim Unruh
- Creationism, by Helen Fryman
- The Complexity of the Human Genome
"Men became scientific because they expected Law in Nature, and they expected Law in Nature because they believed in a Legislator. In most modern scientists this belief has died: it will be interesting to see how long their confidence in uniformity survives it. Two significant developments have already appeared - the hypothesis of a lawless sub-nature, and the surrender of the claim that science is true. We may be living nearer than we suppose to the end of the Scientific Age." (M. D. Aeschliman: C. S. Lewis on Mere Science 1998 First Things,86 (October, 1998): 16-18.
Barry Setterfield's Research Library | |
Speed of Light Research
Cosmology |
![]() |
"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all men life and breath and everything. And he made from one [Adam] every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him.
Yet he is not far from each one of us, for `In him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your poets have said, `For we are indeed his offspring.' Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man.
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all men by raising him from the dead." (Acts 17:24-31)

Other Guest Articles and Essays
- The Da Vinci Code Decoded, by Chuck Missler
- Gods, Gold, and the Glory at Philippi, by Gordon Franz
- Jesus Celebrated Purim, by Gordon Franz
- What is Man (Psalm 8), by Gordon Franz
- On Idolatry, by David H. Roper
- A Geologist's Testimony of Faith in Christ
- The Discipline of Distress, by David H. Roper
- "O Little Town of Bethlehem," by Gordon Franz
- Blood, Human and Divine, by Craig Henderson
- A Personal Experience, by Carl Gallivan
- Mentor/Teachers vs. the common view of Pastor/Teacher, by Carl Gallivan
- Fools Rush In... by Bryce Self (Comments on certain reactions to the recent terrorism crisis)
- The Eternal Purpose of God, by Graham Brodie. (Bible Study Notes)
- Discipling the Brother, by Martin Jesche (book--church discipline)
- By What Authority? (Jesus and Caesar), by Ray C. Stedman
- On Violence in Nature, by Glenn Miller
- High Priest of Evolution Reveals his Religion, by Gary L. Achtemeir, PhD
- The Uniqueness of Creation Week: Genesis 1-2
- Experimental Salvation, by Arthur W. Pink
- Depolarizing Political-Religious Issues
- Sovereign God/Sovereign Nation, by Ted Wise
- Theatrical Christianty, by Earle Craig
- Little Things Mean a Lot, by Dave Roper
- The Wasted Years: Lot's Life in Sodom, by Ray C. Stedman
- Prayer's Practicality (Jabez), by Ray C. Stedman
- Notes on the Problem of Evil, by Ron Rhodes
- Ten Propositions Concerning War, by Ray C. Stedman
- On Dispensationalism, by Ray C. Stedman
- The Man God Uses, by Ray C. Stedman
- Should a Woman Teach in Church?, by Ray C. Stedman
- Sexuality and Wholeness, (I Thess. 4) by Ray C. Stedman
- Caveat Emptor: A Discussion on "I Think Therefore I am" (guest article)
- The Gay Nineties: Gay is Good! Or Not?, by Steve Zeisler
- Human Rights and the Homosexual, by Ted Wise
- Editorial: Reclaiming the Soul of Science, by Charles Colson
- The Last Week of The Life of Christ and The Feasts of the Jews, by Bill Risk
- On Loving Oneself, by Mike McKenna
- Arrested When I Wasn't Looking, by Carolyne Rohrig
- 1998 Christmas Greetings from Barry Setterfield, "Elusive Peace"
- A Visit to Israel with PBC, by Kevin Coughlin
- A Trip to Promise Keepers, by Kevin Coughlin
- Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, by Jonathan Edwards (link)
- Evolution Disproved, by Wm. A. Williams (1925) (Historical interest)
- Jung's Individuation Concept and Biblical Wholeness, by Kenny Ammann
- Letter to a Mormon Family, by Justin Armour
- My visit to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, by Carl Gallivan
- Kenny Wells Shares His Life Story
- The Before and After, by Josh Davis
- I'm Not Faking it Anymore, by David Goss
- Kerry Springer's Story
- A Young Man's Christian Journey (anon)
- Willing To Wait (Abstinence), by Justin Armour
- Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (book review by Margaret Helder)
- Much Music, by Margaret Helder
- Church Life: So Much More Than Sunday Morning, by Mike Weeks
- Encouragement when Severely Tested: Satan Preys...Jesus Prays, by Peter Eng
- In the Beginning was the Computer, by Russ Cummings
- How to Build a Pyramid, by Russ Martin
- A Caution Concerning Torah Codes, by Uri Marcus
- Easter or Ishtar, by Al Perez
- The Treasury Of Tapestry: Or Indiana Jones: Dig Deeper! by Nancy Burckhard
- Holiness: The True and the False, by H.A. Ironside
- The Long Silence, (author unknown)
- Revision: History of the Jesus Movement, by David DiSabatino.
- God's Judgment on America and other essays, by Jim Bramlett (USAF ret)
- Musings on Daniel: An Essay, by David Cavanaugh
The Ray C. Stedman Library | |
Ray C. Stedman was my pastor, mentor, and friend for more than 30 years. A Dallas Theological Seminary graduate, Ray served at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California for 40 years. More than 800 of his messages and books are online in HTML, PDF and MP3 audio format. Ray went home to be with the Lord in 1992 however his messages are more popular and more relevant now than ever. Order books by Ray Stedman from Amazon. "There is only one way to God, Jesus said so. But there are a thousand ways to the Messiah." (RCS) |

Lambert's Library Annex (old stuff)
Recommended Books, Old and New | Lambert's Published Material | Favorite Quotations from Christian sources
Easy Access to the Bible online and Bible Search Engine
The Blueletter Bible | International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) | Condensed Bible Cyclopedia | Writings of Alfred Edersheim | StudyLight Bible Study Resources |The Bible Browser (finds Bible passages, several versions) | The Bible Browser, Advanced (full Boolean search engine, multiple versions) Bible Search Tools by Goshen |Multiple Bible Study Tools by Goshen | Greek and Hebrew Interlinear Bible | Bible Concordances | Greek and Hebrew Lexicons | Other Bible Search Tools on Internet | A Harmony of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles (Word); PDF
Yosemite National Park, August 2004

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Last updated, Oct 2011.