MereChristianity: Book III. Christian Behaviour 5. Sexual Morality -C.S.Lewis

MereChristianity: Book III. Christian Behaviour 5. Sexual Morality -C.S.Lewis

5. Sexual Morality



     We must now consider Christian morality as regards sex, what Christians

call the virtue  of  chastity.  The Christian rule of  chastity must not  be

confused with the social rule of "modesty" (in one sense of that word); i.e.

propriety, or decency. The social rule of propriety lays  down  how much  of

the human body should be displayed and what subjects can be referred to, and

in what  words, according  to the  customs of a given social  circle.  Thus,

while the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians at all  times, the

rule of propriety  changes. A girl in the Pacific islands wearing hardly any

clothes and a Victorian lady  completely covered in  clothes  might  both be

equally "modest," proper, or decent, according to the standards of their own

societies: and both, for all we  could tell by their dress, might be equally

chaste  (or equally unchaste). Some  of the language which chaste women used

in Shakespeare's time would have been used in the nineteenth century only by

a  woman completely  abandoned.  When  people  break the rule  of  propriety

current in their own time and place, if they  do so in order to excite  lust

in themselves  or  others, then they are offending  against chastity. But if

they break it through ignorance or carelessness they  are guilty only of bad



When, as often happens, they break  it defiantly in  order to shock

or embarrass others,  they  are not necessarily being unchaste, but they are

being uncharitable: for it is  uncharitable to take pleasure in making other

people uncomfortable. I do not think that a very strict or fussy standard of

propriety is any proof of chastity or any help to it, and I therefore regard

the great relaxation and simplifying of the rule which has taken place in my

own  lifetime as a  good  thing.  At its present stage, however, it has this

inconvenience, that people of different ages  and different types do not all

acknowledge the  same standard,  and we hardly know where we are. While this

confusion  lasts I  think that old, or old-fashioned,  people should be very

careful  not  to  assume  that  young  or  "emancipated"  people are corrupt

whenever they are (by the old standard) improper; and, in return, that young

people  should not call their elders  prudes or puritans because they do not

easily adopt the new standard. A real desire to believe all the good you can

of  others and to make others as comfortable as  you can  will solve most of

the problems.


     Chastity is the  most unpopular of  the Christian  virtues. There is no

getting  away  from  it: the old  Christian rule is,  "Either marriage, with

complete  faithfulness to your partner,  or else total abstinence." Now this

is so  difficult  and  so  contrary to our instincts, that  obviously either

Christianity is wrong or our sexual instinct, as it  now is, has gone wrong.

One or the other. Of course, being  a Christian, I think it  is the instinct

which has gone wrong.


     But I have other reasons for thinking so. The biological purpose of sex

is children, just as the biological purpose of eating is to repair the body.

Now  if we eat whenever we feel inclined  and just as much as we want, it is

quite true that most of us will eat too much: but not terrifically too much.

One man  may  eat enough for two, but he does not  eat enough for  ten.  The

appetite goes  a little beyond its biological purpose,  but  not enormously.

But  if  a healthy  young man indulged his sexual  appetite whenever he felt

inclined, and if each act produced a baby, then in ten years he might easily

populate  a  small village. This appetite is  in  ludicrous and preposterous

excess of its function.

     Or  take it  another  way. You  can get a large audience together for a

strip-tease act-that is,  to watch  a girl undress on the stage. Now suppose

you came to a country  where you could fill a  theatre  by simply bringing a

covered plate on to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let

every one see, just before the lights went out, that  it  contained a mutton

chop or a bit of bacon, would you  not think  that in that country something

had  gone wrong  with the  appetite  for food? And would  not anyone who had

grown up in  a different world think there was something equally queer about

the state of the sex instinct among us?


     One  critic said  that if he  found a  country in which such striptease

acts  with  food  were  popular,  he would conclude that the people  of that

country were starving. He meant, of course, to imply that such things as the

strip-tease  act  resulted  not  from  sexual  corruption  but  from  sexual

starvation. I agree with him that if,  in  some strange land, we found  that

similar  acts  with  mutton  chops  were   popular,  one   of  the  possible

explanations  which would  occur to me  would  be famine. But the  next step

would be to  test our hypothesis by finding out  whether,  in fact,  much or

little food was being consumed in that country. If the evidence showed  that

a good deal was being eaten, then of  course we  should  have to abandon the

hypothesis  of starvation and try to think of another one. In the same  way,

before  accepting sexual starvation  as  the cause of  the  strip-tease,  we

should  have  to  look  for  evidence  that  there is in  fact  more  sexual

abstinence in our age  than in those ages when  things like  the strip-tease

were unknown. But surely there is no such evidence. Contraceptives have made

sexual  indulgence far less costly within marriage  and far safer outside it

than ever  before, and public opinion is  less hostile to illicit unions and

even to perversion than it has been since Pagan times. Nor is the hypothesis

of "starvation" the only one we can imagine. Everyone knows that  the sexual

appetite, like our other  appetites, grows by indulgence.  Starving men  may

think much  about  food, but so  do gluttons;  the  gorged, as  well  as the

famished, like titillations.


     Here is a third  point. You find very few people who want to eat things

that  really are not food or  to do other things with food instead of eating

it.  In  other  words,  perversions  of  the food  appetite  are  rare.  But

perversions of the sex instinct are numerous, hard to cure, and frightful. I

am sorry to have to go into all these details, but I must. The reason why  I

must is  that you and  I,  for the last twenty years, have been  fed all day

long on  good solid lies about  sex. We have been told,  till one is sick of

hearing  it, that  sexual desire  is in the  same state as any  of our other

natural desires and that if only we abandon  the silly old Victorian idea of

hushing it up, everything in the garden will be lovely. It is not  true. The

moment you look at the facts, and away  from the propaganda, you see that it

is not.


     They tell you sex  has become a  mess because it was hushed up. But for

the last twenty years it has not been hushed up. It has been chattered about

all day long. Yet it is still in a mess. If hushing up had been the cause of

the trouble, ventilation would have set it right. But it has not. I think it

is  the other way  round. I think  the  human race originally  hushed it  up

because it had become such a mess.  Modern people are always saying, "Sex is

nothing to be ashamed of." They may mean two things. They may mean "There is

nothing to be ashamed of in  the fact  that the human race reproduces itself

in a  certain way, nor  in the  fact that it  gives pleasure." If they  mean

that, they are right. Christianity  says the same. It  is not the thing, nor

the pleasure, that is the trouble. The old Christian teachers  said  that if

man had never fallen, sexual pleasure, instead of being less than it is now,

would actually have been greater. I  know some muddle-headed Christians have

talked as if Christianity thought that sex,  or the body,  or pleasure, were

bad in themselves. But they were wrong. Christianity is  almost the only one

of the great religions which thoroughly approves  of the body-which believes

that matter is good, that God Himself once took on a  human body,  that some

kind of body is going to be given to us even in Heaven and is going to be an

essential  part of our happiness,  our beauty,  and our energy. Christianity

has glorified marriage  more  than  any other religion: and  nearly  all the

greatest love poetry in the world has been produced by Christians. If anyone

says that sex, in itself, is bad, Christianity contradicts him at once. But,

of course, when people say, "Sex is nothing to be ashamed of," they may mean

"the  state into  which the sexual  instinct  has now  got is  nothing to be

ashamed of."


     If they mean that, I think they are wrong. I  think it is everything to

be ashamed of. There is nothing  to be ashamed  of  in enjoying  your  food:

there would  be everything  to be ashamed of if half the world made food the

main  interest  of  their lives and spent their time looking at  pictures of

food  and dribbling and  smacking their lips.  I do not say  you  and I  are

individually  responsible  for the  present  situation. Our  ancestors  have

handed over to us organisms which are warped in this respect: and we grow up

surrounded by propaganda in favour of unchastity. There  are people who want

to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us. Because,

of  course,  a  man  with  an  obsession  is  a  man  who  has  very  little

sales-resistance. God knows our situation; He will not judge us as if we had

no difficulties to  overcome. What matters is the sincerity and perseverance

of our will to overcome them.


     Before we can be cured we must want to be cured.  Those who really wish

for help will get it; but for many modern people even the wish is difficult.

It is easy to think that  we want something when we do not really want it. A

famous Christian long ago  told us  that when he was a  young man  he prayed

constantly for chastity; but years later he realised that while his lips had

been saying, "Oh Lord,  make me chaste," his heart had been secretly adding,

"But please don't do  it just yet."  This may  happen in  prayers for  other

virtues too; but there are three  reasons why  it is now specially difficult

for us to desire-let alone to achieve-complete chastity.


     In the first place our warped natures, the devils who tempt us, and all

the contemporary propaganda  for lust,  combine to  make us  feel  that  the

desires we are resisting are so "natural," so  "healthy," and so reasonable,

that it is almost perverse and abnormal to resist them. Poster after poster,

film after film, novel after novel, associate the idea of sexual  indulgence

with the ideas of health, normality, youth,  frankness, and good humour. Now

this  association  is  a  lie.  Like all  powerful  lies, it is  based  on a

truth-the  truth,  acknowledged  above, that  sex in  itself (apart from the

excesses and obsessions that have grown round it) is "normal" and "healthy,"

and all the rest of it. The lie  consists in  the suggestion that any sexual

act to which you are tempted at the moment  is also healthy  and normal. Now

this, on  any conceivable  view, and quite apart from Christianity, must  be

nonsense.  Surrender  to  all our  desires  obviously  leads  to  impotence,

disease,  jealousies, lies, concealment, and everything that  is the reverse

of  health, good  humour,  and frankness. For any happiness,  even  in  this

world, quite a lot of restraint is going to be necessary; so  the claim made

by every desire, when it is strong, to be healthy and reasonable, counts for

nothing.  Every sane  and civilised man must have some  set of principles by

which he chooses to reject some of his desires and to permit others. One man

does  this on  Christian principles, another on hygienic principles, another

on sociological principles.  The real  conflict is not between  Christianity

and "nature," but between  Christian principle and other  principles in  the

control of "nature." For "nature" (in the sense of natural desire) will have

to be  controlled anyway, unless you are going to  ruin your whole life. The

Christian principles are, admittedly, stricter than the others;  but then we

think you will get help towards obeying them which you will  not get towards

obeying the others.


     In the second place, many people are deterred from seriously attempting

Christian chastity because they think (before trying) that it is impossible.

But when a thing has to be attempted, one must never think about possibility

or impossibility.  Faced with an optional question  in an examination paper,

one considers  whether  one  can  do  it or  not:  faced with  a  compulsory

question, one  must do the best one can. You  may get some marks for  a very

imperfect  answer:  you  will  certainly  get none  for leaving the question

alone. Not  only in examinations  but  in  war,  in  mountain  climbing,  in

learning to skate, or  swim, or ride a bicycle,  even  in fastening a  stiff

collar  with  cold  fingers, people  quite often do what  seemed  impossible

before they did it. It is wonderful what you can do when you have to.


     We may, indeed, be sure that perfect chastity-like perfect charity-will

not  be attained by  any merely human efforts. You must ask for God's  help.

Even when you have done so, it may seem to you for a long time that no help,

or less help than you need, is being  given. Never mind. After each failure,

ask forgiveness, pick yourself up,  and try again. Very often what God first

helps  us towards is  not  the virtue  itself but just this  power of always

trying  again. For however important chastity (or  courage, or truthfulness,

or any other virtue) may be, this  process trains  us in habits  of the soul

which are more important  still.  It cures our illusions about ourselves and

teaches us to depend on God. We learn, on the one hand, that we cannot trust

ourselves  even  in our best moments, and, on  the  other, that we  need not

despair even in  our  worst, for our failures are  forgiven. The  only fatal

thing is to sit down content with anything less than perfection.


     Thirdly,  people often  misunderstand  what  psychology  teaches  about

"repressions."  It  teaches  us  that  "repressed"  sex  is  dangerous.  But

"repressed" is here a technical term: it  does not mean "suppressed" in  the

sense of "denied" or  "resisted." A repressed desire or thought is one which

has been thrust  into the subconscious (usually at a very early age) and can

now  come  before  the mind  only in  a disguised  and unrecognisable  form.

Repressed sexuality  does not appear to the patient to be sexuality  at all.

When an adolescent or  an adult is engaged in  resisting a conscious desire,

he  is  not dealing with  a  repression nor  is he  in  the  least danger of

creating a repression. On  the contrary, those  who are seriously attempting

chastity are more conscious, and soon know a great deal more about their own

sexuality than  anyone  else. They come to know  their desires as Wellington

knew Napoleon, or  as Sherlock Holmes knew Moriarty; as  a rat-catcher knows

rats  or   a  plumber  knows   about  leaky  pipes.   Virtue-even  attempted

virtue-brings light; indulgence brings fog.


     Finally, though I have had to speak at some length about sex, I want to

make it as clear as  I possibly can that the centre of Christian morality is

not here. If anyone thinks that Christians regard  unchastity as the supreme

vice, he is quite  wrong. The sins  of the  flesh are  bad, but they are the

least  bad  of all sins.  All the worst  pleasures are purely spiritual: the

pleasure of  putting other  people  in the wrong, of bossing and patronising

and spoiling  sport, and back-biting; the pleasures of power, of hatred. For

there are two things inside me, competing  with the human self which  I must

try  to  become. They  are the Animal self, and  the  Diabolical  self.  The

Diabolical self is the worse of the two. That is  why a cold, self-righteous

prig  who  goes  regularly  to church  may  be  far  nearer  to hell  than a

prostitute. But, of course, it is better to be neither.