One Thousand Years: Genesage "Home Shaping" (Chp2:11)

One Thousand Years


"Home Shaping"


As warm and tropical as the climate had become, the living walls of grapevines made side walls thick for privacy.  A perfect base for upper growth to lattice into a ceiling.

Most of the Old Born or Old Timers[1], as they were lovingly called by their children, (in private among themselves they called them Obies and Oties), the Old Timers (OT’s) remembered long rows of grapevines in vineyards.

There in the Old Ways the plants were staked out on a wire to make a “T” out of the planted vine. Eben commented once that they were crucified for their cluster.  Without knowing any better, this was the most “productive” way to grow grapes. When someone told Eben that, he would smile and point out the “meeting room”

Things were different now.

No more was a cluster of grapes forced to bear fruit in a way man deemed acceptable. The Vines were allowed the time and the place to grow as they chose to.

To offer their own expression of life as a fruitful sacrifice of living unto God. A sacrifice from the bountiful life that they were. 

A life being designed and purposed by God as He had created them to be.

Like all that God had created they prospered in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

What had once been called landscaping in the Old World was given a new name. There was a new way to do things.  It was designated as house-scaping in the Kingdom that had come.

Eben said the word was more properly Homeshaping as no dwelling place was merely a house but a Home in the Kingdom. Home grown. Home Made. Home Sweet Home.

House-Shaping was made out of living materials rather than dead. It made more sense that way. They were not logged and manufactured, nor stacked, racked, carved, beaten, cut or killed to create. It made no sense that way.

Not if you wanted a Living Home, a home to “live in”.

When in the garden, Adam had consulted daily with the Lord to work in harmony with his thoughts as to the world and it’s way. Often God giving Adam inspiration to shape the world in a way pleasing unto the Lord God Almighty.

In that way it was Garden-shaping.

Man lived naked in the garden with creation in harmony.


Man no longer naked, but clothed, needed to dwell in a dwelling place that offered security he was familiar with having come from the Old World directly. Producing these dwelling places in harmony with what the Old Man, ManKind) needed and what The King wanted in the kingdom.

Housescaping began.

Homes were grown out of the love that dwelt there.

If you wanted a living room, you made it out of living materials with room to move about and relax. No longer was it dead and lifeless by-products of creation; used, abused, or confused by what its original purpose was for.

No, now the products were living.

What you lived in was as alive as the occupants were.

Again Eben always had a common sense practical way of putting it.

He said you put dead things in dead materials and put living things in living materials.

It all seemed pretty simple to him.

For most of the Old Timers this was a little farfetched in idealism. Farfetched except they did in fact live in a “living” dwelling place. The ideal was the reality in the Kingdom come. In this way Gods Will was done, and mans need met.  

The windows of each dwelling place were grown as openings in the plant life, PlantKind[i]. Many in the old days had commented on the animal kingdom in referring to animals; plant kingdom in referencing plants;  and some said the hills were alive with sounding musical; but no one suspected how real these "kingdoms" would become in the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth.

Plants were unique. Quite different with no curse upon them. They now could be "grown" almost as topiary into dwelling places.

Since a lot of topiary before the fall had been shaped growing into animal like characters, it wasn't too hard to imagine these houses. The "living" quarters took on new meaning; they were alive. Earth friendly gave way to Mankind friendly.

  Weather was not a factor. Mild with temperate humidity remaining moist,  no one had need for cold weather gear or housing subject to storms. The greatest of all storms had already occurred. The Perfect Storm, God had launched, almost nothing had survived back then. Weather devastation, the worst the Earth had ever known had occurred during the three and a half years. 

Juxtapositionally the opposite was occurring during the current sixty-nine years.

The Perfect Storm was gone, Perfect Peace had come.

No dramatic weather patterns like hurricanes, tornadoes, snow, hail, or sleet, had happened. There was no changes in weather these last sixty-nine years.

Temperate and mild was the daily attraction under the Big Top of Cloud cover. “Peace on Earth” had come to the Land as well as to the weather. In the Land of Israel in the Kingdom Age it was like living in a Garden of Eden. 

You had time to stop and smell the roses.

Year after year the area given to the Jew in Israel, the children of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, continued to develop growing from a war torn demolished country to a remarkable restoration of a botanical paradise.

Israel of old, of the twentieth century of mankind had been noted for the incredible changes begun in the 1800's with Zionist and Russian Jews planting, growing, restoring the desert lands and swamps. That had taken almost a hundred years to redevelop the swamps and marshlands.

Modern Israel at its apex before the Fall of ManKind had grown to the astonishment of modern sciences. From hydroponics gardening to genetic engineering of fruit and crop, the people of God excelled at innovations. They converted the land causing the desert to bloom and grow forests in roughly fifty years.

The issue was that in order to create a strain resistant crop, as well as acclimatized produce and drought resistant, they literally had to strain creation to create an entity devoid of something’s God had made as well as adding some he did not design.

It was a strain on the “Authority of Creation.”

God’s Will versus Man’s Design.

Though God Created, mankind counterfeited, much like Satan had tried.

PlantKind in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth was not so.

The fullness of the Spirit of God, as well as the Physical aspect of the Son of God with the complete intent of God the Father was reflected in the obvious differences plants were in the Kingdom Come. Plants were more alive, it was obvious to all. They were living celebrations of God Himself. Not God, or godlike, but created  by a creator for a purpose and with His Plan in mind.

The Authority of Creation.

Yisrael in the Kingdom of God with its King Messiah did all that and more.  In less time involved the Son of God not only restored New Yisra’el, He freed the Land to flourish in ways no one suspected. 

Now set free to grow few would have imagined what was possible.

But the Creator knew.

He had been there at the beginning. Mankind out of the way, PlantKind was set free to prosper. It did.

It became fruitful and multiplied.

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[1] “Old Timers” or old born were those early survivors of the Tribulation period who having children were respected for their knowledge of the “Old Ways”

[i] Plantkind, plantkin

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