Devotion Digest: Justifying wrong choices -Charles Stanley

The Reasons for Rebellion

Psalm 107:16-21

Even believers can get caught in the trap of justifying wrong choices. But when we dispense with all the creative excuses, there are just four honest reasons for rebellion.

None of them are good:

I refuse to do what God commands. There are obvious ways to ignore God's laws, such as committing murder. But more often the subtle and private methods of disobeying become obstacles in our path. For instance, we might harbor a bitter and unforgiving spirit or ignore the pleas of someone in need.

I pursue what is forbidden. The Lord has declared certain things off limits (see Romans 1:28-32 or Galatians 5:19-21 for examples). He doesn't desire to ruin our pleasure, but He does know that some 
actions can have devastating consequences.

I pursue something God allows, but in a forbidden manner. We have a lot of freedom in the Christian life—wealth, success, and relationships are all available to us. But believers are not at liberty to achieve goals through theft, deceit, injustice, or the like.

I pursue what God allows, but in my own timing. Impatience is oftentimes the reason people end up in debt or in bad relationships. We decide to go after something we want before getting clear guidance from the Lord.

Whenever you are faced with a decision, ask yourself this question: What is the wisest thing for me to do? Part of the answer is always to stop, ask the Lord for direction, and wait until He answers.

We never have to make excuses for doing the will of God.

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