The WeekEnder: Always Arguing -GQ


Riding the hobby horse?

Why are so many Christians so obsessed with always arguing for their “hobby horse,” strongly promoting their “pet project,” and/or getting on their “soapbox”? Why do many believers allow one doctrine, almost always a non-essential doctrine, so dominate their life?

Comments (49)


1.   Comment by John Bender

Am I the only one who thought of The Breakfast Club immediately upon reading this question?

2.   Comment by Leslie G

Hi John…yes. LOL.

3.   Comment by Debbie

I think it is because we focus on one particular verse of Scripture instead of the “whole counsel of God.” “For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” (ISA 28:10)

Although I am nothing but flesh, I really try to live by the following motto: “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

It always causes contention when a non-essential doctrine is promoted as an essential doctrine and an essential doctrine is declared false. God’s Word rings true throughout….if we for example were to remove the entire Book of John, the rest of Scripture would ring out concerning salvation by grace.

4.   Comment by Watchman

“Only what God has commanded in His word should be regarded as binding; in all else there may be liberty of actions.” – John Owen

5.   Comment by Friend

What a great question! I don’t wear a headcovering and yet, when speaking with a friend, feel as though I am completely ignoring scripture and going against what God wants because of that. She won’t leave it alone and cites 1 Corinthians 10. Can I not cover my head, wear pants, and STILL be a follower of the Lord and love Him with all my heart? She’s on a constant quest to out-Christian me and to me, it’s not a contest. I’m sure from a psychological standpoint it’s to make herself feel better and superior, but from a religious standpoint, it’s quite a turnoff.

6.   Comment by Friend

I’m sorry, it’s 1 Corinthians 11:10.

7.   Comment by Dale Struska

Is there such a thing as a non-essential doctrine? If it’s not essential, why would God include it in His Word?

8.   Comment by Brady

dear friend, direct ur friend to the rest of that Chapter….the power spoken of in verse 10 is the very one that woman was created for according to that…in verse 10 its reiterating that woman she be under the power(authority) of man(her husband)…as for the verse 15…woman have been given a natural covering by God. 1 Corinthians 11:15
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

9.   Comment by Grandpa EC

Re: Comment 5–posted by “Friend”;

Perhaps this will be helpful to you —

–My much loved and greatly respected Mennonite and Amish friends feel that head coverings (in addition to long hair) is a very important part of God’s will for women; a reminder of their subordinate role. These coverings are worn in the home and whenever they appear in public.

Personally, I believe the specific issue Paul was addressing is identified in verse 5 of I Corinthians 11; that is, “And any woman who (publicly) prays or prophesies (teaches, refutes, reproves, admonishes or comforts) when she is bareheaded dishonors her head (her husband); it is the same as (if her head were) shaved”–Amplified version).

–To people of that day, the covering gave testimony that she recognized the headship of her husband–although at that moment she was addressing the assembly (or leading in prayer) and her husband was silent.

–As a person who would someday “judge angels” (I Cor. 6:3) whose sin had been “keeping not their first estate…” (Jude, verse 6)–which I understand to have been attempting to elevate themselves above the rank God had assigned to them–this demonstration of her willing acceptance of her subordinate role was very important, for it would allow those angels (I Corinthians 11:10) no grounds for declaring her unfit to sit in judgment on them in that great day.

10.               Comment by Douglas Summers

That was good Grandpa. While we have a life of liberty in Christ from the condemnation of the Law, We obey the commandment of God by rebirth (Spiritual charity in us)to love the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, and soul, Amen. This is not a command to act…but a new nature in us.

In other words, we live to God and not to ourselves, obedient to His will. His will was to keep the order in those things He set forth…even the position of subordination. Subordination is not a punishment, but the order of things that God has set in motion for a reason. How wonderful are His ways…who is it that can counsel God.

No one!   ) Thanks again Grandpa for bringing out the Spiritual teaching instead of your opinion.

In Christ

11.               Comment by Child of the King

Gandpa EC

Question; In I Corinthians 11 vs 5 it does state that a woman “Uncovered” dishonors her head;..As if Shaven.

When we then move over to verse 15 it tells us a Woman’s hair is given her as a Covering (Not a Kerchef/Shawl etc). So the question is; Do we abide by the Long Uncut hair as a Woman’s covering only? Or do we use The Linen or scarf as official covering like Woman did/do in the Middle East.

I think Paul defines that a Woman’s hair is the only covering needed. Verse 5 confuses me in this extent.Because in this verse it is eluding to a Scarf-type covering then v 15 talks about Hair Only. Which one is correct to do? V 5 or v 15?
Thanks LOL

12.               Comment by Child of the King

…We teach a woman should not cut her hair as v 15 talks about nbecause of the Hair being a Woman’s covering.

Interesting to see how everybody else sees this. I’m open on this subject..

13.               Comment by Grandpa EC

I can certainly understand, and fully appreciate, the confusion that verses 5 and 15 have caused in times past and continue to cause.

In actual practice (if I am correctly understanding Paul’s reasoning) unless a woman (and I think Paul has a “wife” in mind) “prayed or prophesied” in the presence of her husband, there was no “dishonor” being shown to the one who had “head”-ship over her (that is, her husband) regardless of whether or not she wore something (in addition to her long hair) on her head.

In cultures where such a covering no longer signifies what it signified in Paul’s day, perhaps Paul would not–if alive today–insist upon that particular mark of subordination, but might suggest that the husband first inform the group that it is his wish that his wife should share something with them and/or lead in prayer.

This evidence of his headship would–I believe–relieve her of any charge (by the place-seeking angels whom she someday judges) of having sought to elevate herself beyond her God-given place.

14.               Comment by Child of the King

Grandpa EC;

I can certainly go with that thinking. In Today’s culture a head covering at all times usually applies to Muslims..Catholic Nuns..Mennonites..Amish and some other groups.

Back in 1996 I had to go to a family reunion in Lancaster, Pa. I think talking to The Amish was the highlight of that trip. They take Holiness to a higher level. I would never say anything to them regarding their particular beleifs as I admire their plain lifestyle. I also admire them for the way they handled the School house shooting incident remember that?

I would rather be around Humble Christians like that not that I agree with all they Believe then with People who claim to be Christians and don’t act like one.

Anyway thank you for your post. LOL

15.               Comment by Debbie

Not eveerything put in Scripture is applicable to us in the church age. You would agree, wouldn’t you? You would agree we do not sacrifice sheep and goats even though it is in Scripture. You could not call that an essential doctrine for a Christian. It applied to Israel, as did tithing, Levirate marriage, Sabbath and Jubilee. For me, doctrines such as eschatology, days of worship, even eternal security are non-essential doctrines. Your church might meet on Tuesdays, or you might believe in a mid-tribulation rapture while I don’t. Although I might have a viewpoint opposite yours, I could still be in a church body with you, no problem. My church body has many different viewpoints on the tribulation. It is not a problem for us. Paul used the term “like-minded” (sumpsuche) Therefore, each man in his Christian liberty must decide what is right for him/her. Essential doctrines such as the deity of Jesus and the need for salvation would be essential for a church body or I would separate from that body. If you presented me with a Mormon Jesus, I would protest. However, I could still have love for you. That is where you get the unity, liberty and charity.

A woman’s covering is meant to be a protection for her in a church body. If a man has a problem with the woman, he would not go and accost her, but go to her husband, her protector. As a single woman, I will say this, “I am not in subjection to every man in the church body.” My pastor is my covering. For some reason, many Christian men, feel that they have the authority over me. More than once I have had to say, “I am not your wife.” On the other hand, I am a servant of all and will do anything any man/woman asked me to do within my power to do it.

16.               Comment by Steve

Lets not descend in arguement about our hobby horses!

We are all so prone to Idolatry that it constantly amazes me how l can become absorbed in thinks or ideas instead of God. Do you remember who the children of israel were bitten by snakes and God caused a brazen serpent to be made for their deliverance. the very next thing was that they were worshipping it.

Many times in my life l have had a fetish for things instead the Lord. At one time l began to love my bible so much that the book itself became something that l had to have in my hand as a sort of talisman. The same is true for concepts. When the Lord reveals something precious its great to rejoice in it and meditate on it, however we are so prone to go on and on about it instead of learning and moving on.

17.               Comment by Douglas Summers

To All,
The subordination of the women concerning head covering was an ordinance in the Church of God. The men and women in the Church did it without question because of their new nature that acknowledged the purpose of God in orderly manifestation. The only purpose of this issue having to be addressed, were because of those who are contentious and rebellious against God’s will. (Self willed worship)

Those void of the Spirit of God can not understand Spiritual things..therefore they have to satisfy the natural man in self willed worship….satisfying the flesh!.

But the born again get peace in God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In Christ

18.               Comment by Child of the King

Douglas Summers

Good Read.God does reveal his secrets and gives full understanding of his scriptures for all those who are obedient to his word.

In Rev 3 v 15+16 He tells us what he will do to those who follow him afar off.

19.               Comment by Debbie

I understand the point of your post….but how can you have the great plan of salvation revealed to you and not go on and on? Even thirty five years later, I am in awe of the perfectness of such a thing…

20.               Comment by Douglas Summers

Hi Steve,
Comment #16.

That is because one who is learning peace by peace or precept by precept savors a truth at a time. But when a man has learned the full Gospel…or all the council of God, he does not descend to argue about his hobby horse. He now has knows the whole purpose of God. Spiritual things are hard for those who are not Spiritual.

Only God gives the increase.

In Christ

21.               Comment by BiblosLXX

The book of John expounds this truth from Hebrews: Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith. In light of that, I know that I am saved not by what I do but what Christ has done and is doing for me. The commands I keep and the fruits I display should stem from a loving and thankful heart towards God. My peace should come from knowing this truth, and not from what I do. That is why Jesus Christ said that He gives us peace, but not like the world does. This is also why Jesus Christ said that the definition of Life is knowing Him (hence, we are to eat his flesh and drink his blood daily; meditate on the work he did for us because that is our daily bread, our life!).

The one with little faith should not be angry at the one with more faith, and the one with more faith should not push the one with little faith further that what he believes, lest the one with greater faith breaks the conscious and make shipwreck the faith of the one with little faith.

The point is, however far you think one ought to react to the atonement of Christ is between you and God. The Bible tells us how Christians ought to react when we meditate on the atonement of Christ, which is by displaying the fruits of the Spirit. Anything more than this is left to subjection. If one with great faith believes that wearing certain head-coverings is a proper expression of gratitude from the atonement, then let them do it and not push those with less faith to destruction. If one with little faith believes that Christians don’t have to wear such things, let them not have evil-thoughts or be evil-hearted towards those who do.

A Christian who believes in faithfulness will not be caught wearing clothes that is a frame for their body, for it might cause others to stray from their life of faithfulness to their spouses. As you can see, This statement is absolutely true, and in this manner, one can apply the fruit of the Spirit to their lives, but the only problem is that we have to exercise caution as to what we define as “clothes that are a frame for the body.” Believe it or not, many will argue this point to death. The best thing to do is use what God has commanded us to use to keep order in a society, and that is to obey and trust in the decisions of our elders. God is the one that appoints their positions, and we should obey and trust in their decisions. In this manner, order is kept out of reverence for God through obeying the decisions of our elders.

In the grand scheme of things, God has only given us 1 bar to know if one is Christian or not, and that is if they display the fruit of the Spirit. All other things are left to subjection until Christ returns and judges us all. And the Fruit of the Spirit can certainly be applied to every aspect of our lives, but we must exercise caution when we do. Also, remember that Life is knowing Christ, it is eating his flesh and drinking his blood daily, in other words, meditating on his work on the cross. That is what gives us peace and strength. That is the birthplace of our fruit.

God Bless you all

22.               Comment by BiblosLXX

I forgot to mention the obvious in my previous post, which is:

The other and first measure to know if someone is Christian or not, and precedes everything, is if they publicly confess that Jesus is the Christ.

23.               Comment by Douglas Summers

To all,
Just a note on the Doctrine of Christ. Christ did not “Atone” for our sins. “Atonement” is not found in the NT.
What Christ did was “Reconcile” us to God. His death for us took our sins completely away, never to be seen again. We now can go directly to the Throne of God in prayer.

Atonement is the OT word for cover. It was done in type by the sacrifical lamb that was a type of Christ. In the OT our sins were covered, the admission of guilt as a sinner, looking forward to the sacrifice of the Savior.

It should be our life long endevor to know more and more about our savior and brother Jesus Christ, by rebirth. In the OT as Israel,s atonement was done yearly through Sacrifice,the vale was still covering the Holy of Holies…where God dwelt. But when Christ Sacrifice was given, the curtain that seperated man from the throne of God was wrent (torn in half)…allowing those who were waiting for Christ to remove their sins…not cover them, allowing them to go directly to God the Father in Christ.

Remember that, it will make your prayers more powerful as you go to God the Father, now that we have been reconciled to Him in Christ.

In Christ

24.               Comment by Jerry Teets

Q: Why are so many Christians so obsessed with always arguing for their “hobby horse,” strongly promoting their “pet project,” and/or getting on their “soapbox”?

Answer: I have found it is their one area they have most confience in. It is hard for them to expand their interest or knowledge from where they concentrate their focus.

Q: Why do many believers allow one doctrine, almost always a non-essential doctrine, so dominate their life?

Answer: To major on a minor gives the appearence of knowledge. Also for some…it is to dominate where liberty and grace should be used (Romans 14). An example would be the timing of the Rapture. I have met on discussion boards where some posters have made it their life mission to harrass and condemn those who believe in the Pre-tribulation rapture. I have challenged them on the fundamental’s of the faith…and they have no clue on what the Bible teaches. They always preface their attack as “I once believed as you do….but now that I know the truth…I want to show where you people are so wrong.” It is so pitiful that they waste so much of their time strumming their one string.

25.               Comment by Douglas Summers

Good comment Jerry…and very true. It seems like those who have the assurance of the Truth of the full counsel of God, have peace in their heart,…..even though they are chastised by others that try to teach them their knowledge.

After all, it is in Christ we stand…not in man. I will always try to correct two things in doctrine. The deity of Christ (He is God), and works for salvation will not save you. It is the blood of Christ alone, and the works that we do are the result of Christ in us.

But even then, you can only say so much. Then you must leave them to theirselves. We only plant, God dives the increase.

In Christ

26.               Comment by ceseeley

When a Christian learns more and more to “Walk in the Spirit;” take Romans 12:1-2 seriously in their life and everything that they do, say and everywhere they go for God’s Glory, then whatever they do through faith hopefully will be Holy Spirit initiated, led and already completed by God and enable them to be Bold in the Lord and obedient to Scripture through faith and obedience. This is what should be guiding Christians even though a lot more can be said but it is in the Bible for all to read, discern, believe and obey with the power of the Holy Spirit tempered with Scripture and Prayer!

One could discern that Christians who are led by their own wisdom, intellect and strength have the tendency to fulfill the behavior that is mentioned in this GQ subject, but God can still use them in spite of themselves because with God all things are possible and God is long suffering in helping Christians to grow by the Sanctification Process.

27.               Comment by Debbie

If we as church age believers are not “covered” in the blood of Jesus Christ, then what is it that is imputed to us? Does God see our sins or the blood of His Son? The Levitical offerings were a representative of what was to come and they, Israel, had an offering for “reconciliation” as well as a “covering” for sin. Reconciliation was accomplished through the “peace” offering or “fellowship” offering. Every aspect of Christ’s work in salvation was covered in the Levitical offerings. By both the priest and the one bearing the “peace” offering both partaking of the gift, “reconciliation” was accomplished. All the offerings were fulfilled by the Lamb of God instead of lambs, goats and bulls.
1. The Burnt Offering: this was a sweet, savor offering that was a voluntary offering. A perfect male sacrifice was given in place
of one’s sin portraying Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross
2. The Meal Offering: this was a sweet, savor offering that was a
voluntary offering. This sacrifice was bloodless offering which
portrayed the sinless ness and evenness of Jesus Christ’s humanity. The oil was added and portrayed the Holy Spirit. The frankincense was added and represented the holiness of Jesus Christ
3. The Peace Offering or Fellowship Offering: this was a sweet,
savor offering that was a voluntary offering. This represented
the reconciliation that was accomplished between God and mankind portrayed by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Part of the offering was eaten by the priest and part of the offering was taken by God
4. The Sin Offering: this was a non-sweet; non-savor offering
and it was not voluntary. This sacrifice was to cover the sins of
the people committed in ignorance during the year. The offerings were different for priests, rulers and the common people. The sacrifice could be male or female and was done to restore the people to temporal fellowship
5. The Trespass Offering: this was a non-sweet, non-savor offering and it was not voluntary. This was to cover the deliberate sins of a person and restore them to temporal fellowship
Obviously, we still practice the “sin offering” and the “trespass offering” through the New Testament way of 1JOHN 1:8-10. The first three of voluntary while the last two are not. Paul declares that the atonement has been fulfilled through Jesus Christ. “And not only [so], but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.” (ROM 5:11) This to me is a non-essential doctrine. If we refer to Jesus Christ’s work on the cross as “His Atoning Work of Salvation,” it is inconsequential. The sacrifices listed above and their connected feasts of the Lord will again be practiced in the Millenniel Kingdom and Christ will once again sit upon the mercy seat. Therefore they bear some examination.

28.               Comme

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