Yes! Jesus is Coming!
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Thursdays Study in Prophecy
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Biblical Prophecy Today chooses not to be a wierd or wacky service provider of every wild and wooly idea that someone gets from too much coffee; too much time on the Internet and too little time studying and "approving" what is valid, but we would see Jesus as Coming to this Generation.We abide by that motto that saved us in the beginning of this age of grace and we saw written on the sides of the wall leading into a little church at the time called Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa; It said:
"Jesus is Coming"
Prophecy Topical
(14 of 666)
Jerry Robinson
Understanding The Antichrist - Part II
byby Jerry Robinson
"Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain." (Daniel 11:39)
"Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain." (Daniel 11:39)Understanding The Antichrist - Part II
byby Jerry Robinson
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Most of you are aware that I do not care who the Antichrist is or where he is from. I have long considered the discussion and those who insist on discussing it foolhardy. This is because I believe those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior will be raptured (caught up) from this earth prior to the seven-year great tribulation during which his reign of terror transpires. Unfortunately, many well-intentioned and not so well-intentioned ministers have butchered Bible prophecy either through a clear lack of study and discernment, or worst of all, for gain. Therefore, the church's need for a healthy and sound end-time theology has never been greater. And those of us who believe we are living in the 'last of the last' days, Jesus' words to 'watch' for his coming carry with it a great responsibility. I am now going to expound on a teaching that has permeated the Muslim faith over the centuries, but with a great intensity over the last few decades. It is a very intriguing teaching that parallels the Biblical teaching of Antichrist in many ways. The Biblical concept of the Antichrist spirit and the final manifestation of the Antichrist (ho antichristos), was explained in the first part of this series, Understanding the Antichrist, Part I. We will now turn our attention to this very interesting Muslim teaching that is relatively unknown in the West. The Islamic teaching that I am alluding to is that of the soon coming Islamic savior, Al Mahdi. Yes, the holy books of Islam (Quran, the Hadith) contain many prophecies concerning the future. As a Christian, I believe these Islamic prophecies to be satanically inspired, but that is beside the point. All branches of Islam (Sunni, Shiite...) maintain a teaching that in the 'last days,' an Islamic savior, known as Al-Mahdi, will rise to great power and conquer the world for Islam. He will annihilate Christians and Jews, will conquer Jerusalem, and will fill the world with Islamic justice. What is unknown here in the West is that much of the Muslim aggression we have witnessed since 9/11 can be traced back to those who are trying to 'prepare the way,' for this Islamic savior. The similarities shared by Al Mahdi and the Biblical Antichrist is breathtaking to say the least and should be considered by any serious student of Biblical prophecy. Not because it is certain, but rather because it is highly plausible. Imagine... The seed of Ishmael rising up against the seed of Isaac in the last days. Let's begin by focusing on what clues the Bible gives us as to the belief system of the coming Antichrist. The Biblical Antichrist's Religious Background 1) He will wage a war in Northern Africa (Dan. 11:42-45) 2) He will then invade Jerusalem and take control the Temple Mount (Rev. 13:1,2) 3) He will persecute the Jews and Christians (Rev. 20:4) 4) He will divide the land of Israel for gain (Dan 11:39) What has always amazed me about the majority of Bible prophecy teachers is that they constantly underestimate Islam. Does anyone reading this think that the world's 1.2 billion Muslims are going away anytime soon? But I digress. Consider the following story: On Nov. 20, 1979, some 50,000 Muslims were celebrating Islam's 1400th Anniversary in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. As the crowds began their morning prayers in the Grand Mosque, 350 armed men suddenly burst in to the Mosque. (Grand Mosque houses the Ka'ba, the large black stone, at Islam's holiest site) These men demanded that one of their holy men Abdullah al-Qahtani, be declared the Mahdi. The leader of the celebration denounced them as heretics and fighting suddenly broke out. The 50,000 worshippers were trapped and the siege lasted for 2 weeks. Saudi and French security forces retook the shrine after an intense battle in which some 250 people were killed and 600 wounded. After the assault, 63 of the rebels were beheaded including their leader. (1)
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Facts about the Islamic Mahdi Let me arm you with some facts about Al Mahdi According to the Quran, Islam's holiest book, and the Hadith, a collection of Islamic holy writings that supplement the Quran, a messianic figure will arise in the last days of history known as Al Mahdi. He, along with the 'Prophet Jesus,' (False Prophet) will lead the Muslim believers to victory over the infidels (Christians and Jews). 1) The word, Mahdi, means 'The Guided One.' 2) According to Islam's holy writings, one day the entire world will be converted to Islam. Leading this revival will be the Mahdi, who will assume the role as the Islamic Messiah. 3) Islamic tradition teaches that Jesus will return from heaven in the last days and follow the Mahdi into Jerusalem, where Jesus will deny he is the Son of God. 4) Then, together the two will destroy the 'Cross' (Christianity) and kill the Jews who will be 'hiding behind rocks.' Afterwards Islamic justice will prevail and the world will submit to the rule of Mahdi, and Jesus. 5) All branches of Islam teach on the Mahdi. All Muslims believe this! In addition, Islam's holy writings describe the Islamic messiah's lineage, name, facial features, etc. in great detail. These apocalyptic Muslims believe that WMD's must be used to wipe out the 'infidels' or Christians and Jews. Their ideas and expectations clearly match the many predictions the biblical prophets laid down in scripture. Quotes from the Hadith: "Imam Mahdi will return at the head of the forces of righteousness and do battle with the forces of evil in one, final, apocalyptic battle. When evil has been defeated once and for all, the Imam Mahdi will rule the world for several years under a perfect government and bring about a perfect spirituality among the peoples of the world. After the Imam Mahdi has reigned for several years, Jesus Christ will return" "Al Mahdi: His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years." "Allah will give Al-Mahdi the ability to righteously rule the Muslim nation in the span of a night. He will fill the earth with justice, as it was filled with injustice. He will lead the Muslim nation to the second conquering of Constantinople and possibly Rome." Conclusion Israel, the country the Antichrist will proudly conquer, is still trying to make peace with its Islamic neighbors. Islam is the only global religion that still continues the practice of beheading. Interestingly, Rev. 20:4 speaks of the Christian tribulation saints who are beheaded for their faith. The Bible describes a time during the great tribulation when the Antichrist sweeps into Jerusalem after his conquest of Northern Africa. This begs the question that if the Jews flee from Jerusalem, who would immediately move in? The Muslims. But wouldn't the Christians prevent it? No. They will be beheaded for their testimony. Additionally, any Muslim who had the ability to liberate Jerusalem from Jewish hands would be considered a hero throughout the Islamic world. Finally, Islam teaches that Jesus was born of Mary and was a great prophet but that he is not the Son of God. Muslims teach that it is not possible for God to have a son. This opposing view of who Jesus is one of the greatest distinctions between Islam and Christianity. Remember, the apostle John gave us clues on how to identify Antichrist. According to 1 John 2:22, the spirit of antichrist and 'The Antichrist' always deny three things: The evil time foretold by Jesus is here. 'Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me." (John 16:2,3) Pray for those deceived by the Islamic religion. And continue to watch and be sober!
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"After Word"
In the world of Eschatology there is a lot of money to be made selling books, doing seminars, giving speech engagements and generally sensationalizing anything that "sounds like" or "looks like" prophecy.
That is not why we are here or what I do.
And that is What Prophecy is all about.
We are about the Message.
We try to remove the M&M's from the sites posting so you get less candy and more meaning.
It is not that we are ooposed to any Christian trying to make a buc, we simply choose to remove the dollars and sense so anyone and everyone can freely study and freely recieve the best, the most relevant and the currrent materials available on the internet to anyone who wants to know Fact from Fiction about End Times.
Perspectives; Prophecy Q&A; Studies From; Rapture Series; Questionable; Book of Charts; Updated; News from; Warnings; Yes! Jesus is Coming!; Countdown to Armageddon; ViewPoint;"What Should Christians do";"Prophecy Topical" with many more added as we increase till Jesus Come Again.