NewsViews: OneNewsNow (Tuesday)


“If God can use a Jackass to talk to Balaam,

He can use the News to talk to you and me”



Haitian official insists Americans be prosecuted

Haiti's prime minister says it's clear to him that the 10 U.S. Baptists who tried to take 33 children out of his quake-ravaged country without permission "knew what they were doing was wrong."

Muslim group irked by 'Christian' comment

The mayor of Lancaster, California, is being criticized for telling residents that their town is a growing Christian community and they should be proud of that.

Rifqa's parents renege

The head of a Christian ministry isn't surprised that the Muslim parents of Christian convert Rifqa Bary have decided to backtrack on an agreement that allows her to stay with foster parents until her 18th birthday.

Officials to review military's homosexual ban

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is tapping two seasoned Pentagon officials to lead the military's first in-depth study on allowing openly homosexual service members, promising to try to spare more troops from being dismissed in the meantime.

Witnessing at the mall? Better bag it!

A California court has ruled in favor of a mall in a free-speech case.

Groups supporting CBS on Tebow ad

Various pro-family groups will make a public show of support outside CBS headquarters today for the network's decision to air a pro-life ad during the Super Bowl.

Voice against abortion funding grows louder

The push to shove abortion coverage out of healthcare reform continues.

New study shows merits of abstinence education

A new study gives proponents of abstinence education ammunition in the struggle to receive federal funding for abstinence-centered education.

Politicians in Wonderland

Most people do not look beyond superficial appearances. That's why politicians can get away with playing Santa Claus on all sorts of issues.

NC county board takes hit from ACLU

Forsyth County in North Carolina has lost the first round in federal court over a prayer policy.

A revolution for democracy

An Iranian-born scholar and author says the people of his native country are desperate to replace their current government with a democratic republic.

Comedian honored for entertainment integrity

The Parents Television Council has recognized well-known comedian Tim Conway for his long track record of demonstrating quality entertainment.

Odds-out Republican remains optimistic

Adam Andrzejewski, a Republican candidate for the governor of Illinois, knows that he's an underdog in today's GOP gubernatorial primary -- but he isn't afraid to take on Obama himself.

Church bells at center of legal scuffles

Alliance Defense Fund has argued two cases involving a Phoenix church bell ordinance, one in federal court and the other in state.

Dems entertaining healthcare 'reconciliation'

Apparently ignoring the message from Massachusetts' special Senate election, congressional Democrats are moving full steam ahead with an effort to pass their healthcare bill through the legislative process known as "reconciliation."

Scott Brown defends pro-abortion stance

Republican Sen.-elect Scott Brown of Massachusetts says he opposes federal funding for abortions, but thinks women should have the right to choose whether to have one.


Ore. parents found guilty of neglecting ill son(3)

Long waits in Utah's bid to comply with fed ID law(3)

Calif. gay marriage trial re-enacted on Internet

Idaho man arrested in 2005 death of pregnant wife

Yellowstone bison going to Turner's ranch(2)


Earnings Preview: Kellogg Co.

Judge hears arguments over rights to genes patents

JDS Uniphase quarterly loss down, shares rise

Data manager Riverbed's 4th-qtr profit falls

US Reps from Mo. to propose blocking EPA gas rules


The prospect of Super Bowl overtime a scary one(2)

More than Ws and Ls riding on Favre's return

Bush a star and disappointment at same time

The prospect of Super Bowl overtime a scary one

Jets fine coach Ryan $50,000 for obscene gesture(2)


Safety board pins NY crash cause on pilot errors(2)

Iran says ready to send uranium abroad as UN wants(5)

Intel chief: Al-Qaida likely to attempt attack(4)

Haiti food convoy attacked; UN warns of volatility(2)

Government official: Terrorism suspect cooperating(4)


Evangelical Christians at risk from Russian government

Disease looms over Haiti's quake survivors

Pull a woman out of poverty for only $30

Scripture project hits roadblock in Haiti's fall

Christian man climbs Kilimanjaro to raise funds for a well


Story contains results from Monday's poll

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