A. W. Tozer: Failure and Success: The Passion for Publicity

No man is worthy to succeed until he is willing to fail. 

No man is morally worthy of success in religious activities...

until he is willing that the honor of succeeding should go to another if God so wills.

Born After Midnight, 58.

October 9

Failure and Success: The Passion for Publicity

For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know, nor
a cloak for covetousness-God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from
men, either from you or from others, when we might have made demands
as apostles of Christ.

--1 Thessalonians 2:5-6

If this is a fairly accurate view of things, what can we say then
when Christian men vie with one another for place and position? What
can we answer when we see them hungrily seeking for praise and honor?
How can we excuse that passion for publicity which is so glaringly
evident among Christian leaders? What about political ambition in
Church circles? What about the fevered palm that is stretched out for
more and bigger "love offerings"? What about the shameless egotism
among Christians? How can we explain the gross man-worship that
habitually blows up one and another popular leader to the size of a
colossus? What about the obsequious hand kissing of moneyed men by
those purporting to be sound preachers of the gospel?

There is only one answer to these questions; it is simply that in
these manifestations we see the world and nothing but the world. No
passionate profession of love for 'souls' can change evil into good.
These are the very sins that crucified Jesus. 
The Pursuit of Man,

"Deliver me, O God, from this insidious trap. Give me a humble
spirit, willing to serve You faithfully, however obscure might be
my service. Amen."