Prophecy Digest: Iran's opposition leader Mousavi ready to die -Debka

Iran's opposition leader Mousavi ready to die
DEBKAfile Special Report

01 Jan. Forty-eight hours after he went missing, opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi issued a pledge over the Internet of this willingness to sacrifice his life in defense of the people's rights. Iran was in serious crisis, he said, and condemned the authorities' bloody crackdown against protesters. A day earlier, tanks, armored cars and Revolutionary Guards special units took up positions in central Tehran. Neither Mousavi nor Medhi Karroubi have been seen since they went missing.

The anti-government reformists go in fear of their lives since Mousavi's nephew was shot dead Monday and after hardline supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's spokesmen called for their execution.

The brutal crackdown on pro-reform protesters in Tehran has not so far galvanized the United States, Britain, France or Germany into an all-out drive to find out what has happened to Iran's missing opposition leaders or take up the cause of the thousands of political prisoners facing savage abuse and death in Iran's jails.

It is business as usual in relations between the West and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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