Rapture Ready News for Jan 10 2010

11 Jan 10

Resetting Europe-Israel relations
In the political realm, the relationship between the European Union and Israel went from bad to worse in 2009. But with the appointment of a number of new officials, as well as recognition of the costs of conflict for both Israel and Europe, there may now be an opportunity to shift gears.  

Flights Cancelled All Over Europe As Weather Remains Severe
Western Europe continues to be racked by cold weather and hazardous transportation conditions with most flights out of the UK being cancelled outright. France, Germany, and the UK are some of the hardest being hit as train services, airlines, and bus routes have all been forced to shut down.-Meteo France, the country’s national weather forecaster, has predicted that the country will experience below freezing temperatures for a period over the next few days.  

Record Cold in Miami as South Turns Icebox
Freakish cold weather continued to grip the southern United States, with snow flurries spotted around Orlando and a record low set for Miami, and forecasters said Sunday that more of the same was expected-The National Weather Service issued a hard freeze warning for South Florida from Sunday night to Monday morning. A freeze watch will continue through Tuesday. Northern Florida residents will feel temperatures drop to the lower 20s and mid-teens. On Saturday night, a temperature of 35 degrees set a record that had stood since 1970, said Joel Rothfuss with the National Weather Service in Miami.  

US Envoy Seeks European Support for Mideast Push
US special envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, is asking for French and European Union support for a renewed push for peace in the Middle East. Mitchell, on a visit to Paris, says that "no one country, no one person can accomplish this objective alone." He urged "a combined and concerted effort and partnership" with US allies, including France, toward resuming peace negotiations that broke down in December 2008.  

Iranian FM: Supporting opposition to Israel is moral duty
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki met with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus. The two discussed the situation in the West Bank, and Mottaki spoke of the ongoing crimes of the Zionist regime, referring to the closures and daily oppression of the residents. According to reports, Assad called Syria's relations with Iran "strategic, close, long-term and deep." The Iranian foreign minister also met Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ramadan Abdullah Salah, and defined the armed struggle against Israel as the Palestinians' legal and religious right against the Zionist occupier. He added, "Iranian and Syrian support for this opposition is a moral and human duty."  

Turkey Lashes Out at Israel
Turkey's prime minister accused Israel on Monday of threatening peace in the region and using disproportionate force against Palestinians. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Israel to stop violating Lebanon's airspace and territorial waters. He also called on the UN Security Council to put same pressure on Israel regarding nuclear arms as it does on Iran.  

Obama Delivers on His Transparency Promise: We’re Seeing Straight Through Him
I’m hearing nada from the likes of Matthews, Maddow and Olbermann regarding Obama lying to us with his many empty yet unctuous campaign promises to allow “we the plebes” a peek into the claymation of his health care crap via CSPAN.  

Government cover-up of food shortage feared
While trend experts, economists and investment gurus have been predicting food shortages for some time, new evidence indicates the U.S. Department of Agriculture may be covering up the greatest food shortage in modern history.  

Obama diverts CIA to spy on ... polar bears!
"In times of peace and prosperity, this center would completely defy common sense," Barrasso said in a statement last week. "But today, only two weeks after a terrorist attempted to blow up a plane over our country, this center is absolutely ridiculous. The CIA's resources should be focused on monitoring terrorists in caves – not polar bears on icebergs."  

N.Korea wants peace treaty with the US
North Korea on Monday called for talks on a treaty to formally end the Korean War, saying it wants better ties with the United States and an end to sanctions before pushing ahead with nuclear disarmament.  

Why China matters
Stepping out of the airport in Harbin in northeast China, you are greeted by a giant castle made completely of ice. Thankfully, relations between the State of Israel and the People's Republic of China are anything but cold, and during the past week we've been doing our bit to warm them up a little more.  

'We can manage without US guarantees'
Steinitz was responding to remarks by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell on Thursday, who suggested that Washington could withdraw guarantees given to Israel in the event that peace talks with the Palestinians remained at an impasse.  

U.S. to store $800m in military gear in Israel
The U.S. Army will double the value of emergency military equipment it stockpiles on Israeli soil, and Israel will be allowed to use the U.S. ordnance in the event of a military emergency, according to a report in Monday's issue of the U.S. weekly Defense News.  

The mini ice age starts here
The bitter winter afflicting much of the Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists. Their predictions – based on an analysis of natural cycles in water temperatures in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans – challenge some of the global warming orthodoxy’s most deeply cherished beliefs, such as the claim that the North Pole will be free of ice in summer by 2013.  

Israel to construct barrier along Egyptian border
Israel's government has approved plans for the construction of a barrier along its border with Egypt in a bid to keep out illegal migrants and militants. It will be built along two parts of the border - near the Red Sea city of Eilat and on the edge of the Gaza Strip. PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the decision was taken to secure Israel's Jewish and democratic character, but that refugees would still be allowed to seek entry.  

China faces growing gender imbalance
More than 24 million Chinese men of marrying age could find themselves without spouses by 2020, says the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The gender imbalance among newborns is the most serious demographic problem for the country's population of 1.3 billion, says the academy. It cites sex-specific abortions as a major factor, due to China's traditional bias towards male children.  

Venezuela's President Chavez warns price 'speculators'
Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, has said troops will seize control of any business that raise prices in response to the devaluation of its currency. He said there was no reason for prices to go up, and speculators' businesses would be handed over to the workers. Venezuelans have rushed to the shops to buy imported goods before the bolivar's devaluation comes into effect.  

Van Rompuy makes debut at Turkey-sceptic gathering
Herman Van Rompuy on Thursday (7 January) delivered his first official speech as president of the EU council at a party gathering of Bavarian conservatives, just days after the group caused a stir in Turkey with a paper underlining its opposition to the country's membership of the EU.  

'Teheran gov't may be on the ropes'
Two US senators traveling in the Middle East said Sunday that opposition protests in Iran suggest this is the beginning of the end for Teheran's clergy-led regime. Sen. John McCain, a Republican from Arizona, said the Islamic government's days were numbered.  

Plans underway for metro in Syria's ancient capital
Investments are coming together for a new metro in Damascus, the Syrian capital. The Syrian State Planning Commission was working on Sunday to secure the remaining $864 million needed for the construction of a light rail in Damascus. So far, the European Investment Bank and the French government have indicated willingness to contribute to the project.  

Analysis: Assad's new regional strategy creates fresh options
For some time now, Syrian President Bashar Assad has skillfully developed a new regional strategy. Compensating for Syria's military and economic deficiencies, this strategy has succeeded not only in lifting Damascus's regional isolation, but also in creating fresh options. Two cases in point are Assad's improving ties with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister, and his new alliance with Saad Hariri, Lebanon's prime minister.  

PA demands apology from Egyptian cleric
The Palestinian Authority on Sunday demanded a public apology from one of the most prominent Islamic scholars, who called for stoning President Mahmoud Abbas to death. Egyptian scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi said that if it is proven that Abbas had instigated Operation Cast Lead against the Gaza Strip, he must be stoned.  

Officials: IDF may take over Philadelphi
The IDF is prepared for the possibility that in a future conflict with Hamas it will be ordered by the government to take over the Philadelphi Corridor in the southern Gaza Strip, which is lined with hundreds of weapons smuggling tunnels, defense officials said on Sunday.  

Prophecy Digest

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Last Generation (Gen 2012)

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