THE CHRISTIAN POST: Thursday September 6, 2012 Elul 19, 5772

Carl Moeller
(Photo: The Christian Post)

Open Doors USA President Carl Moeller Leaves Persecution Watchdog Ministry

By Alex Murashko

After nine years at the helm, Carl Moeller is stepping down as president and CEO of Open Doors USA, an international ministry based in Southern California that supports persecuted Christians in the most oppressive countries in the world.

Democrats Put 'God' Back in Platform; Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

By Lillian Kwon

"God" is back in the Democratic National Convention's platform after delegates voted Wednesday to amend it. Along with adding a reference to God to the party platform, delegates also recognized that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.



Obama Loses Favorability Among Women Voters

By Napp Nazworth

President Barack Obama's favorability rating among female registered voters declined significantly after the week of the Republican National Convention. The women's vote has become central to both campaigns this election season.

Diane Passno was a proud feminist during her college years. But today she cringes at how much the feminist movement has gone in the wrong direction and become distorted.

A pro-life display booth will be returning to a Maryland city's annual community event after not being allowed the year before. The Respect Life booth is overseen by St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Hampden and was previously banned for allegedly engaging in proselytizing and using graphic anti-abortion imagery.

The National Black Church Initiative has announced the organization of security for its president in light of the shooting at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., and to protect its leader from possibly being "harmed by the forces of evil that support same-sex marriage."

A church-state watchdog group has filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Washington State Board of Pharmacy in a case where pharmacists refused to supply contraception over religious objections.

Hours before the Democratic Party voted Wednesday to reinstate "God" and Jerusalem into its official platform, conservative Republican Pat Robertson lashed out at the group for being the "party of gays, godlessness and whatever else," and suggested that it was now "going after God" for previously dropping "God" from the party platform.

Church & Ministries

Liquid Church

NJ Pastor to Live Poll Church During Sermon Series on Politics

By Alex Murashko

Tim Lucas, lead pastor of Liquid Church in New Jersey, hopes to elevate political discourse during the election season by not only talking about politics during Sunday worship services in September but leading live polling on hot button issues via text messaging.

Steven Furtick, lead pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, N.C., promoted the release of his new book, Greater, on Tuesday by hosting a live webcast event that is bringing together some of country's most well-known church leaders and, at the same time, helping children in need.

The updated NIV Bible has gained another critic: the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In a recent report, a panel of Lutherans cautioned against use of the new NIV over gender-related issues.

Matt Chandler, pastor of The Village Church in Texas and the newly-installed president of church-planting organization Acts 29, recently shared in an interview his heart for the "young black male" and how he hopes to address some of the tough issues he believes African-American men face when it comes to countering "white privilege" in the church.

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Pro-Abortion Activists Make 11-Year-Old Girl Cry at Democratic Convention

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Egyptian Muslim Destroys Quran, Religious Leader Calls for His Death

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First Lady Opens Democratic Convention With Familiar Attacks on Romney

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Millennials Are 'Generation Screwed,' Futurist Argues

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Bill Clinton: 'A Few Years Ago,' Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags'

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Lecrae performs during a free show at the Apple store in SOHO, NYC July 17, 2012.

Exclusive Interview Part 2: Lecrae Reveals Top 5 Favorite Emcees, Addresses Jay-Z and the Illuminati

By Vincent Funaro

Hip-hop star and dedicated Christian Lecrae is enjoying an exciting year after releasing his first mainstream mixtape titled "Church Clothes" and new album Gravity which reached the number one spot on iTunes this week. The Christian Post recently had the opportunity to speak with him and found out what other rappers inspire him and what he thinks about the secret society known as the Illuminati.

Jeremy Lin, the Houston Rockets guard who became an NBA sensation last season while playing for the New York Knicks, finished up his tour of Taiwan on Sunday by giving his personal testimony during an event called "Jeremy Lin's Miracle Night."

Actor Will Smith will possibly make his directional debut with a cinematic interpretation of the biblical account of the story of Cain and Abel. The film, "The Redemption of Cain," has been given the greenlight by Sony Pictures Entertainment and reportedly puts a vampiric spin on the well-known narrative.

Actor Kirk Cameron, a longtime friend of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, laughs off an awkward experience in a new upcoming episode of the couple's reality show, "19 Kids and Counting," which premieres on TLC on Sept. 4.

Following a successful first episode last week, "The American Bible Challenge" returned to the Game Show Network on Thursday and featured a new challenge named after New York Jets backup quarterback Tim Tebow.


European Union flag

UK Christians Plead With Human Rights Court to Affirm Religious Rights

By Stoyan Zaimov

Four British citizens who claim they were dismissed from work because of their Christian beliefs have taken their cases to the European Court of Human Rights in hopes of having affirmed their right to express their faith while on the job.

Researchers in Finland have published a new study that indicates that there is a link between the abortion procedure and an increased risk of preterm birth.

The Archbishop of York has joined the growing list of prominent religious leaders in their fight to curb illicit and pornographic content that is freely available to all users regardless of age.

A court in Pakistan has sent a Muslim cleric to 14 days in custody after he was accused of tampering with evidence to frame a minor Christian girl, believed to be mentally disabled, in a "blasphemy" case and thereby expel all area Christians.

Evangelist Franklin Graham has agreed to hold an evangelistic event in South Sudan next month, answering a plea from churches in the violence-ridden region who believe that their only hope for their new country is a spiritual revival.

Tech & Biz

Dome of the Rock Picture 2

Live Out the Stories of the Bible at

By Vincent Funaro brings the stories of the Old and New Testament to life by providing people of all faiths with authentic 3D tours and maps of many of the significant landmarks in the holy city.

Apple finally confirmed the unveiling of the iPhone 5 today as the company sent out invitations to the event where the device will make its first appearance.

The three little pigs are back! But this time they are mean, they are green, and they are soon to be available on your Android machine.

The Android 4.1, JellyBean update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 has reportedly leaked.

God Fixation Can Fix This Nation

By Rev. Mark H. Creech

Quite to the contrary of the atheistic mindset, it was a "God fixation" that actually built and prospered this great country. All the values most beloved by Americans – those that changed much of the world – derived from a Christian perspective.


Do You Believe We Should Cast Out Demons Today?

By John Piper

John Piper

I do, and I think there is a steady state, normal way to go about it. Occasionally you see a manifestation of demonic power that is so in your face and so possessive and controlling of a person's life that an extraordinary intervention and exorcism is called for.


Look Where the Soul Goes During Sex

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

Sex is more than just a physical act. There is also a deep spiritual aspect to sex. But you probably knew that already, didn't you? Or at least you may have had an inkling of it in your soul.


Nine Things That Every Leader Struggles With and How to Overcome Them

By Perry Noble

perry noble

I threw out a tweet asking leaders what was the top thing that they struggled with…and received lots and lots of answers. If you are a leader (especially a church leader) then one of the things we are most guilty of is believing God's Word for other people but not for our own lives.


If God Weren't Angry...

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

Called to represent God's work of grace in the lives of others, many of us in ministry need to reevaluate how we think about the anger of God. Sometimes we can treat God's anger like the embarrassing uncle in our extended family. It's as if we're working hard to keep this attribute of God away from public exposure.


Survey Suggests Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions Can Be Reduced Through Counseling

By Jeff Schapiro


Survey results from a study conducted by People Can Change, a nonprofit organization that seeks to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA), show that over half of those who sought counseling for SSA felt their attractions diminish as a result.


Minimizing Suffering Minimizes the Cross

By Tullian Tchividjian

Tullian Tchividjian

It is ironic that one of the most beautiful and encouraging verses in the Bible is also one of the most dangerous. You probably know which one I'm talking about. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"


Holy Sweat: 3 Reasons Church Leaders Should Get in Shape

By Greg Stier

Greg Stier

In college I had 8% bodyfat and could hang with the best of them when it came to push ups, sit ups and the like. But then something strange happened. I went into ministry full time.


Learn How to Pass Your Tests in Life

By Joyce Meyer

megachurch pastor

Sometimes God allows or even arranges for us to go through difficulties in this life because it's during those times that we grow in our faith and develop more of the character of Christ. Trials reveal what we really believe and what's really inside our hearts.


Is God Your Genie in a Bottle?

By Dan Delzell


A well-known television preacher was earnest in this recent plea to his viewers: "Give your seed an assignment." He compared the Father sending Jesus to earth with an that of viewers sending money to his television ministry. The announcer then came on and encouraged viewers to "target your seed toward your greatest need." The announcer said that in response to their financial gift, the minister was believing God to give the donor "a life-changing creative idea, supernatural favor, and a debt canceling miracle." What a deal!


Are Christian Media Avoiding '2016: Obama's America?'

By Alex Murashko

Obama America

The filmmakers of "2016: Obama's America" are questioning why some Christian media and even some Christian leaders are reluctant to give movie reviews or place ads of their documentary-style film. Although not financed by any political group, the movie critically questions President Obama's worldview and paints a dire future under a second-term should he be re-elected.


Words Matter. Truth Counts.

By Ken Connor

Ken Connor

Or do they in the postmodern age in which we live? We have widely diverging views of what is true, so we can't agree on which words to use in describing the truth or even the meaning of the words that are used.


The Casualties of Free Expression in America

By Craig Parshall


Mr. Zuckerberg, as well as Google's former CEO Eric Schmidt, and Apple's innovative genius, the late Steve Jobs, have all praised, at various times, the concept of expressive "openness" on Internet platforms. Yet, ironically, all three – Facebook, Google and Apple – have been tools of censorship against Christian ideas.


Ditching Obvious Truths in the Information Age

By Robert Knight


The information universe is expanding at warp speed. The question is, with all this information, why aren't people getting smarter, and why aren't things better? Once upon a time in America, you didn't have to explain certain, obvious things - what the Declaration of Independence describes as "self-evident truths."


Restore the Real American Dream

By Rev. Mark H. Creech

Mark Creech

Is this really what has become of the American Dream? This is far removed from an earlier time when the nation's attention was not so much on its possessions, but the quest to be a civil, just, righteous, freedom-loving, God-fearing, contented, thankful and generous people.


Why Does God Allow Hurricanes?

By Jerry Newcombe

Tourists walk along beach taking photos of tropical storm Isaac as it moves over Key West, FL on August 26, 2012.

All politics aside, how could a good God allow hurricanes or other forms of natural disasters? This is a core question that keeps resurfacing. Presumably, it is part of what keeps some from believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Where Did the New Calvinism Come From?

By Tim Challies


The New Calvinism is a distinctly twenty-first century, digital-era development. It is the Internet in general, and social media in particular, that first tied the movement together and that have since drawn people in.


Pastor Embraces Hollywood Entertainment Industry; Launches Artists Resource Center

By Alex Murashko

Toure Roberts

Microphone in hand, Touré Roberts is at ease as he introduces each short film at his first film festival at the movie theater inside the Sherman Oaks Galleria. He invites selected filmmakers and actors to chat with him and tell the audience about their projects after each screening. On a recent summer evening, it's easy to see that this young pastor of a large church in Los Angeles is passionate about making a difference in Hollywood.


New Report Reveals Voting Interests of Churchgoing, Christian Women

By Jeff Schapiro

rnc, woman

Barna Group released the final report in a four-part series on "Christian Women Today" on Tuesday, revealing somewhat surprising statistics concerning the influence of Christian women voters and what issues concern them the most.


5 Reasons Why Christians Struggle to Evangelize

By Greg Stier

Greg Stier

There are many Christians who, down deep inside, want to share their faith but they honestly don't know what to say. Sadly, there are also many who call themselves Christians but they just don't care about the lost.


Listening to Negative People Will Make You Dumb

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

We all know those "energy drainers." They are the people that seem to have a perpetual cloud hanging over their heads. Research shows that exposure to 30 minutes or more of negativity – including viewing such material on TV – actually peels away neurons in the brain's hippocampus. That's the part of your brain you need for problem solving.


Political Football: Republican Party Must Not Squander Their First and Goal Opportunity on Immigration

By Samuel Rodriguez and Robert Gittelson

Arizona immigration

The Conservatives for Comprehensive Immigration Reform coalition is cautiously awaiting the introduction of this year's Republican Party platform. We are keenly interested to see where, exactly, the Party will ultimately stand on the issue of immigration reform. It is our fervent hope that in this year's platform, the Party will be willing to stand with their "better angels." By that, we mean that we hope that the Party embraces the call for adhering to the Rule of Law, but also calls for adhering to a call for a more compassionate conservatism.


Ben & Jerry's, Chick-fil-A & Political Correctness

By Perry Noble

perry noble

A few years ago I went to Wal Mart, found my favorite flavor and decided to tweet that I was purchasing some Ben & Jerry's ice cream…and doing so "unleashed the hounds" in a sense.


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