"Last Generation Forums" :: Prayer :: "a Morning Prayer" :: God.....

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  AuthorTopic: God..... (Read 8 times)
Michael James Stone
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« Thread Started Today at 5:28am »
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God of Heaven and Earth
Creator of the Day and of the Night
Lord of all that occurs in the Universe

There is not one event; there is not one moment;
there is not once single breath I take.

That You Alone as God knows the way I take; and the moves I make.
You are God and no God is likened unto you.

There is no God so great nor being so wrapped in beauty; that as magnifcat as you are; 

I call you Father.


That is more than I can comprehend and in all humility I bow before your throne.

I am yours.

Help me O God to be in harmony with You and to walk with your Son today that I might be as He is and you are;

As you promised me you would do...........as God.
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