When You Die(So earthly minded no heavenly good) by Michael James Stone

When You Die

(So earthly minded no heavenly good)

By Michael James Stone

I have seen the death of those in faith and those without hope. It is often tragic, rarely like the movies, and most often messy. Few families prepare for it and many more bring it up only after the fact. Those who have nearly died, or have, often have stories to tell. Some good, some bad, some weird. The bible does in fact tell us people have been dead before and raised from the dead and/or revived to tell about it. And I don't mean Jesus only.

Saul consulted a witch to call back Samuel the Prophet from the “grave”. He carried on a conversation with Saul who was in fact dead. We know Samuel cursed Saul for doing this, telling him you don’t talk to the dead. If you are doing that, you are wrong, you are in sin against God.

Some modern popular books tell us of people who were revived who saw a great light. Some other books describe Hell like a Dante’s Inferno. Only the Bible describes Heaven and few people take that literal and I really can’t figure out why.

Why are people so earthly minded they are no heavenly good?

You are going to die.

Deal with it, it is not the end of existence. You will continue on. One reason Jesus came to us was to remove the fear and sting of death. The sting that makes you think the things you see now are the only things there are in the Universe. Even God laughs at that one. It’s like an ant, you, telling the Sun it doesn’t exist.

The ant enjoys the benefit of the sun, the effect of the sun, the warmth of the sun, but in its ant world, it has no time or ability to really understand solar dynamics the cosmic significance of the sun. It only relates to the Ant World it knows. In its world it is pretty powerful. It doesn’t care about the sun.

Take away the Sun, the ant dies.

You are going to die.

Three times through illness with Crohn’s Disease I faced death from “well intended” doctors trying to cure me. Once in surgery my heart stopped, and once I was given the wrong blood which nearly killed me. Recently I experienced the death of a mother and a mother in law. One died messy, one dropped dead suddenly. Both were tragic.

The mother in law had decided to stop chemo and died. It took a long time, it was not pretty. My mother dropped dead, literally, probably a brain aneurism. Two women, two different stories, both dead. Is there life over?

When you die, is your life over?

Reading the Book of Revelation, a lot of people get into Prophecy, End Times, Last Days, and “Disasters”. They get excited about judgment, wars, Armageddon and “The Second Coming of Jesus Christ”. They “get into” all the earthly stuff, they forget the heavenly scene. How many times have you heard a person describe the End of the World? How many times have people called the Book of Revelation the book of gloom and doom?

When you die, will you say,

Oh Bummer,

I wanted to live longer, do more, live more?

I can’t wait to die.

After this I looked…., Behold,  a door was opened in heaven…,

You know, I never hear people talk about this in Revelation very much. Oh sure they talk about it, but “get excited”, “look forward to” or “plan to be there?” No. In fact, most of the time, I can’t get a decent conversation going about living forever. It’s almost like an Alcoholic who relives his past by saying over and over again how "bad“ the past was, they almost relish the bad and add a footnote, the good.

Or worse, a person says,

Occupy till I come,

Don’t get so heavenly minded your no earthly good.


I look forward to dying

and oh that the day would find me dead.

Morbid? or Faithful?

Paul said in a few short words that He had been to heaven and he frankly couldn’t describe it. Thank God John wrote Revelation and did factually and actually describe it in detail. Literally. He wanted us to know we have a Hope and Assurance but more than that, a confidence that this world you think you live in is really as foreign land a land as can be for a Christian and you need to get the Hell out of here. Literally. Get out of here. Hell is about to cut loose on the world, and so will God’s judgment.

You need to be Heavenly minded because you are no earthly good.

You can’t save a whale, an endangered species, a Republican, Democrat, or climate change. It isn’t your world to do that with. We gave that up with Adam and won’t get that back till Jesus comes again. But it is a world full of people Jesus died to remind that God exists and he made all people to live forever. All People, you and me. And yes, you will see God.

The question is whether forever in heaven or hell.

With the world preparing itself for Hell, and it is. I wonder if Christians who want to save the world realize, the World and it’s ways are in fact hell bent.

The world we know today, is hell bent on destruction and is no earthy good. And one day there be no good on earth, then God will judge. Each day that passes, the World moves without hesitation to corruption, destruction, and judgment.  The days now are numbered.

Heavenly minded no earthly good?

Earthly minded no heavenly good?

Or hellishly minded no godly good?

You are going to die.

I look forward to it.

Michael James Stone

Last Call Digest

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