A.W. Tozer: Christ: The Door Into God's Presence

Christ: The Door Into God's Presence

Sunday, October 04, 2009
But no one, unaided, has found a way back. . . .
And then Jesus came to live among mankind. The inspired record has Him saying, "I have come to do your will, O God" (Hebrews 10:7). After His death and resurrection, He opened a new and consecrated way back into the presence of God. He blazed the trail as our divine Mediator. Through faith in Him, all who yearn to may enter again the very presence of God.
And there in that Presence, Jesus is our great High Priest and Mediator. Because He wears our human nature, He welcomes us, His brothers and sisters, to share His position in the heavenlies.
In this context we should consider our justification and our acceptance by the living, holy God. In our Christian faith we understand that God laid on Christ the iniquity of us all. Theologians sometimes call this the "transfer of guilt," and I believe what the Bible says about it.