God Calling "what of Me?"

The Ideal Man

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Draw nigh, shoes off thy feet, in silent awe and adoration. 
Draw nigh, as Moses drew nigh to the burning bush.
I give you the loving intimacy of a friend, 
but I am God too,
 and the wonder of our intercourse, 
the miracle of your intimacy with Me, 
will mean the more to you, 
if sometimes you see the 
Majestic Figure of the Son of God.

Draw nigh in the utter confidence that is the sublimest prayer. Draw nigh. No far-off pleading, even to a God clothed with majesty of fire. Draw nigh. Draw nigh, not as a suppliant, but as a listener.

 I am this Suppliant, as I make known to you My wishes. For this Majestic God is Brother too, longing so intensely that you should serve your brother-man, and longing, even more intensely, that you should be true to that Vision He has of you.

You speak of your fellow man as disappointing you, as falling short of the ideal you had of him. 

But what of Me?

 For every man there is the ideal man I see in him. The man he could be, the man I would have him be.

Judge of My Heart when he fails to fulfill that promise. The disappointments of man may be great and many, but they are nothing as compared with My disappointments. Remember this, and strive to be the friend I see in my vision of you.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." James 4:8

blessings to you and yours this day and always ...

Now to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 1:24-25