One Thousand Years: Genesage "The Genesis of the Thousand Years" (Chp 2:9)

One Thousand Years


    "The Genesis of the Thousand Years"

      (Chp 2:9)

The wide variety of color and sizes made the ceiling a roofing extravaganza.

His Vineyard in the Sky Eben had named it enjoying its variety.  Grown with just enough space in between the living lattices, the grape vines were woven together to give shade, with light from the day as well as the sky.  One could imagine at night two or three stars could probably be seen, if stars could still be seen.

However with no break in the constant clouds, stars were a distant memory.

The night sky was gone, so was the day. The consequences of all the nuclear explosions; erupting volcanoes; meteorite hits, the great asteroid strike; earth shift; ice caps melt; oceans gone; and God, the world was not what it used to be.

No one would have recognized the planet now. The “big blue marble” had been hit by more than a few marbles shooters.

The “End of the World” had created a blanket of clouds that had covered the Earth for the last sixty-nine years.

The Armageddon everyone had joked or kidded about had finally occurred. While it had not been the End of the World, it had been close. It was the end of man’s “civilized” rule. God stopped man and Satan in their tracks.

The causatory actions of the human race had  very nearly completely annihilated life on planet earth. Eben told his class to think of the cloud cover as a cocoon that would shed its crystalsis once the world was repaired, restored.

He kept saying the clouds were a good thing. Some were not so sure, some didn’t know any better.

Global warming had happened but not as predicted with no Ice Age or Nuclear Winter occurring because the Earth itself had shifted.  A solar flare had fried part of the earth making changes in the makeup of the troposphere. 

The tropopause irradiated by solar winds dispersed with no layer between stratosphere and troposphere. The incurrent effect was catastrophic.

While the earth recovered slowly after Armageddon, the clouds billowed up into the stratosphere seemingly frozen solid at higher elevations closer to space. Though gaseous still, the density was greater ensuring a long period of time for clouds covering the world like a blanket. 

Venusian in effect, it was a shell protecting earth form the Universe gone mad.

Much of the outer space with radiations and sub-atomic particles could not permeate the new layer of upper stratospheric earth.

The atmosphere was warmer under the blanket of clouds, hence no Ice Age, but a Kingdom prepared for the Son.

Kids of the Kingdom who had never seen the Sun often called the cloud cover the heavens, not knowing the clouds could be parted. The sky would light up at day, but the Sun, Moon, Stars could not be seen.

The clouds were really more a safe guard than how they had originally been made. What might have been results of evil in the universe, God made good.

They served as a comforting blanket of reassurance for many who remembered a sight they would never forget.

For once in The Tribulation Period God Almighty had peeled back the physical dimension with the Sky and the Universe revealing Himself.

The Highest Heaven was exposed to the naked eye.

Mankind could not stand in his sight fleeing to caves. Clouds soon became a comfort rather than seeing what or who might still be there, for no one could look upon God and live.

It was a fearful thing to be in the sight of God face to face. So the clouds were needed.  

They had become a means of protection as the earth healed. 

Air slowly reconstructed to a more viable format fit for life. Smog, radiation, ozone, volcanic gases, all the airborne plagues and new created viruses slowly dissipated as God healed the air to breathe.

When the clouds covered all the earth, God healed the physical dimension of the Universe that had been affected by ManKinds and SpiritKinds rebellions.

Plant life, Earth life, Human life, Animal life, all living creature below needed this time to restore the balance God had designated at Creation.

Seder/order was restored.

This was a New Birth.

A new beginning again for all creation.

The Genesis of the Thousand Years had come;


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