LastCall: first words we are taught -Cathe Laurie

As children, some of the first words we are taught by our parents are “please” and “thank you.”

Most of us master the “please” aspect of good manners quite easily. Please, may I have a new toy; or please, may I have that candy; or please, may I go out and play? It is curious how our memories will function at 100% capacity when it concerns the things we want.

Remembering to say “thank you” is much harder. I can remember how my mother would often have to remind me after I received a gift, “Now, what do you say?” And I, in time, would often repeat the same question to my boys. Expressing gratitude does not always come easily.

We live in perhaps the most materially blessed time in all of history. Just think for a moment of the many things we take for granted. Simple, basic things that millions of people living on this planet do not have: abundance of clean water, the warmth of a roof over our heads, freedom to worship where and when and how we please.

Never have we had so much food. Our closets are bursting, along with our waistlines. In America, most families enjoy TVs, cell phones, and eating out in a restaurant, things that other generations would categorize as a luxury.

But when we pray—that is, if we even make the time to pray—how much of what we say to God is expressed in gratitude? It is a discipline that we need to master as children of God. Gratefulness is a mark of maturity in a child, and it is a mark of maturity in a child of God.

You may be thinking, “But Cathe, if you only knew my circumstances, you would understand why I am not grateful.” And I know that sometimes it is very hard to be grateful when you are hurting or sad.

But I have also discovered that when I am in deep sadness or pain, if I turn my eyes heavenward to my Savior who has given everything for me, blessed me with privilege and possessions that no one can take away, and if I consider the “great cloud of witnesses” that preceded me to heaven, I am humbled and repentant. I can almost hear the Holy Spirit whisper in my ear, “Now, what do you say?”

May we frequently express to God the things for which we may be thankful. And those things that are difficult for us to be thankful about, can’t we simply be thankful for our precious Savior, our God who has promised to prepare a place for us in His presence that will be filled with joy and pleasures forevermore?

I must say, I will say, “Thank You, thank You, thank You, Heavenly Father.”

Michael James Stone

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