LastCall: Does your leadership build a high performance team? (107-5) -Barry Werner

Does your leadership build a high performance team? (107-5)

Every competent leader knows the importance of building a team.

Read 1 Chronicles 11:10-23.

The Bible offers an impressive list of military leaders connected to David, calling them his “mighty men” and describing several of their incredible exploits. David’s mighty men formed a loyal, committed and capable team who supported, encouraged and protected David in the years before and after he was anointed king of Israel.

High performance teams are hard to build. A few things stand out as we consider how David’s team came together under his leadership:

·        David’s team was welded to him in the hot fires of battle together. Any time a leader spends time with their team in the hard times, working together under difficult situations, the team learns the leader is trustworthy and the leader knows first hand the capabilities of those on their team.

·        David sacrificed for his team. Whenever a leader sacrifices self for their team, it communicates a depth of devotion, love and commitment that cannot be created any other way.

·        David and his team enjoyed victories together. When a leader celebrates with their team memories are created that help a team form an identity of a winning team; a team that can overcome anything together. When a leader celebrates with their team they gain confidence in their leader’s ability.

·        David publicly honored his team. These mighty men were well known throughout the land. When a leader honors their teammates, rather than pulling all the honor to themselves, they build trust within the team. Members of a team give their best when they trust and believe their efforts will be recognized by their teammates and others with influence outside the team.

Mark 3:14 Then he appointed twelve of them and called them his apostles. They were to accompany him, and he would send them out to preach.


« Are you giving your best as a leader in your current position? (107-4)

Do you seek the Lord’s counsel when making decisions? (108-1) »

Devotions with Emotion

Michael James Stone

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