- Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem
- America Is Living Like the Prodigal Son
- MacBook Pro 2012 Release Date Set for May?
- Obama, Romney: Self-Professed Christians Whom Many Christians Don't Believe Actually Are Christians
- Christianity the Only Means of Eternal Life? Some Pastors Disagree
- Mark Driscoll's Speaking Invitation at Liberty University Sparks Controversy
- Samsung Galaxy S3 Running Ice Cream Sandwich Photo Leaks
- Houston Law Makes Food Giveaway a Crime?
- After Death, Is There a Final Chance to Be Saved?
- Obamas Earn $789,674 in 2011; Give $1,000 to St. John's Church
- Harvest America: 400 Churches Catch Greg Laurie's Vision; Number Still Growing
- Former Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert A. Schuller Renting Out Home as Spiritual Retreat
- False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns
- On the 100th Anniversary of the Titanic
- No 'Vision Shift' After Mark Driscoll Leaves Acts 29 Leadership
- Ariz. Senate Passes Bill Allowing Bible Classes in Public Schools
- Bubba Watson Speaks About Giving His Life to Jesus, PGA Bible Study
- Pastor Matt Chandler Mentions Church Member Lauren Scruggs' Accident
- Chuck Colson Talking, Showing Slow Progress After Surgery
- North Korea: Persecution Watchdog Launches Prayer Event on 'Day of the Sun'
- Ed Young Blasts News Station for 'False' Reports on Animal Sermon Series
- Were Adam and Eve 'Cavemen?' Christian Apologetics Debate Continues
- Narnia 4 Will Be 'Magician's Nephew,' Not 'Silver Chair'
- NYT Columnist at Q Conference: Bad Religion, Not Atheism, Replacing Christianity
- Planned Parenthood Promotes Prayer Campaign; Gives Thanks for Legalized Abortion
- US Megachurches, Hundreds of Christians Targeted in Ponzi Scheme?
- Is Faith Believing What You Know Ain't So?
- Mark Driscoll Steps Down as Leader of Acts 29; Resigns From Gospel Coalition
- Cathy Samford Fired by Christian School for Unmarried Pregnancy; Teacher Files Lawsuit
- Ex-Crystal Cathedral Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman, New Church 'Looking Forward'
- Hilary Rosen Cancels Sunday TV Appearance as Obama Camp Distances Itself
- Calif. City That Banned Large Bible Study Groups Reconsidering Its Laws
- Jesus Tomb Discovery Team's 'Jonah Whale' a Deception, Say Scholars
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich Update Coming Soon, HTC EVO 4G Also Upgrading
- Machine Gun Preacher: Real Life Sam Childers More Unbelievable
- Robert Schuller Strapped for Cash? Minister Explains $5.5M Lawsuit (VIDEO)
- Crystal Cathedral's New CEO: Congregation, Donations Doubled After Schullers' Departure
- CJ Mahaney: How Pastors Can Resist Losing Heart
- TD Jakes' 'Woman Thou Art Loosed: On the 7th Day' Trailer Released (VIDEO)
- Ohio Megachurch Gives $1 to Charity for Each Worship Attendee
- 1 Million Christians Pray for World's 2 Billion Children
- Zachery Tims' Cause of Death to Remain Sealed, Appeals Court Rules
- Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem

Liberal Christians Disagree With Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Not Biblical
As budget priorities have become a central focus in the 2012 election, Christian politicians and leaders have engaged in a debate over how to apply biblical principles to government budgets. The recently passed House Republican budget, the brainchild of Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has become a central focus in this debate. Many politically liberal Christians argue it is not biblical due to cuts in programs for the poor.
Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem
Thousands of Christians from around the world gathered in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher Saturday to witness a flame that is believed to emerge miraculously from the tomb of Jesus a day before Easter, according the older Julian calendar, each year.
Ron Sider: Obama, GOP Budgets Both Inadequate
By Napp Nazworth
The federal budgets offered by both President Obama and House Republicans are inadequate at upholding biblical principles, according to evangelical author and theologian Ron Sider in an interview with The Christian Post.
Obama, Romney: Self-Professed Christians Whom Many Christians Don't Believe Actually Are Christians
CJ Mahaney: How Pastors Can Resist Losing Heart