Walk by Faith
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7
God was giving the children of Israel a new generation, a second chance. It was a second opportunity to go and do what was not done the first time — enter the Promised Land and fight the giants.
Remember when Moses sent the spies out? When they returned with the great fruits of the land, ten of them were afraid to go in. They lacked faith and caused the people to have fear in their hearts, not trusting in the Lord. It was not the majority who had faith. No, it was the minority.
Think about it: even today, it is the minority who has faith in God, not the majority. Two people out of twelve believed God — Joshua and Caleb. They were the true leaders.
Not everyone is a leader. In order to be a leader for God, you must walk in faith, not by sight. It is very important that we learn this lesson.
Faith is not a question of majorities.
-Auguste Lecerf-