RePost:>Prophecy Digest: BOOK OF REVELATION One -Clarence Larkin


A Study of
The Last Prophetic Book
of Holy Scripture
by Clarence Larkin

Author of The Great Book on

Self published
Philadelphia, PA.

This Book Is
To The Author Of The
Book Of Revelation
Lord Jesus Christ
Trusting that Its Expositio
May Meet With His Divine
Approval And Blessing


A Study of
The Last Prophetic Book
of Holy Scripture
by Clarence Larkin


This work is the result of 25 years' study of the Book of Revelation. Twice within 6 years the writer gave a 4-months' course of Sunday morning sermons to his people on the Book. These lectures have also been given in Bible Institute Courses, illustrated with large, colored, wall charts.

The Book of Revelation is interpreted from the Futurist Standpoint. Chapters two and three cover the present Church Dispensation. From chapter four until the end of the Book all is future. The writer's purpose is to show that the Book of Revelation is to be taken literally, and that it is written in chronological order. The text of the Old Version is used and is printed at the top of each subject. The chapter and verse divisions are ignored. The text is emphasized by the use of capitals and black type. This helps to explain it and make it clear to the general reader. The descriptive matter of the book is emphasized in the same manner.

The book is also illustrated with over 30 charts, maps, and diagrams. Numerous cuts of symbols, beasts, etc., spoken of in the Book of Revelation are distributed through the book at the place where they are mentioned, and add greatly to its value by elucidating the text and saving much explanatory matter.

The make-up and printing of the book is unique. The writer has broken all rules of book-making in his desire to make the average reader see and grip the truth. This he has been able to do because of his skill as a draughtsman, and because the Printers of the book, who are lovers of the truth and like to see it "Rightly Divided," were in sympathy with the writer's purpose, and have done everything they could to make the "printer's art" express the writer's thought.

A book gotten up in this way is naturally more expensive to print than an ordinary book. The writer had to spend weeks and months in study and designing the charts, maps, diagrams, cuts, etc. These had to be inked in and lettered by hand. Then plates had to be made of the drawings, and electros of the plates. The emphasizing of the descriptive matter with black type costs extra, but all this trouble and expense makes the book doubly valuable. While there are but 210 pages in the book, the size of the type, and the enlarged page, 6 x 9 inches, make it equivalent to an ordinary book of 400 pages.

There is nothing fantastical in the book. It contains no speculative matter, nor opinions of the writer. The book is not a commentary made up of quotations from other writers. The writer is neither a copyist or compiler. The only Author the writer has sought to follow is the Author of the Book the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore the writer lays no claim to originality. All he has sought to do is to clearly present the "MIND OF CHRIST" as revealed in the Book, having in mind the "CURSE" to which every expositor of the Book subjects himself. "If any man shall ADD unto these things, God shall ADD UNTO HIM the 'PLAGUES' that are written in this Book, and if any man shall TAKE AWAY from the words of the 'Book of this Prophecy,' God shall TAKE AWAY HIS PART OUT OF THE 'BOOK OF LIFE,' AND OUT OF THE HOLY CITY, AND FROM THE THINGS WHICH ARE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK." Rev. 22:18-19.

The writer's aim has been to prepare a standard work on the Book of Revelation, from the Futurist Standpoint, that can be used as a text-book in Theological Seminaries and Bible Schools, and be of invaluable service to the busy pastor in his exposition of the Word of God. The book is sent out with the prayer that God will bless its testimony in these days when the prophetic utterances of the Book of Revelation are rapidly approaching their fulfilment.

"Sunnyside" Fox Chase, Phila., Pa.


John's Patmos Vision
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The Book of Revelation
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