LastCall: "What? Me?" he must have thought. -Mike MacInstosh

But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" So He said, "I will certainly be with you."
Exodus 3:11-12a

Have you ever faced a task so daunting, so overwhelming, that it paralyzed you with fear?  Moses must have felt that way here.  This was a man living in exile -- he had murdered an Egyptian and fled the land of Egypt; he didn't have the greatest reputation, to say the least.  But this day, while tending his father-in-law's sheep in the desert, minding his own business, the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and gave him an historic, monumental task: "Bring the children of Israel out of Egypt."

"What? Me?" he must have thought.  Surely there were more spiritual people, more qualified people, and more respected people who could do the task.  "Who am I?" he asks in Exodus 3:11, but the Lord would not be swayed.  "Who shall I tell them sent me?" (3:13).  "What if they don't believe me? What if they don't listen to me?" (4:1).  Still, the Lord is not changing His mind.  "But I am not eloquent!" (4:10).  Moses pulls out every excuse he can think of, but they're not working.  Finally, in desperation, Moses ditches the excuses and simply pleads for God to "please send someone else!" (4:13).  But the Lord simply says to Moses, "I will certainly be with you."

You see, God's decision to use a slow-of-tongue, insecure, out-of-touch fugitive to deliver an entire nation might have been a surprise to Moses, but it shouldn't be a surprise to us.  1 Corinthians 1:27 says that "God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty."  He uses insignificant people to do truly significant things.  The Lord used a down-and-out man like Moses, rather than a great orator or spiritual leader, because at the end of the day, there would be no doubt who deserved the glory: God alone.

When God gives us a challenge that's over-the-top and outside our comfort zone, we shouldn't be surprised. We can make excuses the way Moses did, or we can choose to rely on the awesome power of God to be with us.  Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not, for I am with you.... I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."  God loves you more than you will ever comprehend, and when He gives you a challenge, He will not abandon you -- He will "certainly be with you."

Let me encourage you today to be obedient to the calling of God.  Where He says go, be faithful to go.  It may be a big step of faith, or a small one.  But don't make excuses.  Don't be overwhelmed or paralyzed by fear.  Don't worry if you're "qualified," or "spiritual enough."  God will do amazing things in and through your life -- if you will let Him!

Last Call Digest

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