One Thousand Years: Genesage "Global Impact Report" Earth Tilt (Chp3:1)

One Thousand Years


"Global Impact Report"

Earth Tilt


The Earth Shifts on its axis from massive Asteroid Strike  


·       Russia; gone.                                                          

·       America, gone.

·       Africa, gone.

·       Antarctica; gone.

·       Europe; gone.

·       You name it: gone.

·       The continents were no more.

·       All Continents had now become one.

   Predictions of nuclear war, plague, asteroid strikes, volcanoes, demonic activity, undead, lawlessness, perversion, tortures and hundreds of imagined horrors played out on television, none of that, though horrific, prepared the human race for what happened. In fact most of what might have horrified an earlier generation, was taken as accepted by the “Last Generation.”

By the Age of 2012, a gradual hardening of heart had occurred.

Satanic, Vampires, Aliens, Foreign Life Forms, Mass Murder, Torture and all things horrific was to be expected. A Love Fest of the 60’s less than 50 years later gave way to a Horror Fest by 2010. The “dark side” was highlighted and children grew up with playing the “bad guy” more often than good. Families were torn apart, nations divided, politics split, neighbor turned on neighbor and rule of law was “what you could get away with”

The First century “Blessed are the Poor” for theirs is the Kingdom of God, became “Blessed are the Moneyed” for theirs can bring a Kingdom for God.

A Change of heart had taken place.

Bad was good, and being good was weak.

Poverty was a Sin.

God wanted you to “Be All You Can Be”.

Violence pervaded the Land in those days and the violent men with attitude and direction influenced the people.

A violent power was at work behind the scenes. The Principality and Power that warred with Peace and Joy. That Fallen Angelic exercised its influence over hearts and minds that should have known better. But like bargaining with the devil as in Daniel Webster, most chose “easy and quick” means to an end than self –sacrifice and eternal solutions.

It was the End of the Age of Man.

Man was showing what He was made of. Violence. Terrorism of Nations became terrify the public with rallying cries “against authorities” in public office. Places of Worship was a cry against leaders; politicians became a source of scorn. Radio with “what you heard” was filled with violent attitudes. Television with what you saw, was filled with violent acts. The home with where you lived, was filled with violent realities of division, abduction, domestic dispute, drugs, sex, immorality and lawlessness.

No one respected any authority anywhere and almost anytime unless enforced with: Violence of some kind.

Armageddon was Calling and many were listening.

Mankind expected the End of the World,

God never said it was the End.

Jesus called it a time of woes, the bible had predicted it as a time of judgment.

The book of revelation had said it would test some believers, the Mayans had predicted cataclysmic events and the End of the Calendar, Nostradamus spoke of a last World War. Signs in the heavens had stated events were about to occur.

All the pieces of the puzzles were coming together. The world itself and all of Creation was ready to vomit humanity and all that man had done in the “Name of Mankind”.


What should have been a blessing was now a curse.

And God saw all that “ManKind” had done….,

And it was not good.

So God called ManKind to Megiddo.

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