Yes! Jesus is Coming!
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Biblical Prophecy Today chooses not to be a wierd or wacky service provider of every wild and wooly idea that someone gets from too much coffee; too much time on the Internet and too little time studying and "approving" what is valid, but we would see Jesus as Coming to this Generation.We abide by that motto that saved us in the beginning of this age of grace and we saw written on the sides of the wall leading into a little church at the time called Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa; It said:
"Jesus is Coming"
Jack Kelley
(A-Series from 2011)
Jack answers your questions on a variety of Bible topics. Updated daily. Have a question? Send it to (1-11)Ask a Bible Teacher
Q. My question centers on a Christian’s responsibility to his/her family during family functions. I am the only saved one in my family. When I attend holidays and family functions, it is uncomfortable for me because there are untoward things going on, such as swearing, drinking, gossiping, and occasionally light gambling. I try to ignore it but it’s difficult. What would you recommend if you were in my shoes? If I don’t attend the functions at all, then I risk offending the family. When I do go, I’m uncomfortable. Your thoughts would be appreciated. A. Sounds like your family is a lot like the folks Jesus was around through most of his ministry. He was able to love them without condoning their lifestyle, and His love for them often moved their hearts. “Hate the sin but love the sinner,” we’re told. It’s easier said than done, especially with family, but think of how hard it must have been for Him. He already knew how each life would turn out, who would be saved and who would be lost. Yet He ate and drank with them, and even made some wine for them. Through it all He was never legalistic, never hypocritical, never condescending, and always loving. You’re the body of Christ in your family. When he wants to hug them, He uses your arms. And when He wants to tell them He loves them, He uses your voice. And when they misbehave, you’re the one who has to say, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they’re doing.” If you can do that, pretty soon you won’t be the only one any more. Q. Something you said in one of your answers was that God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess. I was taught that all our sins are forgiven already at the cross, but that we should confess them which is to admit our wrong to God so that we can be closer to God. But our sins are forgiven at the cross, everyone of them, so I feel it was wrong to say God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess because he already has. A. There are two levels of our relationship with the Lord. I call the first one Union. It’s based on the eternal forgiveness for our sins that was purchased at the cross and guarantees our place in Heaven. We only have to ask once to receive this forgiveness and it’s good forever. Ephesians 1:13-14 is a good verse for this. I refer to the second level as Fellowship. It ‘s the way God relates to us now, on Earth. When we’re walking with Him and staying free from sin, He blesses us in special ways. But when we sin, this special relationship is interrupted until we confess our sin. As soon as we do we’re forgiven and our special relationship is reinstated. If we don’t confess, we can’t be forgiven. We won’t lose our salvation, but we will miss out on blessings we could otherwise have had. A good verse for this is 1 John 1:9. The parable of the unmerciful servant in Matt 18:23-35 explains this in greater detail. The man never stopped being his Master’s servant, but he was excluded from the Master’s presence for the sin of refusing to forgive a fellow servant. I was referring to this second level in my answer. Q. Something you said in one of your answers was that God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess. I was taught that all our sins are forgiven already at the cross, but that we should confess them which is to admit our wrong to God so that we can be closer to God. But our sins are forgiven at the cross, everyone of them, so I feel it was wrong to say God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess because he already has. A. There are two levels of our relationship with the Lord. I call the first one Union. It’s based on the eternal forgiveness for our sins that was purchased at the cross and guarantees our place in Heaven. We only have to ask once to receive this forgiveness and it’s good forever. Ephesians 1:13-14 is a good verse for this. I refer to the second level as Fellowship. It ‘s the way God relates to us now, on Earth. When we’re walking with Him and staying free from sin, He blesses us in special ways. But when we sin, this special relationship is interrupted until we confess our sin. As soon as we do we’re forgiven and our special relationship is reinstated. If we don’t confess, we can’t be forgiven. We won’t lose our salvation, but we will miss out on blessings we could otherwise have had. A good verse for this is 1 John 1:9. The parable of the unmerciful servant in Matt 18:23-35 explains this in greater detail. The man never stopped being his Master’s servant, but he was excluded from the Master’s presence for the sin of refusing to forgive a fellow servant. I was referring to this second level in my answer. Q. How long will it take to build the new temple? A. Good question. All we know for sure is that one of the provisions of the treaty that begins Daniel’s 70th week seems to be the go ahead on the Temple’s construction, because in the middle of that last 7 years the anti Christ desecrates the Temple. (Daniel 9:27) So at most it could take approximately three years. Some say that preliminary work has been going on for some time now. No one’s saying just how much of the Temple has been or even can be pre-fabricated but rumors surface from time to time. I think that once the decision is made, construction will progress rapidly and the Temple will be in full use well before the abomination of desolation. Q. I have a non believer friend who has recently confessed that he denied the existence of the Holy Spirit. By denying the existence of the holy spirit has he committed the eternal sin and will forever be lost? A. Denying the existence of the Holy Spirit is a really silly thing to do, because no one can prove He doesn’t exist, but it’s not the unforgivable sin. In Matt. 12:24 some Pharisees said that Jesus performed His miracles through the power of Satan. In verses 31-32 Jesus said that speaking against the Holy Spirit was a sin that would not be forgiven. He was referring to their claim about Satan being the power behind the Lord’s miracles. They knew the Scriptures, had interviewed eye witnesses, and were knowledgeable about both Satan and the Holy Spirit. Therefore they were responsible for their actions. Your friend and others like him who think it’s smart to taunt the Lord like this haven’t a clue as to what they’re talking about. They were best described in Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” By the very fact that he’s an unbeliever, your friend has been denying the existence of the Holy Spirit all along. What’s the big deal in denying the existence of someone you already don’t believe in? Pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to your friend and will forgive him for sins committed in ignorance. Q. In Matt. 24:15-16 the Lord warned all who are in Judea to flee to the mountains immediately upon hearing of the Abomination. Yet, did I understand you to imply that only the 144,000 who are sealed will do so? Would you please clarify this matter? What about other post-Rapture Messianic Jews and believing Gentiles who live in Judea when the Abomination happens? Surely many/most of them will also heed the warning. Will they be safeguarded as well? Also, did I read somewhere that those to be protected will be flown to Petra on eagles wings, or some such? A. What I said was that only 144,000 Jewish believers will receive God’s protective seal (Rev. 7:1-8). But a much greater number than that will flee from the anti-Christ. Rev. 12:14 says the woman (representing the believing remnant of Israel) will be given the two wings of a great eagle. I believe John was invoking symbolism that recalls Israel’s supernatural deliverance from Egypt. That was also described as being on the wings of eagles (Exodus 19:4). There won’t be enough airplanes to fly all of Israel’s religious Jews away and there’s no place to land where they’re going. Q. I can’t find anything regarding this on your site or in scripture. I know that before Yashua was crucified, He told His disciples to arm themselves. Is there anything more that answers this question? Is owning a gun show a lack of faith? A. Let’s take this opportunity to clear up a misunderstanding. On the night of the Lord’s betrayal when they were confronted by the soldiers who had come to arrest Jesus, the disciples asked if they should strike with their swords (Luke 22:49). One of them actually attacked the servant of the High Priest, cutting off his ear. (According to John 18:10 it was Peter.) Jesus said, “Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw (take up) the sword will die by the sword” (Matt. 26:52). Some use the Lord’s statement to justify banning all weapons, but Jesus wasn’t criticizing Peter for owning a weapon. Earlier that day He had advised the disciples that if they didn’t have a sword to sell their cloak and buy one (Luke 22:36). Apparently they took Him at His word and were armed. There are three points to understand here. First, this was a specific instance, and not meant as a general admonition. In telling them to put their weapons away, He was simply warning the disciples that they were hopelessly outnumbered and if they attacked the soldiers they would be killed. His second point was He didn’t need them to defend Him anyway. He had forces of His own that were more than sufficient (Matt. 26:53). And third, He didn’t want to resist His arrest because things were proceeding according to the plan laid down in Scripture (Matt. 26:54, 56). A few years later Paul wrote, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath”(Romans 12:18-19). Christians are supposed to make every effort to live in peace, but as far as I can see there is no prohibition in Scripture against owning a weapon. Q. I had a huge shock this Christmas when my pastor stood in front of my church and proclaimed ALL 500+ prophesies of Jesus had already been fulfilled. I really believe this man is a man of God but how on earth could he say such a thing? When I first walked into this church 8 years ago after spending 4 years looking I felt at home. But now I am beginning to doubt that I am in the right place. I don’t know what to do. Can you help? A. Some scholars claim to have identified as many as 800 prophecies in the Bible that relate to either the first or second coming. They further state that about 300 of them were fulfilled in the 1st coming. That leaves 500 or so unfulfilled. Two of the most obvious indicators that there are unfulfilled prophecies are 1) the Lord is not here yet, and 2) we still are. If you’re sure you understood him correctly then your pastor is ignoring the run-up to the most amazing event in human history. I can see why you’re disappointed. Q. Okay , so we know Jesus came to die for our sins , so that by believing in him we shouldn’t perish but have everlasting life. And that believing in him is not just saying, “I have been saved once and I will always be saved,” but by continuously trying to live as Jesus would have us live, and continually suppressing the whims and caprices of our flesh, which is corrupt in nature. My question simply is while we are in this state of living for Christ, enduring temptations on a regular basis but doing whatever is within our power to remain unblemished and fit for the rapture, do we still regard ourselves sinners just because “all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God” ? What happened to “I am a new creation”? Where is the power of the Blood that was shed if it still doesn’t stop us from being sinners? A. You’ve picked up some confusing theology along the way, so lets try to straighten it out. Yes, Jesus died for all our sins, and for believing that we have been given everlasting life (John 3:16). But continuously trying to live as Jesus would have us live is our expression of gratitude in response to what He did for us. It’s not one of the conditions we have to meet, either for belief or for inclusion in the rapture. Since we will have a sin nature until we’re raptured we are still sinners. No matter how hard we try to stop sinning we can’t do it. 2 Cor. 5:17 says we’re a new creation “in Christ” but that’s not the same as being a new creation in fact. It means that because of the righteousness imputed to us by faith (Romans 3:22), God is able to look forward in time and regard us as we will be after we’re raptured, not as we are today. In effect He has separated the behavior from the believer (Romans 7:15-20). The “power of the blood” is not in preventing us from ever sinning again, but in relieving us from the penalty due us for all the sins of our life, past present and future. Jesus didn’t die so bad men could become good, but so dead men could live. Q. Regarding Gifts of the Holy Spirit, I’m still waiting. Having never had an epiphany, of course, I’m at a loss as to the starting place of when to expect my Gift. But, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never received one unless I am too dense to recognize it. So, how does one know and recognize his Gift? I have read many questions similar to or identical with mine from people who, like I, have lived their whole life and never recognized a hint of a Gift. A. 1 Cor. 12:7-11 lists 9 Spiritual gifts and says the Holy Spirit distributes them to each believer just as He determines. Every born again believer should study this passage and learn what it means because each of us has been given at least one of the Spiritual Gifts that are listed there. I think there are several reasons why don’t people know what their gift is and how to use it. First, most Christians are never taught about this and so don’t even know they have at least one. Second, of those who are taught, most are taught incorrectly and give up trying to find theirs. And third, among the few who are taught correctly, most never yield their lives to the extent necessary for their gift to flourish. In other words they live life in their own strength, depending on their natural capabilities rather than acting in the strength of the Lord depending on the supernatural capabilities He gave them. Paul wrote that once we were born again it was like we were purchased by God and our lives were no longer ours to do with as we please. (1 Cor. 6:20). And Jesus said without Him we can’t live fruitful lives (John 15:4). Both these passages are meant for believers, but most of us have never received any meaningful coaching regarding this. The emphasis has always been on getting us saved as if that was all there is to the Christian life. The solution can be found in Romans 12:1-2. We’re supposed to yield our lives to the Lord and let Him transform us. In that way we can learn what His will for us is and how He has equipped us to accomplish it. Everything the New Testament contains concerning the victorious Christian life not only supports this approach but also promises a much more satisfying and fulfilling life than we could ever create on our own for following it. Q. In your article entitled, “And All These Things Will Be Given To You As Well” you said, “No matter how we try to justify it, storing up is an act of selfishness”; I have to disagree. Of course the Bible speaks out about “hoarding” and “not sharing/helping others” but it also speaks out about preparing for possible rough times to come. I have attached an article by (another Christian writer) for your information. It’s about the lesson on preparation for hard times from the Famine of Egypt. It pretty much “hits the nail on the head” regarding the topic. A. I think the writer ( and apparently you) missed the real meaning of the story of Joseph and the Famine of Egypt. To understand it, see how the story ended. Remember, this was a government mandated storage plan into which the people were required to contribute 20% of their crops during the good years. When the famine came they had to buy back the food they had contributed. When all was said and done, Pharaoh had taken possession of their money, their land, their livestock, their seed for the next crop, their very lives. He had reduced the people to servitude, totally dependent on him for their existence (Genesis 47:20-21). At the end of the story the only free people left in Egypt were the 70 members of the family of Jacob (Joseph’s father). They had not contributed to the government sponsored storage plan, but had been blessed greatly. Beside Pharaoh and the priests they had become the only remaining landowners in all of Egypt. How did this happen? God had used this event to reconcile Joseph to His brothers. They sought him in their time of need, depended on him, and were blessed. There are over 100 references in the Book of Genesis that show how Joseph’s life was a foreshadowing of the Lord’s. One lesson from the story of the famine is that it demonstrates His promise to us in the Sermon on the Mount. So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matt. 6:31-33). In the soon coming hard times many of those who depend on the ways of the world will lose everything. But those who seek the Lord’s kingdom and depend on Him will be blessed.The Only One Saved
Forgiven Or Not
Forgiven Or Not
Building The Temple
Denying The Holy Spirit
The Fleeing Remnant
Help! I Don’t Know What To Do
Are We Still Sinners?
More On Spiritual Gifts
The Famine In Egypt

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Bible Prophecy Today
"After Word"
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Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From; Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings; Yes! Jesus is Coming!; Countdown to Armageddon; ViewPoint;"What Should Christians do"; with many more added as we increase till Jesus Come Again.