- '2016 – Obama's America' Succeeds at Box Office; Reports of Missing Listings?
- Archaeology and the Bible
- Christianity Today Writer Ken Smith Is Founder of a Company Fined for Deceptive Business Practices; With Child Porn Ties
- Why I Believe Most Marriages Fail
- Chick-fil-A Sandwiches No Longer on Menu at Connecticut GOP Event
- Obama Praises Bush as 'Man of Faith'
- What's Your City's Smut Ranking?
- The Taste of Hate: Chick-Fil-A and the Numbing Down of Culture
- Chick-fil-A Controversy Shows Power of 'Faith Driven Consumers'
- Mars Rover Curiosity's Search for Life No Help to Evolutionists, Say Creationists
- Walking the Talk on Marriage
- How Are Christian Values Faring in GOP Platform?
- Kirk Cameron's Sister, Candace Cameron, Shows Support for Chick-fil-A
- Christian Counseling Expert: 'I See Resurrected People'
- Author Argues 6 Reasons Why Mormons Are Beating Evangelicals in Growth
- Randy White Turns Electricity Back on at Once Abandoned Without Walls Church
- Exodus Board Member Defends Alan Chambers Against Criticism Over Gays in Heaven Comments
- 'Legitimate Rape' Gaffe May Cost GOP Senate Control
- Whole Foods CEO Makes Moral Case for Capitalism
- Rape Pregnancies Not Rare, Ob-Gyn Says
- 9/11 Museum Seeks Dismissal of Atheists' Lawsuit Against Cross
- Disabled Christian Girl Arrested for 'Blasphemy' in Pakistan
- Court to Hear Case of NM Photographer Fined for Refusing to Film Gay Ceremony
- Obama, Romney Take a Break, Attend Church
- Romney to Release 2011 Tax Returns in October
- GOP Senate Candidate Says He 'Misspoke' With 'Legitimate Rape' Comment
- 'Bachelorette' Star Emily Maynard Talked With Mormon Jef Holm About Faith
- Democrat Who Introduced Obama Four Years Ago to Headline GOP Convention
- '2016 – Obama's America' Succeeds at Box Office; Reports of Missing Listings?

Calvary Chapel Fellowship Squeezes Calif. Winegrowers Over No-Church Law
A Calvary Chapel-affiliated church in Southern California is threatening to file a federal lawsuit against the County of Riverside over a previously unknown zoning law in the Temecula Valley Wine Country that prohibits churches from being built on the grape-growing land within the popular tourist destination.
FRC Refutes 'Hate' Claims of Calling Gays Pedophiles, Wanting to Expel Gays
The LGBT advocacy group Human Rights Campaign and the Southern Poverty Law Center are standing by their decision to label conservative group Family Research Council a "hate" group even as some in their camp back away. But they say it's not because FRC simply opposes same-sex marriage. FRC is "hateful" because it links gay people to pedophiles, they claim.
Propping Up Corporate America
By Ken Connor
Conservatives are quick to criticize public welfare for the poor. But they should be no less vehement in their opposition to corporate welfare, a form of welfare that is running rampant while the taxpayers of our country are dying a slow death of a thousand payouts.
Christianity Today Writer Is Founder of a Company Fined for Deceptive Business Practices; With Child Porn Ties
By Katherine T. Phan
Education Policy Expert on Threat of Common Core Standards to Homeschoolers
By CP Reader