One Thousand Years: Genesage "The Geography of the Kingdom Come" (Chp 2:5)

One Thousand Years: Genesage

"The Geography of the Kingdom Come"

(Chp 2:5)

Seven large land portions were "set apart" in the Midst of New YisraEl roughly were the Old Israel had been.

This portion of New YisraEl was declared Holy unto the Lord even sanctified as separated unto the King Messiah. The land itself was different there, with portions designated for specific purposes by the Messiah King, the 144,000 and the Levitical Order.

The Melchi-Zedec Order and Rabbinical Order all occupied separate sections functioning according to the Will of God and the direction of the King and Priest. Three Orders comprised the Priesthood.

They occupied these lands “Holy Unto The Lord”

Josephs Portion;

The Court of Nations;

The City of the King;

The Holy Land;

Mount Zion;



One Road extended in the Midst of each of the Twelve Tribal States into the elevated center lands called “The Holy Lands.” These Roads met in the Holy Land. No matter which road you chose, you came unto the Holy Land.

One Gate from each Tribal State accessed The Holy Land. Twelve Gates in all.

On the opposite End of the road,  each Tribal States One Road, One Gate accessed the Outer Areas of the One Continent “Eretz” The Land. This “Way” or “Road” extended from The Holy Land outward through each of the Twelve Tribal States.

The Twelve Territories were designed in pattern. One Road in the midst of each. One gate on one end of the road, one gate on the opposite. The gate that accessed The Holy Land was always open. The Gate that accessed the Outer Lands or Outer Areas of the Continent Eretz required an escort as they passed thru the Lands the Road was in.

Messengers of the King, (angelic) stood at all twenty-four gates facing the Outer Lands.  No one traveled alone. Two or more walked the Highway to the Holy Lands where Jesus dwelt.

Four “outer” areas made up the One Land Mass: Eretz.

         The Largest of these Areas was called the Area of Gentiles were the New Nations of the Kingdom would be born. This was a considerable amount of land where the Survivors would eventually birth nations.

         The Second Largest of these Areas was lands set aside to Ishmael, roughly scattered around the Outer Gates of New Yisrael. Twelve areas were set aside to the children of Ishmael which eventually some of the Survivors would settle.

         The Area of Desolation was set aside as profane with the Valley of the Damned located in the midst of it. “The Pit” was located at the end of the Valley. It was said those waiting final resolution of Judgment abided there.

During the Great Tribulation the mutilated “living dead” were cast into the Valley since they could not die and had devastated themselves. As dying yet alive, it was believed this was Purgatory, but no Survivor had asked about Purgatory; Valley of the Damned; The Pit; or Hell; as the Pit opened itself to.

The Area of Burials was rumored to be on the banks of the only Sea not destroyed by the Oceans disappearance and the Worlds devastation.

The Sea was the Sea of Forgetfulness with the Area of Burials rumored to be in the Midst of the Sea on an Island there. It was said that those who died in the Kingdom of God were taken there by angels to be buried by the Angel of Death.

No one had confirmed the location or the existence of it.

All were set aside by God

These States; Lands; and Areas; were designated by the Son of God as He set up the Kingdom.

It was obvious the Geography of the World had changed.

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