One Thousand Years: Genesage "The Lost Continent of America" (chp 2:6)

One Thousand Years: Genesage

"The Lost Continent of America"

(Chp. 2:6)

The “Lost Continent of America” was a story all the Newborn had heard.

It was rumored to be a mythical place among those Born into the Kingdom of God, “the Newborn”.  Even a House in Bethleben was named after that lost civilization. Many of those who had been raptured came from there, but with the Kingdom full of Biblical People, other Civilizations, and most not wanting to relive the Old World, it became a place of legends to the Newborn.

Tooth Fairies; Auto Mobiles; TV; Com Puters; Mountains, Beaches, White from the Sky, Rocks that Rolled, Thousands upon thousands of robes to wear, the list went on as Kids of the Kingdom would compare what they heard from the Oldies, or Oties, Old Timers.

Eben often smiled listening to the First Generation born into the Kingdom describe what their parents had told them. America the Beautiful in the minds of the New Born became the Land of “Giant Castles and Flying Dragons” as the Skyscrapers and  Airplanes became. It was OZ, though no Newborn knew that story, and while Eben would have liked to tell the "Old Timers", they weren’t in Kansas anymore, He knew time would heal all memories.

Eben suspected a few more generations and Abraham Lincoln with the Gettysburg Address would be the Homer and Iliad of the Kingdom. New Born would be arguing if it was real or a story. Talking to Jefferson Eben learned wisdom from that statesman as he was discussing this subject.

He had said,           

‘Rather than retort to treat the subject with frank factuality of experiences these “children” will never encounter, let us presume to build from the ashes of a republic a better appreciation to live out the will of the Almighty as He providentially applies it to our charge.”

Eben only grinned.            

He thought,            

And they think I talk a lot. If I had were an Orator like he is.

Those “stories” like the Legends of America, and Myths of “The Internet” would slowly fade from societal consciousness till they became only stories with no frame of reference. Moses told him the same thing had happened when it came time to record Creation.

Though passed down pretty accurately by word of mouth and listening to Noah, according to Noah telling it now, there were some “gaps” in the story.  

The Class was learning as was the Teacher.

Caleb when he was young came into class describing an incident he had with his parents. His Mom had said once too often to “not hang around” those from the Hacienda House. He asked her why one day when she had seemly unusually adamant about it.

“Why can’t I go to Hacienda House like every other house in Bethleben.”

                                                                  Caleb asked.


His mom, a former Quaker in the Old World was pretty sociable normally but with PTTSD occasionally it would be “that kind of memory” which would make her irritable.

                                                                                                        She piped,


                       “They’re a bunch of Mexicans and Latinos, Columbians, Cubans and who knows what”

Her “memory” or P.T.T.S.D. was of an incident she had in the “Great Tribulation”. She never talked about it, but apparently “it” haunted her thoughts at times.

She had been in South America during the First Persecution of Believers  when just after the Rapture, those who were left behind and had been Missionaries were rounded up. It was not a good memory.

Since Caleb had no clue what a “Mexican” was or a “Latino” was,

he said, 

“Mom, they’re Hacienda House not House of Latino or House of Mexico where are those houses?”

Is there a Cuban House somewhere in YisraEl?

A lot of geography HAD changed. Some of the Survivors hadn’t, yet.

Many racisms, nationalisms, patriotisms, and isolationisms were disappearing with the birth of the Newborn in the Kingdom. But the Old Survivors, still had a lot to learn and it just might be their own children who would teach them.

Someone once had said, “a little child shall lead them”

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