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“Avoid Entanglements in the World”
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bachmann: Media Portray Tea Partiers as ‘Hillbillies’ and 'Rubes' Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) told CNSNews.com that the media are falsely portraying “people who are in the Tea Party movement as toothless hillbillies, as rubes from the backwater, who don't know what they're talking about.” In a video interview, CNSNews.com asked Bachmann if she saw or heard anything at the Tea Party rally on Capitol Hill the day before the health care bill was passed that was consistent with the widely reported claim of Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) that attendees at the rally had shouted racist remarks. MORE |
Group Takes Offense at 'Christian Warrior' Media Coverage Mainstream media outlets are bias in their reporting about the nine self-identified “Christian warriors” accused of plotting to kill law en- forcement officers, contends a group whose mission is to respond to anti-Christian defamation. Even though members of the militia group call themselves Hutaree, which they say means “Christian warrior,” their alleged violent plan “is absolutely contrary to Christianity,” said Dr. Gary Cass, president of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commis- sion. “They may have illicitly co-opted the Christian faith to justify their murderous intentions, but it is defamatory for the media to keep referring to them as Christians,” said Cass. “They're terrorists.” MORE |
Pepsi Accused of Funding Gay Religious Doctrines Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is calling on all PepsiCo shareholders to vote for a shareholder proposal that asks PepsiCo to divulge its standards for donating over $75 million in corporate assets to controversial groups. MORE |
Baptists to Cut Ties with Ga. Church Over Female Pastor A more than 95-year-old church in Atlanta may be ousted from the Southern Baptist Convention over a woman pastor. The Rev. Mimi Walker has been serving as co-pastor at Druid Hills Baptist Church with her husband, the Rev. Graham Walker, since 2003. But earlier this month, leaders of the Georgia Baptist Convention recommended cutting ties with the local congregation. MORE |
Glenn Beck Tells Pro-Lifers: ‘There is a Profound Evil Coming our Way’ Before a sold-out audience of 1,200 enthusiastic pro-life supporters, Glenn Beck warned of a “profound change” coming to America that he said would wreak havoc on the sanctity of life. Beck’s comments came at the Vitae Foundation’s 18th annual pro-life benefit dinner in Jefferson City, Mo., on March 13. MORE |
WSJ: Obama Becoming More Aggressive Politically President Barack Obama, after a year of fitfully searching for compromise, is taking a more aggressive tack with his Republican adversaries, hoping to energize Democratic voters and possibly muscle in some Republican support in Congress...Republicans are "on the defensive," the official said, "and as long as they're not cooperating, we ought to keep them there." MORE |
Jay Adams: How Religious Movements Mature Isn’t it strange how things repeat themselves? “What, in particular, do you have In mind?” The way a movement or cause surges ahead, only to have some of those who benefit most from it, later in rising to leading positions, begin to reject, transform and set forth their own ways of pursuing it. MORE |
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