Genesis 37

The story of Joseph reads like a summertime paperback thriller—family drama, international

intrigue, worldwide crisis, attempted murder, and false accusations. But it is also a story of God at

work, His hand guiding every aspect of the story.l

Joseph’s story is your classic rags to riches tale, rising from complete obscurity and constant setbacks

to become the second most powerful man in the world. He was a young man who never doubted

God, and was unwilling to compromise his principles—particularly in his famous encounter with

Potiphar’s wife.


1. Everyone will be tempted. There’s a misconception that as you mature as a believer, temptation

will become less of a problem. But the reality is that temptation—in every way, shape, or

form—will always be an issue for us. Jesus was tempted at the beginning and the end of His

ministry. We should expect nothing less.

2. Joseph understood that there are consequences to sin. Joseph knew his life was a testimony, and

he didn’t want to discredit himself or his witness to a nonbeliever. There are no exceptions to the

Scripture that says, “Your sin will find you out.” Unconfessed sin will take its toll on you and

those around you; one way or another.

3. God’s standards are absolute. Joseph didn’t get a break because he dealt with hardship, or

because he was a slave living in a godless culture. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and that

doesn’t change for any reason. Rather than conforming God’s Word to our culture, we should be

conforming culture to God’s standards.

4. Joseph recognized that all sin is against God. It is one thing to not sin because you fear the

consequences. But the greatest motive for not giving in to temptation is our love for God. Our

response to temptation is a barometer of our love for God. If we truly love God, it will show

itself in living righteously and resisting temptation.


We might do a good job of resisting the obvious temptations, but how are you doing in the subtle

ones, like jealousy or gossip? It’s easy to rationalize minor sins for whatever reason, but we are to

resist all forms of evil (Psalm 97:10; Romans 12:9). That’s the only way to successfully defeat Satan

(James 4:7).


Are you facing temptation right now? Don’t play around with it, or let it linger. For Joseph, losing

his jacket was better than losing his morals. We should be willing to do the same. May the Lord

strengthen all of us to walk closely with Him and flee all temptation.

Michael James Stone

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