BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN NETWORK / The Soon Return of Jesus / "A Political Party Will Not Save Your Soul!"

A Political Party Will Not Save Your Soul!

Whatever political party or political ideology one adheres to is irrelevant in the light of ETERNITY, but what one does with Almighty God's Savior is the most pertinent decision one will have to make in one's life time because ALL your ETERNITY depends on it (John 3:36, 14:3, Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4). Do you as a progressive, liberal, moderate or conservative have the RIGHTEOUSNESS required to enter into Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS and PERFECT Heaven? That is the bottom line and the great ETERNAL question one must ask themselves. Almighty God the Son knocks on your heart today; will you hear Him and answer Him (Rev. 3:20)?

Whatever political party or political ideology one adheres to is irrelevant in the light of ETERNITY!

May you truly consider and make knowing God's TRUTH the most pertinent passion of your life.  We have a special challenge for you to take if you truly would like to know. May it be so!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!