- New Noah's Ark Book Claims Real Evidence for 'Greatest Discovery Ever'
- Justin Bieber's Mom Says She Couldn't Abort Baby
- Black Christians See No Clear Options Between Obama, Romney
- Megachurch Pastor Dino Rizzo Resigns From Healing Place Church
- Pastors Get Ready to Preach Politics, Challenge IRS Restriction
- Anti-Islam Movie: Christian-Muslim Relations in So. Calif. Under Scrutiny
- One Nation Under God
- 'I Wish Mitt Romney Would Meet People Like Me,' Rape Conceived Pro-Lifer Says
- 'Unconditional' Release Announced, Film Based on True Story
- College Head Calls Obamacare 'Gov't at Its Worst;' Declares Lawsuit
- Rand Paul Talks Faith, War, Abortion at Values Voter Summit
- When Will We Start Following the Constitution?
- Former Abortion Workers to Testify at Pro-Life 'Conversion' Conference
- CBN 'Regrets' Pat Robertson's Comments on Muslims and Wife-Beating
- James MacDonald's Vertical Church Tour: It's About Getting Back to Jesus
- Egypt's Coptic Christians Fearful Amid Outrage Over Muhammad Film
- Three Types of Responses to Confrontation
- Samsung Galaxy S3 JellyBean Update ROM is Released
- Robert Jeffress Calls Romney 'Lesser of Two Evils,' Maintains 'Mormonism Is Not Christianity'
- Richard Dawkins Called a 'Christian Atheist' in Debate With Jewish Leader
- Why Do Radical Muslims Hate America So Much?
- Blackberry 10 Release Date Set for January
- Worshippers Gather Near Debris of Church Demolished by Russian Gov't
- Is the Mainstream Media Protecting Obama?
- Racism, Anti-Mormonism Won't Affect Election, Expert Believes
- Televangelist Juanita Bynum Confesses: I've Been With Women
- Okla. Judge: Male Sex-Change Patients Cannot Take Female Names
- Greater Religious Freedom for Christians in India
- Del. Church Cuts Ties With Boy Scout Troop Over Gay Ban
- New Noah's Ark Book Claims Real Evidence for 'Greatest Discovery Ever'

DADT Repeal One Year Later: Is US Military Better or Worse?
Supporters and opponents of the military's current legal stance on gays serving for the U.S. took the opportunity on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) to give contrary progress reports on the policy. While a military chaplains group says there is mounting evidence that shows a negative consequence inside the military because of the repeal, an LGBT media group points to a recent academic study revealing that there has been no adverse effect on the military's readiness overall.
WCC Urges Revision of Pakistan's 'Abusive' Blasphemy Laws
The World Council of Churches (WCC), a worldwide fellowship of churches, began a public hearing in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday to discuss mob lynchings, persecution of Christians and the harsh blasphemy laws in Pakistan that are used to target all religions outside of Islam.
Seven Updated Trends on Megachurches in America
By Thom S. Rainer
The fascination with megachurches is, at least to some extent, related to the sociological impact on the community in which it resides. There continues to be a shift of members and attendees from smaller churches to larger churches, particularly megachurches.
'I Wish Mitt Romney Would Meet People Like Me,' Rape Conceived Pro-Lifer Says
By Napp Nazworth
Nick Vujicic Talks 'Unstoppable,' Overcoming Suicide and Joy of Married Life
By Stoyan Zaimov
Episcopal Priest Speaks of Need to Reclaim Liberalism Within Biblical Christianity
By Ginny Mooney
Theologians Tackle 'Should Christians Vote for a Mormon for President?' Question
By Lillian Kwon
Anger Is a Calling?
By Paul Tripp

Suffering must not, cannot be okay with us. Injustice must not, cannot be okay with us. The immorality of the culture around us must not, cannot be okay with us. The deceit of the atheistic worldview – the philosophical paradigm of many culture-shaping institutions – must not, cannot be okay with us. Righteous anger should yank us out of selfish passivity. Righteous anger should call us to join God's revolution of grace.
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