TV Program: The Harbinger Part 2
According to Jonathan Cahn, best-selling author of The Harbinger, judgment is coming on America. In fact, it’s already started! His book is written in the form of a novel, but the judgments on America seem to be following the same pattern that destroyed ancient Israel. You are going to enjoy this anointed man with a serious message for the last days! Watch it!TV Program: The Harbinger with Jonathan Cahn
According to Jonathan Cahn, best-selling author of The Harbinger, judgment is coming on America. In fact, it’s already started! His book is written in the form of a novel, but the judgments on America seem to be following the same pattern that destroyed ancient Israel. You are going to enjoy this anointed man with a serious message for the last days! Watch it!TV Program: Rapture & Resurrection
The rapture of the church is not the only biblical example of supernatural events. Enoch, the first man to be taken to heaven alive, is followed by six other archetypes, a sevenfold biblical model. Gary and Bob discuss these seven miraculous events, examining the strange “death” of Moses, the resurrection of Jesus and the appearance of the two witnesses. Watch it!TV Program: Satan is a Socialist
As the world drifts deeper and deeper into a financial morass, the cry goes out for the rich to bail out the poor. Is President Obama following a European Socialist model in America? Gary and Bob discuss a little known prophecy on the merchants of Tarshish, their ultimate destruction in the latter days, and their link to Judas and Satan. Watch it!April 2012 Magazine
Gary traces the biblical roots of the Antichrist and surprise!—the Islamic Mahdi is nowhere to be found! Then he looks at the rapture of the church—the day Christ meets his bride face to face. Rapture? Or resurrection? “The Human Brain: Home of the Soul” looks at near death experiences and offers a vivid description of heaven and hell by Josephus! Fascinating! See what's inside!Bob’s Corner: The Greatness of the Rapture
Bob Ulrich has one more reason to “keep looking up.” Bob’s father, Al, went home to be with the Lord on February 26th, 2012. Shortly thereafter, a new book, The Greatness of the Rapture, appeared on his desk— offering hope and encouragement at a difficult time. Leave it to the Lord to provide a bright hope for tomorrow! A grand reunion lies just ahead! Read more →New Books for April 2012
Greek professor David Olander examines the rapture of the church using the clarity of the Greek language to clear up so many misconceptions. Mike Hoggard examines biblical numerology and Satan’s attempt to copy God’s handiwork with an occult twist. Ken Johnson shows us the beliefs of the ancient church fathers through Jewish feast days, festivals and rituals. Learn moreAmerican Goddess with Mike Hoggard
Mike Hoggard is back, this time exposing a hidden agenda buried inside an American landmark, The Statue of Liberty. Is this symbol of American freedom just a harmless gift from the French to the United States, or is there a secret New World Order connection at work here? What is that torch in Lady Liberty’s hand? What secrets lie inside this Masonic monument? Watch it!

from J.R. Church
- The Gospel in the Stars: Part 3
The twelve major constellations along with their sidereal sidepieces present the original drama of the ages in the [...]
- The Gospel in the Stars: Part 2
The twelve major constellations along with their sidereal sidepieces present the original drama of the ages in the form of what I call a Three-Act play. Act One is presented through the first four constellations — Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.Read the whole article.
- The Gospel in the Stars: Part 1
Long before men perverted the message of the constellations and established ancient idolatry, God named the stars and set them in the heavens for signs. Learn more in this study.

Programs from
the PITN Archives
- The Mount Hermon Roswell Connection
According to the Book of Enoch, 200 fallen angels descended to the top of Mt. Hermon before Noah’s flood. These corrupt angels entered Earth through a “space portal” and proceeded to pollute the human genome. What is their connection to the UFO crash in Roswell? Was this an orchestrated event? How is this connected to the Transfiguration?Don’t miss this program!
- Mythology and the Coming Great Deception
The OT prophet Amos said the Amorites were the size of cedar trees! Can we take that literally? Cedars were 30-150 feet tall! The Titans of Old? The Nephilim? The ancient gods of Greek mythology? Real? Imagined? Exaggerated? Or was this the world the Israelites knew all too well? Gary interviews Rob Skiba and opens our eyes to some strange possibilities! Watch it!
the web and the world.
- Counting the Votes (in Spain?)
- “Till Death Do Us Part”
- One Nation Under Water
- Hope & Change? Or Anger & Rage?
- California Getting Ready for the Big One?
- Your Own Personal Avatar?
- Got a Doomsday Shelter Yet?
- You Have the Right to be Strip Searched!
- Russia’s New Zombie Weapon
- Russia Massing Troops on Border
- Anyone for a Hybrid Meat Patch?
- Where Has All The Real News Gone?
- Is Jerusalem Israel’s Capital?
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