One Thousand Years: Genesage "Global Impact Report" One Continent (Chp3:2)

One Thousand Years


"Global Impact Report"

One Continent


The False Religious Leader[i], False Religion[ii], False Messiah[iii] and Fallen Angel[iv] Himself had raised the City of God[v] to the ground.

The Great Synagogue[vi] had been destroyed before it ever had been finished.

The restored Temple was never fully restored, the Old City no longer evident.

The Abominable Desolation[vii] had come. Every stone turned over, some cast as far away as the sea.

Evil influences had tried to remove any remembrance of what existed before.  It was a last ditch stand against God Almighty.  An attempt to foil what God said would occur.

It failed; man failed; the world system failed; banks failed; technology failed; wars failed; religion failed; all that man had made, failed.

God succeeded.

What man had made was irrelevant to what God was doing. Gods’ Will was accomplished irrespective of man. God did not “need” man in any capacity.

God was God, man was not.

All Mountains leveled.  Seas disappeared. The world became once again “ONE CONTINENT.”

No water surrounding it, the sky had changed its tint and hue. Plagues, dead algae, ore from “Wormwood” killed the oceans. They dried up. Irradiation, contamination, devastation changed the landscape.

Appearances of alien celestial beings suspected as the UFOS was nothing compared to the intervention of demonic activity set free on humanity when the pit was opened. The Greatest Devastation the World had ever known occurred all within a three and half year period with those who had wanted God to damn, satisfied. He did and moreover.

Those who had said IF there was a God let him reveal himself were not disappointed when a dimensional reality shift revealed the heavens to man.  He headed for the hills to hide in.

All that had ever been accused at God was silenced.

God came back at man with his own response:


The Love of God constraining him and the actions of the Son containing him, God did not utterly destroy the earth…, yet, He came as close to annihilating as it could come and still recover.

But only by the Son could it recover.

Cloud cover hid the world under a blanket. It was so beyond anyone’s vivid imagination or nightmare. The consequences were a world no one recognized. Somehow without the seas to shining seas and continents divided by water, the world was a different place.

It looked different, it smelled different, hit by the asteroid, it was different.

A foreign world. A foreign world and a foreign land with humanity as foreigners living in it. The aliens had indeed come and mankind found himself the alien in a world that hardly wanted him. A world that God had created in which creation wanted to know where the gardner went.

The One Land Mass was named Eretz[viii]

The Land or Eretz was not surrounded by Oceans or water anymore. They were gone.  But an arid dry decayed area where oceans once played. These were dusty sea beds resembling a moonscape where nothing grew. When the Asteroid Star Wormwood had hit, oxidation of metals and contaminant particles of the asteroid created dried lifeless ocean bed of dead mutated plankton. Turned orange the hue of the sky was gone as the oceans now were giant flatlands with slight depressions more desolate than the famed salt flats. Looking back when the moon was in orbit it would have been a great representation of what the earth’s oceans and seas beds looked liked now.

Centered roughly in the middle of the One Land, was Israel.  Its geo physical location in the Old World had been in the Middle East on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea. Since the continents had been smashed together by the tilting of the earth over on its axis and the devastating meteor strike, Israel was now the Center of the Earth[1].

Tectonic plates were all joined together again much like that had been thousands of years earlier. It had been a long time since the Land was One and the people, but in the Kingdom Come, God would restore His Order. 

Since the Great Devastation had come upon the Earth, the only place spared was the Land of Promise, Israel. Nothing else remained.  Most of humanity had been annihilated. Traces of technology were all but obliterated. Remnants of landmarks crushed. Cataclysmic events on earth left few human beings alive. Had God not stopped death from occurring no flesh would have survived. 

The Apocalypse had come.

For whom the bells toll had tolled.  It was obvious “who for” by their absence. The bells had marked the end of humanity as man had known it. 

It had felt like the End of the World.

It had looked like the End of the World.

Everyone who was there was convinced it was the End of the World[2]. It was not the End of the World; some people had survived.

Refugees of the World from the world that was, now being moved into a world they knew nothing about.

Israel's boundaries had greatly expanded.

All other kindred’s, tongues, nations and tribes were wiped off the face of the map.

They were no more.

They did not exist.

They could not even be recognized by landmarks as even the axis of the earth was different.

Jerusalem was rubble.

Every stone cast down.

All the land overturned.

Hardly recognizable, the King initiated his Kingdom there.

As had been done for centuries, the City of God was destroyed.

It would once again be rebuilt. A heap would become a home. A place of scorn; the center of blessing.

Man’s Rule was undone, God’s Will was begun.

The former things had passed away, all was becoming new.

It would be the City of the Great King[3]. What it was now was merely the foundation. Manmade rubble the Chief Cornerstone, as he once was called, stood in the midst thereof. The Cornerstone upon the rubble. 

Beginning in Jerusalem moving outward the process of causing the Nation, the "Land", and the peoples to birth again was started.

Started by He who had come to dwell in the midst of his people; “Immanuel”.

Israel as well as the whole Earth would be Born-again for One Thousand Years.

It was a new beginning, a Genesis Age.


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[1] Israel has been called the center of the earth but not until now it had it actually been physically been the center. Now as one continent, Israel was located in the center.

[2] “End of the World” presumed to be the destruction of all living creatures and the end of all creation.

[3] Jews had long expected the City of David, Jerusalem To become the City of the Great King as the messianic  Prophecy said, since Jesus when He first came did not  Set up

    Jerusalem as that city, he was rejected. In returningHe fulfilled all the prophecies concerning the Jewish Messiah.

[i] “The False Religious Leader” n, another name for False Prophet (See False Prophet)

[ii] “False Religion” A world religion adapted by the false prophet to fit the False World Leader. Some believe to be the eventual end of the Catholic Church

[iii] False Messiah, another name for Anti-Christ

[iv] False Angel, another name for Fallen Angel Lucifer, the satan

[v] City Of God

[vi] Great Synagogue

[vii] Abominable Desolation Another name for Abomination of Desolation

[viii] Eretz: n [Location] Hebrew another name for

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