One Thousand Years: Genesage "Israel's New Boundaries" (Chp2:4)

One Thousand Years: Genesage

"Israel's New Boundaries"

(Chp 2:4)

Old Israel had been:

A very small nation by comparison to all the nations of the world; many of its lands were disputed by larger nations around it. Constant warfare and World Opinion had determined Israel of Old’s boundaries.

God had promised a much greater territory to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He had once taken Abram up a much higher hill than many suspected and said to look out as far as the eye could see. These lands he would give to Abraham.

Abraham was not disappointed.

What Abraham saw extended much farther in all directions from where he stood.

  Much of what made up of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt became New Yisra’el in the Kingdom of God.

With the Mediterranean Sea gone, the Red Sea gone, The Gulf of Aqaba gone, the land flowed upward towards its central point, New Yisra’el and the Promised Land.

With Oceans Exposed, Seas beds filled and Continents combined sometimes overlapping. The level plains of the one land Eretz (once called “earth”) flowed upward to the higher plateau of  New YisraEl. Everything flowed upward to Jerusalem.

Roughly in the Center of high plateau New YisraEl, the Old Israeli Nation existed as remnants. The “Land that was Promised” to Abraham extended outward like a diadem in the center of the earth.

The once tiny nation and kingdom, once least, now was the greatest the World had ever seen.

It was almost as though God scooped his hands and lifted “the Land” Israel up letting sift the soil to fall gently back as a diamond in the earth as seen from above.

From heaven it appeared as the Crown Jewel of the Kingdom of God.

New Yisrael:


Made up of the Twelve Tribal States:














 Twelve Territories in New YisraEl were “granted” to the Twelve Nations that God separated unto the Kingdom from the Gentile Nations.

Those Nations God determined would enter into the Kingdom which he had separated as a shepherd separated sheep from goats. Oddly the criteria was not as one expected. God has his own standard for choosing.

Refugees from the Nations were among the Survivors who were being housed in Refuge Cities till they recovered. The Survivors lived in each of the Refuge Cities provided for them.

Each Territory as well as each one of the Tribal States hosted a Refuge City. Each Refuge City and all Territories would remain the entire Thousand Years welcoming all who came to them seeking Peace and Refuge.

There, like a sheepfold, the inhabitants would find still waters and rest. 

Running alongside the Tribal States these “Territories” were lands treated as Territorial and “grafted” into New YisraEL the Nation.

The Land was One, but the Survivors would take time to discover what that meant.

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