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Al Qaida Takes Advantage of Libya Crisis
By Dr. Chuck Missler
Koinonia House
Al Qaida is making the most of the situation in Libya, according to an Algerian security official. Weapons from Libya have been smuggled toward Al Qaida destinations in western Africa, and governments in the region are concerned that Al Qaida's forces could step into the void left if Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is forced to step down. The Libyan conflict has allegedly given Al Qaida a convenient means to acquire a variety of weapons, from shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to Russian-made anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades. The bombing of Libya, meant to protect civilians, has left some of Gaddafi's arms dumps vulnerable to terrorist groups. An Algerian official speaking anonymously told Reuters that a convoy of trucks has reached the western Africa country of Mali on their way to the hands of Al Qaida operatives. These hope to increase their control along Africa's northern coast.
"A convoy of eight Toyotas full of weapons travelled a few days ago through Chad and Niger and reached northern Mali," the official said.
- Gunmen stormed a house in the village of Zumbraniya, 25 miles from Baghdad, killing six men and wounding three women in one family.
- Also Monday, bombs went off at the homes of three separate officials in Baghdad. A bomb killed one of the bodyguards of Razzaq Marzouq, a director general at Iraq's Industrial Ministry. Three of his other bodyguards were wounded in the explosion. The director general of the government-owned Iraqi Investments Board, Bahser Muhssan, and a bystander were wounded in an explosion at Muhssan's home in southern Baghdad. Abed Majwal, a member of a consortium of counter-terrorist paramilitary groups, was killed in an explosion outside his house in western Baghdad.
- Finally, gunmen killed an Iraqi police officer at a checkpoint in southwestern Baghdad.

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