WORLD WATCH DAILY: Thursday August 23, 2012 Elul 5, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 8:27:47 am - August 23, 2012 - Jerusalem: 3:27:47 pm - Elul 5, 5772

Christian News

Former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk said Thursday that Israel’s talk of attacking Iran was “a classic case of crying wolf” and that Washington was learning “to live with it.”

Indyk, who currently heads the the foreign policy division of the Brookings Institution think tank, told Army Radio that US officials feel there is nothing more they can do to reassure Israel that it has American support in stopping Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon.

“The US has done everything it could to reassure Israel and doesn’t have anything more in its quiver, no other arrow to shoot to reassure them. So it thinks [when it hears talk of an Israeli strike on Iran], ‘Here we go again. There’s nothing else we can do. We’ll learn to live with it.’”


Isaac's Looming U.S. Threat: 
Huge Storm the Size of Texas 


Christian News

Confidence is high that Isaac will eventually affect the U.S. possibly beginning as early as late Sunday and continuing into next week. Our hurricane threat index graphic shows that locations from the central and eastern Gulf Coast to Florida should stay vigilant and monitor the progress of Isaac very closely.

South Florida may be one of the first locations affected as early as late this weekend or early Monday, especially if Isaac moves on the right side of our projected path. Areas farther north in the Florida Peninsula would then feel impacts on Monday.

For the central and eastern Gulf Coast, if Isaac sweeps farther west into the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico, peak impacts would arrive around the middle of next week (next Tuesday - Thursday).

It is likely there would be significant inland impacts, including flooding, and possibly strong winds as well, in parts of the Southeast beyond landfall into late next week.


Isaac Aiming for Florida; 
Republican Convention begins Monday in Tampa 


Christian News

Current projections bring Isaac, now a strengthening tropical storm, to Florida's neighborhood during the first part of next week.



'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - August 17, 2012 


Major questions and decisions Netanyahu and his leadership are facing with Iran …. Israel’s comprehensive plan on how to decapitate Iran threats … Major coordination by numerous groups attempting to stop Israel … Iran’s scathing and bold statements on Israel … Election 2012: Obama/Biden and the major US TV and print media vs. Romney and Ryan



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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 17, 2012: Major questions and decisions Netanyahu and his leadership are facing with Iran .... Israel’s comprehensive plan on how to decapitate Iran threats … 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – August 10, 2012: Israel planning an October strike on Iran? .... Perspective on U.S. Presidential Election ... Terrorists and Egypt’s new President have identical aims 

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