Prophecy Digest: Obama finally forswears tough sanctions on Iran

Obama finally forswears tough sanctions on Iran. Jerusalem is silent
DEBKAfile Special Report

. Amid the ado of the failed airliner bombing, the Obama administration has finally given up on its sanctions strategy against Iran.

US secretary of state Hillary Clinton stated on Jan. 4: "The Obama administration wants to keep the door to dialogue open with Iran," and then let Iran completely off the American hook by saying: "...although the United States has avoided using the term deadline, it cannot wait indefinitely to hear form Iran."

Her words explicitly backtracked on statements by other senior administration officials, including National Security Adviser James Jones, in recent interviews that Tehran's deadline for responding to international proposals expired on Dec. 31.

DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that Tehran sees Washington as so eager to reach the negotiating table that it is falling back from effective penalties step by step, including an embargo on refined oils and benzene, and even willing to forgive Iran's failure to meet a highly publicized international deadline.

"Our goal is to pressure the Iranian government, particularly the Revolutionary Guards elements without contributing to the suffering of Iranians," Clinton explained.

Threatening Iran's Revolutionary Guards instead of its regime is nothing but a feeble face-saver, our Iranian sources maintain, since the IRGC, whose financial operations and its management of Iran's nuclear program subsist on alternative "black market" economic mechanisms is hardly vulnerable to international sanctions.

In Jerusalem, the Netanyahu government persists in clinging to the Obama administration's coattails on the Iranian nuclear menace, keeping up the pretence that sanctions are still a viable option.

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