- Look Where the Soul Goes During Sex
- '2016: Obama's America' Co-Producer Wants AP to Apologize for Fact Check Story
- New Report Examines Salaries of Megachurch Pastors
- Lutherans Latest to Reject New NIV Bible Over Gender Language
- 'God' Absent From Democratic Convention's Mission Statement
- Abortion, Gay Marriage Top DNC Agenda
- Democrats Put 'God' Back in Platform; Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
- Black Pastors Meet in Va. to Discuss Support for Obama
- Bill Clinton: 'A Few Years Ago,' Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags'
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- First Lady Opens Democratic Convention With Familiar Attacks on Romney
- Nine Things That Every Leader Struggles With and How to Overcome Them
- Obama Loses Favorability Among Women Voters
- Christian Author: Feminists Today Are Replica of Male Chauvinist Pigs 30 Years Ago
- Pat Robertson Tells Christian Viewer to Dump Muslim Girlfriend
- God Fixation Can Fix This Nation
- Gay Activists to Protest Kirk Cameron's 'Love and Marriage' Event
- Fifty Christians Burned Alive in Pastor's Home in Nigeria
- If God Weren't Angry...
- Millennials Are 'Generation Screwed,' Futurist Argues
- Will Smith Movie 'Redemption of Cain' Gets Greenlight; Puts Vampire Twist on Biblical Tale
- Romney Brings 'Positive Attention' to Mormonism, Marriott Head Says
- NJ Pastor to Live Poll Church During Sermon Series on Politics
- Pat Robertson vs. the Spirit of Adoption
- First Baptist Church of Hammond 'More United Than Ever' Following Jack Schaap Adultery Scandal
- Hurricane Isaac 2012: Storm to Become Hurricane in Florida Sunday
- Is Obama the Antichrist?
- Kong Hee to Plead 'Not Guilty' When City Harvest Church Trial Resumes
- UK Christians Plead With Human Rights Court to Affirm Religious Rights
- Tens of Thousands Remain Powerless, Homeless in Hurricane Isaac's Aftermath
- Steven Furtick's Book Release Event Combines Promotion, Outreach
- Pa. Pastors Not Avoiding Politics in Pulpits Ahead of Elections
- Look Where the Soul Goes During Sex

Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller Leaves Persecution Watchdog Ministry
After nine years at the helm, Carl Moeller is stepping down as president and CEO of Open Doors USA, an international ministry based in Southern California that supports persecuted Christians in the most oppressive countries in the world.
Democrats Put 'God' Back in Platform; Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
"God" is back in the Democratic National Convention's platform after delegates voted Wednesday to amend it. Along with adding a reference to God to the party platform, delegates also recognized that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
God Fixation Can Fix This Nation
By Rev. Mark H. Creech
Quite to the contrary of the atheistic mindset, it was a "God fixation" that actually built and prospered this great country. All the values most beloved by Americans – those that changed much of the world – derived from a Christian perspective.
Pastor Embraces Hollywood Entertainment Industry; Launches Artists Resource Center
By Alex Murashko
Political Football: Republican Party Must Not Squander Their First and Goal Opportunity on Immigration
By Samuel Rodriguez and Robert Gittelson
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