One Thousand Years: Genesage "All Roads Lead to.Jerusalem" (Chp2:12)

One Thousand Years


"All Roads Lead to…Jerusalem"


Every year in Jerusalem there were Celebrations.

This was a time of great rejoicing.  Celebrations were parties God style.  This was a time when all “Kinds of Creation" were invited to come. Everyone was called to come, but few accepted. Only a few of the survivors came. Many were called by name to the Great Celebrations[1] in the City of God, Jerusalem, but a few were chosen by special invitations. These so far had never declined to come.

When a special invitation was sent by the King, it was hard to resist.

With an angel as an escort it was almost impossible to say no. In the Kingdom of God, a personal choice was a personal choice so the individual could say no or choose not to attend.

Some actually did not go, which always seemed to be the Survivors.

  No resentment was ever expressed by anyone for refusing an offering to attend. No was forced into coming. One representative of each community always managed to attend and at least one member of each community  household was required to attend.

Roughly one from each house and one from each community, in this way even if you did not attend, you heard from an eye witness what it was like.

Normally everyone looked forward to such a time as this.

Eben almost ran every year there. It was like a vacation to him or a family reunion. A chance for him to go and see many friends and family. All the Inhabitants of New Yisrael who were living in the land came.

Those who had chosen to follow the King that is. Those who had not, stayed home. Since it lasted seven days, there was a “gap” of seven days, three times a year, when there were no classes.

This “mass” Celebration in Jerusalem made the  “Old City” and the New City rather small for such a large congregation, but Jerusalem also had grown in size in the midst of New Yisrael. Lands designated for such a time as this were the “Areas” God had set aside for himself.

All Roads Lead to Rome, had been a popular theme by Roman Architects and globalization of a centralized “highway’ system. In the Kingdom of God, there was only “Path Ways” that led upward. It was normal seemingly from ground level as the roads sloped gradually upward, but from Heaven, an obvious pattern was present.

A “Diadem in the Earth” that led to the Heart of the Land Eretz.

Up to Jerusalem. These pathways accessed the Central Area called Josephs Portion in the Kingdom, but commonly referred to as “the Jerusalem.”

All seven sections of the central lands made up Jerusalem.  The plateau was enormous with twelve gates for the pathways to enter into.

With a hearty "Hinei ma tov" and "Behold How Good", you couldn't blink before Eben was gone from Bethleben and heading to Jerusalem. Singing every step of the way he looked like a young man in love. In reality, maybe He was.

Dancing was a big part of the Celebration which Eben made sure to enjoy.

Many others from all communities in all of New Yisrael came out to the dwelling places to attend. They flowed over the gentle hills rising up to Jerusalem. Each seemed to be singing a song or skipping or dancing with a gait and gaiety belying the years they appeared to have. It was like  Carnival time or the circus had come to town and now everyone ran out to see.

  Each of the three Celebrations were a week long approx.  A joyful celebration of life.  All of the Three Major Feasts were similar to the Old Jewish Traditional Feasts. But with a different flair and excitement given the King had come, and the One to whom the very Feasts described was there.

The Twelve Tribes conducted a Grand Presentation, a processional which was similar to a parade. Marching forward through the gate Messiah had come, they proceeded up the Golden Way following those yellow bricks into the inner city. There all came forward to present themselves to the King. Each year, three times a year, the Great Celebrations of the Kingdom were preceded by the Grand Presentation to the King of Kings.

The only ones not really participating seemed to be the Survivors. 

It seemed as though there was a distinct aversion by the remaining survivors to having anything to do with Jerusalem, the crowds, or the festivities that went on this time of year. It certainly did not dampen the spirits of those that were there, it was impossible to do so, for this was “THE time” of celebrations unto God and King. 

No obvious feelings of remorse were ever shown in the Capital City of the World by those who attended the Celebrations three times a year.

Everyone in attendance was excited and ecstatic to be there.

Especially so were those who were called, those chosen to come for the first time. All knew everyone was invited, but Messiah each year chose 300 personally to sit near him at the banqueting table. It was by personal invitation they were able to do so.

Each one of the three hundred was always someone who had never been to Celebration yet. So once they did arrive, they were select guest of the King. Guests chosen to be near to Him all throughout the Celebration Week.

Many wanted to be called, but few were chosen to be so.

Messiah Jesus would call them out by name and choose for each one to sit in a place near him especially prepared just for them by God.

He would then at times throughout the Celebration visit with each one. Personally  He would speak to them throughout the Celebrations. No one ever felt left out as they too had already experienced the honor and privilege.

It was better than a meet and greet.

It was a “getting to know you.”

The GodKind had enjoyed a similar privilege. They had been given special attention by the Son of God at the Feast in Heaven. Here now in the Kingdom the Invited were always those who had passed from Tribulation into Life and those who had been Born into the Kingdom.

The children, born to the Survivors of the Tribulation period, always seemed attracted easily to Jesus. Since those who had been raptured did not have children, the GodKind, the only ones who could come were the Parents or the children. Each had to make a choice on their own. When the Adults came it delighted the Lord.

If they came, these people; recovered from Tribulation scars and wounds; having decided to follow Messiah; were received then at the Celebrations.

It was there they decided for all to see and hear their decision to serve the Lord.

They would swear allegiance to the King. Each would dedicate their life to following God. Each would share the life they had decided to give to Jesus.

They would formally recount and tell the story of their life and their own personal encounter with the Son of Man.

Upon conclusion of each individual life retold, the person would bend the knee of their own volition and declare their fealty to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

All to the Glory of God the Father a shout would go up heard round the world as the heavens reverberated with that individual decision.

Angelic SpiritKind, redeemed ManKind, GodKind, EarthKind, PlantKind, all the kinds of Creation with one voice and at one time would shake the heavens with a Joy that sounded as a trumpet blast to the Universe. Declaring in one word what would be done, what was done, what was accomplished.

Or as they used to say in the Old World as it was rarely said now, so be it, “Amen.”

So said they all, so all of them said it.

It was exciting and even those who did not attend heard the roar as the person finished and was accepted by Jesus.

This Invitation and Reception time of the Feasts was a highlight of all those who attended. Each realized, once committed, God would keep them from the “Evil One.” He would protect them from the one who would once again try to tempt Creation.

They never again feared anything or anyone for God was with them.

In the first years of the Celebrations, it seemed all too often only the Old Worlders were the “Chosen Ones” of the 300.

Those guests especially invited that had made a commitment.  Quickly that changed. Soon it was children and lots of them, Kids of the Kingdom and only selectively an Adult occasionally.

Age was almost irrelevant and no one held to an age of accountability since out of the mouths of babes God had perfected praise. All ages at any time could make a decision and it was accounted to them.

Religion in the old world had played with ages of children and forgotten the foreknowledge of God that could take a child and perfect a heart inside such a little one that even the elders would be dumbfounded and have to follow the purity of thought.

It was such as only God could do and have as it were a little child lead them. In the kingdom children often ran to God as to a loving Father. That alone should have been a sign of far greater wisdom than those who tried to solve first, then ask God to help. A childlike heart did seem better receptive to God and His Way of Love.

It was the older ones who seemed less enthusiastic, and the older they got without making a choice or allegiance, the less they appeared to be inclined to do so.

It seemed to be by the sheer absence of the numbers of Older Adults that there was almost a sadness on the countenance of the King.

But when Jesus was with the little children, all the children of the world, it was hard to tell anything but gladness. Precious to him were the children as they came to Him. A lot easier then the “mature.”

The Kings and Priests who were there never noticed that a little extra attention was given by the Lord as he greeted those few adult survivors who had received the call, made the journey, and presented themselves to Jesus.

Everyone had experienced some personal encounter with God and so when the King came off the throne and kissed the persons cheeks, no one realized it was always an Adult Survivor who had never been there before.

Though many were called it seemed few were chosen and it was obvious with “Survivors.”

No one who was called in the Kingdom ever refused the invitation to come.

God alone knows the heart, so only God himself sent the calling with the invitation to those hearts that were ready to receive the Celebration that year. Somehow that person "knew" they had received a special invite from the King of Kings and Lord of Lord which they alone accepted or declined long before they ever arrived at the Celebration.

Perfectly suited to the timing of the individual person when the invitation was given, they would come forward. It was if God knew which year a person would accept the invitation and so afforded that person the perfect kismet for their decision.

He was never too early or ever too late and the circumstances were always just right when that person received a calling from the Lord.

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[1] Great Celebrations, Feast Days of celebrating God and creation in the Kingdom.

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