One Thousand Years: Genesage "The Class" (Chp2:9)

One Thousand Years


"The Class"


Eben called the place where he met with the community his living sukkah[1].

It was alive; it had breath so to speak, and it breathed vitality.  Often he would reach up to the ceiling branches with his hand to caress the leaves. He would uncurl the little curling support tendrils that clustered there.

The curly corkscrewed clinging clasping "clutchers" seemed to attract Ebens attention a lot.

They reminded him of babies' tiny fingers which would reach out grasping. Like a new born babe, grasping a mother's hand, Eben would entwine his finger in the corkscrewed "finger". He treated it almost as though it were more than a plant; maybe it was. 

The gentleness was contagious.

The focused attention to seemingly insignificant details of the world around him amazed his students. He noticed as well as cared for the most unusual things, at least to them. He seemed to genuinely care about just about everything around him. Plants, animals, people, even birds, they all seemed to attract his attention.

He seemed to be present or “alive” in the world and a part of it somehow.

The old timers took most things like that for granted.

They hardly noticed unless someone pointed it out to them. They seemed focused on what they didn’t have; and used to have; not seeing what they do have. Their perspective was off so they didn’t see what was all around them

The new born were the opposite. Born into the Kingdom they were interested in all of creation around them. Often they were surprised by how aware Eben could be to everything about him. They too imitated him with amazing results at times as they uncovered on their own more to the world they lived in they knew was there. Appreciation came with discovery as the world around them kept unfolding secrets that when looked for, were obvious.

If you were looking.

Considering the ceiling, looking up at the abundance, the variety of grapes, Eben would wander walking considering them. As if in great thought he would be looking at the clusters like a mother hen commenting on each variety. No one knew exactly how many varieties were present in the ceiling, but one thing was certain, Eben certainly knew how to pick'em.

He always found a rich ripe cluster of grapes.

He would pop one juicy globule from the cluster into his mouth.  Then pass on the remaining bunch to his listeners. Letting each of them take a thirst quenching morsel. Size varied from bite size to super size to Kingdom Sized as some called it. It was obvious that if a grape could grow as large as a melon and still taste sweeter than any of the grapes from the previous world, there had to be a designation for that size. Super size me was gone with the wind.

It was all about the Kingdom now.

Eben’s Fruit became the New Energy Drink.

It seemed no matter how many days in a row one ate grapes, with the cornucopia provided, each day seemed to be a new flavor to enjoy. As each person did partake it seemed to set the palate at ease for conversation.

The students would take; pass on what they received from Eben to the rest that were there.  In the Promised Land this was almost a traditional breakfast.  Not quite a continental breakfast, but certainly a breakfast a la eben.

After the grapes had made the rounds of the students seated at the table returning to Eben, with no more thought then as if addressing a child he would say,

"For you old friend take this one to my master."

Next he would hand a small branch with at least two grapes on it to the beak of the sparrow. This sparrow's semblance was more like a small swallow. It was large for a normal sparrow but too small to be a swallow.

There was definitely something about that bird.

The bird would hop once, twice, thrice, then fly away with the branch. It wasn't an olive branch. No peace offerings since those were not needed with the Prince of Peace in attendance in Jerusalem.

This was an offering of a fruitful vine.

Like a first fruits offering once given in sacrifice, this was passed on as a joyful celebration of abundance.  The passing on of an abundance to another rather than retaining or hoarding. It was a prosperity doctrine of another kind.  It was a unselfish “Offering of Thanksgiving.” 

Somewhere in that was a lesson they had heard before but no one wanted to hear Eben repeat it again though he did often.


Eben said,              

"Life is an offering of response to God creating us."

He then lived that out by his actions.

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[1] Sukkah, Hebrew for a temporary structure or patio area.

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