LastCall: "Why We Do What We Do" by Pastor Mark Balmer

Why We Do What We Do” by Pastor Mark Balmer;


Preparing the Soil (Introduction):  A story is told of a girl who worked as a housekeeper for a wealthy young widower.  She spent every day cooking his meals, doing his laundry, and cleaning his house.  She worked diligently at all her duties and was well paid for her efforts.  In time, she and the widower fell in love and were married.  After they were married, she performed the same duties, but with a new motivation.  Before they were married, her duties were done out of obligation to her employer.  Afterward, they were done to demonstrate her love for her husband. 

  I can relate this difference in motivation to the time before and after I accepted Christ as my Savior.  Before I understood that salvation was a gift, I thought it was something I had to earn.  I loved God dearly and wanted to please Him.  I worked to earn His favor.  However, my sinful nature got in the way, and I fell short of His standard many times. 

When I understood that salvation was a gift from God, by the grace of God and something I could not earn, (Ephesians 2:8- 9), I accepted Jesus as my Savior and moved from “employee” status to “bride” status.  The whole motivation in my relationship with Him changed in an instant. Instead of compulsory obligation, my obedience to Him is now loving, grateful obligation. As a Christ follower I want to obey Him out of gratitude for my salvation, not to earn it.


Planting and Watering the Seed (Growth):    In everything Jesus did while on this earth, He was directing people to His Father.  Jesus demonstrated the example He wanted His disciples, His Church, to follow.  Some examples are His submission at His baptism by John the Baptist, His compassion in healing the sick, His humility in washing His disciples’ feet at the Last Supper, His mercy in pardoning the thief on the cross, and His love in dying on the cross for us. He commissioned His Church to carry on the work He started: 

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)  He promised them the baptism of the Holy Spirit by which they would be empowered to witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:4-8). That promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). 

He called ordinary, imperfect people for a divine mission and He equipped them supernaturally.  His purpose: to direct people to His Father.  He gave us, His Church, everything we need to obey His command to go and make disciples.  He even gives us the will to do so (Philippians 2:12-13). He gave His life to buy our freedom.  Our motive in obeying His command: pure, loving gratitude.


Harvesting the Crop (Action/Response):   As members of His church, all Christ followers need to think about our motivation in whatever it is we are doing.  Jesus directed people to His Father, and He directs us likewise.  We need to recognize the daily opportunities all around us to show Jesus to the world.  Jesus didn’t wait to get behind a pulpit or in an Emergency Room to minister to people.  He met people right where they were.  When our motives are pure, the Holy Spirit can use us right where we are to present Jesus to the world, through word or example.  Did you ever stop to think that you might be the first, or only, glimpse of Jesus someone sees?   The sign leaving the CCM campus in Melbourne says “You are now entering the mission field.”  Consider that as you head out into your world—it is your mission field.  Remember your motivation, and present Jesus to your world.


Cultivating (Additional Reading):   John 4:34; John 6:35-40; Mark 16:15-18


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