Last Generation Prophecy Edition: October 17, 2012 Wednesday Heshvan 1, 5773

October 16, 2012                 Monday                Tishri 28, 5773


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"No, the Rapure will not be in 2012"



17 Oct 12

Threats to Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate
Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race. As we reported yesterday, in addition to threats by Obama supporters to riot if Romney wins, innumerable Twitter users are also making direct death threats against Romney. The primary reason given for Obama supporters wanting to see Romney dead is the fear that he will take away food stamps.  

Watching the Watchers: The Launch of BBC Watch
Fans of CiF Watch – a blog which monitors the Guardian and its blog ‘Comment is Free’ for antisemitism and the assault on Israel’s legitimacy – often asked why British media institutions other than the Guardian aren’t also similarly monitored – a query to which we have not had an answer. Until now. Recognizing the importance of the BBC in shaping world-wide opinion, a new site, BBC Watch, has been launched which will monitor BBC coverage of Israel and the Middle East.  

Jewish Groups Call for Summit with Christian Organizations
National Jewish organizations are calling for a senior leadership meeting with Christian organizations to confront differences engendered by a Christian letter to the U.S. Congress regarding Israel that has prompted a new crisis in interreligious relations.-Members of the Jewish organizations were profoundly disturbed by divestment and other anti-Israel actions. Members of the Christian organizations were frustrated by a lack of progress toward a two-state solution.  

New Type of Cosmic Ray Discovered After 100 Years
Using the European X-ray astronomy satellite XMM-Newton(1), researchers from CNRS(2) and CEA (3) have discovered a new source of cosmic rays. In the vicinity of the remarkable Arches cluster, near the center of the Milky Way, these particles are accelerated in the shock wave generated by tens of thousands of young stars moving at a speed of around 700,000 km/h. These cosmic rays produce a characteristic X-ray emission by interacting with the atoms in the surrounding gas. Their origin differs from that of the cosmic rays discovered exactly a hundred years ago by Victor Hess, which originate in the explosions of supernovae.  

Chinese view US less positively - Pew survey
Chinese views on US-China relations have declined sharply in the last two years, a new study has found. Only 39% of people said they would call the relationship co-operative, down from 68% in 2010, a Pew report said. The number of people who described US-China ties as hostile was up to 26% from 8% two years earlier.  

Global cyber war: New Flame-linked malware detected
A new cyber espionage program linked to the notorious Flame and Gauss malware has been detected by Russia's Kaspersky Lab. The anti-virus giant’s chief warns that global cyber warfare is in “full swing” and will probably escalate in 2013.  

5.5 earthquake hits near Taupo
The quake struck at 12:42pm, and was centred 10 km north-east of Taupo at a depth of 108km. GNS Science data centre manager Kevin Fenaughty said the quake was unlikely to be damaging, but was widely felt on the East Coast. "Generally the East Coast feels them stronger than directly above where it occurred because the shaking energy is transferred more effectively up the plate boundary to the east." The East Coast of the North Island is situated where the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates intersect.  

6.0-magnitude quake hits eastern Indonesia
Jakarta: An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale jolted off North Sulawesi province in eastern Indonesia on Wednesday but neither tsunami alert was triggered nor casualties or damages were reported.  

An extremely brief reversal of the geomagnetic field, climate variability and a super volcano
Besides giving evidence for a geomagnetic field reversal 41,000 years ago, the geoscientists from Potsdam discovered numerous abrupt climate changes during the last ice age in the analysed cores from the Black Sea, as it was already known from the Greenland ice cores. This ultimately allowed a high precision synchronisation of the two data records from the Black Sea and Greenland. The largest volcanic eruption on the Northern hemisphere in the past 100 000 years, namely the eruption of the super volcano 39400 years ago in the area of today's Phlegraean Fields near Naples, Italy, is also documented within the studied sediments from the Black Sea.  

CDC says another 19 people diagnosed with meningitis in U.S. outbreak
The CDC said there were two additional cases of infection in joints after a steroid injection but these were not confirmed as meningitis, bringing the total of infections nationwide to 233. The death toll from the unprecedented outbreak was unchanged at 15, the CDC said. The new cases were in Tennessee (6), Florida (2), Indiana (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), New Hampshire (2), New Jersey (2), Ohio (2), and Virginia (1).  

Secret Service director suspected of lying to Congress about prostitution scandal
An investigation for the agency that oversees the U.S. Secret Service suggests Director Mark Sullivan lied during his congressional testimony in the Colombia prostitution scandal that ensnared 13 of his agents, multiple law enforcement officials and congressional sources tell  

The American and British Governments Knew – Down to the Day – of the Coming Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor … And Let It Happen to Justify American En
The White House apparently had – a year before Pearl Harbor – launched an 8-point plan to provoke Japan into war against the U.S. (including, for example, an oil embargo). The rationale for this provocation is that the U.S. wanted to aid its allies in fighting the Nazis and other axis powers, and decided that an attack by Japan would be the most advantageous justification for the U.S. to enter WWII.  

Germany shocks EU with fiscal overlord demand
There must be an EU “currency commissioner” with sweeping powers to strike down national budgets; a “large step towards fiscal union”; and yet another EU treaty. Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble dropped his bombshell in talks with German journalists on a flight from Asia, and apparently had the blessing of Angela Merkel, the chancellor.  

Afghan troops hurt in car bomb at Nato-Afghan Paktia base
At least 45 Afghan troops have been injured by a suicide car bomb attack at an Afghan-Nato military outpost in eastern Paktia province, say officials. The attacker reportedly detonated a vehicle packed with explosives close to gates at the Zurmat base.  

Israel might intervene to prevent Syria’s chemical weapons from falling into wrong hands, PM says
Israel would consider a military option against Syria to ensure that the country’s chemical weapons do not reach the hands of extremists, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. “Israel will do everything it takes to ensure Syria’s chemical weapons do not fall into the hands of terrorist organizations — and if such a situation arises, then Israel will weigh a military option,” Netanyahu told a group of European ambassadors in Jerusalem.  

Billy Graham site removes Mormon 'cult' reference after Romney meeting
Shortly after Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney enjoyed cookies and soft drinks with the Rev. Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham on Thursday at the elder Graham's mountaintop retreat, a reference to Mormonism as a cult was scrubbed from the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In a section of the website called Billy Graham's My Answer there had been the question "What is a cult?"  

Israel's Netanyahu banks on tough guy image to win early elections
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come charging out of the gate with his reelection campaign, fashioning himself as a tough leader who is unrivaled in his ability to keep Israel safe and prosperous at a crucial time.  

Earthquake in Maine rattles New England states
The earthquake that hit southern Maine Tuesday night and was felt in New England states as far away as Connecticut caused no apparent damage or injuries, but it rattled residents throughout the region. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 4.0 magnitude quake hit around 7:12 p.m. and its epicenter, about 3 miles west of Hollis Center, Maine, was about 3 miles deep. That location is about 20 miles west of Portland. The quake was first estimated to be 4.6 magnitude but was later downgraded.  

Bin Laden driver's conviction reversed by U.S. court
A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday overturned the conviction of Osama bin Laden's former driver and bodyguard, Salim Hamdan, on charges of supporting terrorism, in a long-running case emerging from the American military trials at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  


Hal Lindsey Report





"You are a Missionary"




DAY 20 of 40 

God Almighty 

God of Our Fathers

Lord of this Nation


We turn to You as our Founding Father 

Without You We Would Not Be Here

Others may have forgotten where they come from

We know you

We Turn To You

We Need You


Lord as God of this Nation

Revive Us to Your Word

And Renew Us to You


Not just for ourselves sake

But For the Sake of Your Nation

O God

In You We Trust





Why the World Won’t End Until at Least 2024!

on Thursday, October 11, 2012 by  

This article was written for Jewish Voice Magazine’s January – February 2013 edition.

Fortunately astute Bible prophecy believers weren’t surprised when they woke up on December 22, 2012 and discovered that the Mayan Mesoamerican Long Count calendar was inaccurate. All the hype about the end of the world occurring on December 21, 2012 was baseless to them because they recognized that this present world wouldn’t end until seven-years of tribulation passed upon the earth.

The seven-year “Tribulation Period,” as it is commonly referred to in many Christian circles, is a major eschatological theme in the Bible. Other associated biblical tags for this period are, “Daniel’s Seventieth Week,” “The Day of the Lord,” “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and several more. According to Daniel 9:26-27this period commences when the Antichrist confirms a seven–year covenant with “many,” including the nation of Israel. We recognize Israel’s participation in this treaty from Isaiah 28:15 and 18, and Daniel 9:24.

Isaiah’s verses inform us that Israel at the time is extremely concerned about some “overflowing scourge” that is sweeping through the world. The Israeli leadership believes that by partaking of this future treaty, which Isaiah calls a “covenant with death,” enables the Jewish state to avert destruction. Daniel 9:24 clarifies that seventy weeks of years are determined for the Jews and the holy city of Jerusalem to accomplish seven important spiritual feats.

There are many portions of scripture that split this seven-year period of tribulation into two-parts. It is commonly taught among Bible prophecy teachers that the first three and one-half years present Israel with a period of peace, but that peace is abruptly interrupted at the mid-point when the Antichrist enters into the coming third Jewish temple, and fulfills the Daniel 11:31 and 12:11 prophecies Christ warned about in Matthew 24:15.

This abominable act of the Antichrist is commonly called the “Abomination of Desolation.” From that point forward the Antichrist attempts a final genocidal attempt of the Jews during the last three and one-half years of tribulation, which is often referred to as the “Great Tribulation” period. During the Great Tribulation Zechariah 13:8-9 warns that two-thirds of the Israelis will be killed, but fortunately the other third will survive and become a faithful believing remnant.

The glaring point of all this mind-boggling prophetic information above is that the Antichrist has not confirmed this seven-year covenant with Israel yet. Therefore the end of this present world can’t come for at least seven more years. In fact, I explain in my book, Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, why there is probably a minimum of eleven and one-half years remaining on the end time’s clock. Below is a quote from the pertinent section of Revelation Road, but first here is an important preface.


In fifty-two highly descriptive passages the prophet Ezekiel predicts that nine sizable populations will invade Israel in the “latter years.” This is a prophecy that many Bible prophecy teachers are expecting to find final fulfillment in the near future. The image identifies the consensus among many scholars of who these ancient populations represent on a modern day map. (1) (The arrows point from Gomer, Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Magog, Togarmah, Put, Libya, and Cush)

Fortunately, the Lord intervenes on Israel’s behalf and divinely defeats this formidable Gog of Magog coalition according to Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Subsequently, the nation of Israel embarks upon a national campaign to harness the energy from the weapons of these defeated enemies. With this in mind the quote from Revelation Road reads as follows;

Ezekiel 39:9-10 suggests Israel will possess the know-how to convert the weapons of mass destruction possessed by the Ezekiel 38 invaders into fuel. Israel appears to utilize these weapons for fuel and energy consumption for a period of seven-years. This will be no problem during the peaceful first half of the tribulation, but not likely during the perilous second half, because Jews will be fleeing for their lives, rather than harnessing this energy.

Therefore, many scholars suggest that Ezekiel 38 must conclude, not commence, no later than three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation even begins. This allows the Jews seven full years to burn the weapons before they begin fleeing for their lives. Realistically, it will probably take approximately a year to even collect, dismantle, and covert the weapons cache prior to that.

Here’s how this could break down incrementally in real time. Allow about one year for the Ezekiel 38 battle to occur and the weapons to be converted. Remember, assembling a coalition and mobilizing an invasion of the scope described in Ezekiel 38 is no twenty-four hour undertaking. Then consider an additional seven-year span to burn the weapons. And lastly, add in the final three and one-half years of Great Tribulation, for a total of eleven and one-half years.

If this hypothesis is correct, this means that at least (underscore at least because it’s probably going to be longer) that from the time the Ezekiel 38 invasion begins until the second coming of Christ to set up His kingdom, there will exist approximately eleven and one-half years. I could be more technical on the timing, becauseDaniel 12:11-12 adds an additional seventy-five days to the equation. His infamous ‘Seventieth Week’ ends, and then the two and one-half month interval kicks in, at which time the sheep and goat judgment of Matthew 25:32-46 seemingly takes place.” (2)

Revelation Road, Hope Beyond The HorizonIn conclusion; according to the Bible prophecies listed in this article, it appears that the present world appears to survive at least until the year 2024! This is not a prediction, but rather an educated prophetic observation.

Some scholars teach that little or no time separates the Gog of Magog invasion from the Tribulation period, and others believe the invasion actually occurs during the Tribulation. I agree with those that teach the Ezekiel 38 invasion must conclude at least three and one-half years before the seven-years of tribulation commences. After the Ezekiel invasion Israel may have more than seven-years of weapons supply for energy consumption. They could have ten or more years for all we know. But one thing seems almost certain, that at the mid-point of the Tribulation period when the genocidal campaign of the Antichrist is in full swing, Israelis appear to be fleeing for their lives rather than converting enemy weapons into sources of energy.

(1) Map taken from the images section of Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 425.
(2) Quote taken from Revelation Road, Hope Beyond the Horizon, page 248 under the subtitle of “Why Ezekiel 38 is Probably Pre-Trib.”




Mid-East Prophecy Update





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Jack Van Impe




"Getting Ready"


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PM warns of Syria transferring 
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Provocative Commentary 

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far from Christian orthodoxy - 
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Someone asked me this week what I thought about James MacDonald having T. D. Jakes at the Elephant Room. Well, to put it simply, I think it was great! James took a bold step in reaching out and inviting a man that some Evangelicals don't want to accept. I can understand having genuine questions about Jakes' position on the doctrine of the Trinity considering his longtime involvement with "Oneness Pentecostalism," and his own admission that he at one time held to an anti-trinitarian view of God's nature. But he has also, on several occasions over the past few years, stated that he no longer holds a "Oneness" or "modalistic" view of God and now believes in the doctrine of the Trinity. This he clearly articulated once again at the Elephant Room.

Jakes formally held the Oneness doctrine, also known as "Jesus Only," which teaches that Jesus is both the Father and the Son. The term Father refers to His deity, the term Son refers to His humanity. According to the Oneness doctrine, there is no Trinity—one God in three persons; rather there is one God who expresses Himself in different modes, sometimes as Father, sometimes as Son, and sometimes as Spirit. Now this teaching is certainly contrary to the biblical doctrine of the triune nature of God and is therefore "heretical," but to say that those who hold this view are not Christians is in my opinion going too far. Granted, it is an incorrect view regarding the nature of God, but it is not like other anti-trinitarian views that deny the full deity of Christ. I personally do not think you can put those who hold the Oneness doctrine in the same category as a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon. I might be wrong, but that's the way I see it at this point. Should we seek to correct the view of the Oneness Pentecostals? Yes we should, in the same way we would seek to correct any person or group that has fallen into theological error. What I don't think we should do is spurn them or cast a final eternal judgment on them.

Now back to T. D. Jakes and those Evangelicals who are still refusing to accept him. This is sad! Give the brother a break. What else could he have done to affirm his belief in the Trinity? He's declared publicly that he "now" (showing he's moved away from his former position) believes that God exists in three persons. He even explained that during the process of changing his position he began to see that there were things the Bible says about the Father that couldn't be said about the Son, and things the Bible says about the Son that couldn't be said about the Father, necessitating distinct persons within the divine nature. He did say that he wasn't all that crazy about the use of the term "persons" when speaking about the distinctions within the divine nature, but others have expressed similar things, feeling that sometimes the term person might be too limiting or give the impression that God is a person just like we are. This seems to me to be the kind of theological "hair splitting" that has been the bane of the church from generation to generation, and something that, God help us, we really need to outgrow.

My hat is off to James and to the others who came together with T. D. Jakes for a time of honest dialogue and fellowship in Christ at the Elephant Room. The church desperately needs more of this kind of thing. After all, Jesus didn't say that the world would know we were His disciples by our total agreement on all the finer points of theology; He did say that they would know we were His disciples by our love for one another. The Elephant Room was a beautiful display of Christ's disciples doing just that.




Brian has been involved in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. He has served as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Vista, California, and as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Westminster, London, England. Brian has been extensively involved in missions and church planting work throughout various parts of the world. He now serves at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California. Brian is the featured speaker on the Bible teaching program "Back to Basics." He is known for his clear and challenging exposition of the Scriptures. Brian and his wife Cheryl have four children and four grandsons and reside in Southern California. You can connect with Pastor Brian through his Facebook Page orTwitter




Growing up I watched John Wayne, Errol Flyinn, Classic movies of Good conquering Evil and even greater stories of Dying for your Country.


When I was a child I thought dying for your country was good thing.


Getting older I used to watch Battle Cry, King Arthur, Exodus and many movies that all wanted to tell me to die for and Idea. To give my life fo
r a higher calling, be devoted to the IDEAL even if it meant my death.


When I was a child I thought ideas were a good thing to believe in.


Later in life people told me I needed to solve social issues. I watched SCI FI and fantasy movies telling me I could make a difference, I could change the world, I could save the planet, the hungry, the poor and the unborn.

When I was a young man I thought solving issues were a good thing.

I got Old.


I have seen in retro movies and the same stories being told again to die for your country. And I have seen a generation of people actually think bombing each other and fighting wars for peace actually work....


I am too old for that. Been there, done that.


I have seen the ideal societies again playing push me pull you with everyone saying I have to make a change because it really is up to me stop Abortion, Fix the Debt, Create Jobs, Do healthcare, renew the world....


Sorry, I am too old for that.
Been there, done that.


You know even Christians now are telling me I have to vote Mormon and put away being a Christian because if I don't vote I am not saved or somehow I am not "with them"


So sorry, I have decided to Follow Jesus.
I don't follow men, I don't follow creeds. I don't follow you when you have high idea's or moral dilemmas. I don't worry or fret or act like I can save the World. I can't


I follow Jesus.




Read more:



The Religion of Politics


People don't want to admit how Religious they are by practicing  politics. And yert they do the same things in politics they do in religion.


People will put Faith in a candidate. Organizers want you to Believe in a party. Dogmas are campaign promises, made by men but now power in them to be true. Doctrines are party platforms people want everyone to agree on but seldon do. I really don't see any difference between a religious fanatic and poltical junkie. They both go to and use extremes to accomplish one purpose.

As good as religion can be at times and abused at others, I see the same truth in politics. Truth, Honesty, Integrity, Social Justice, Moral righteousness, just like religion I see politics wanting those to be done while in fact doing the opposite, much like religion. Wars, Debates, Agreements, Money, Economics, Health, Commerce, Trade. I do find the RELIGION OF POLITICS often more active in America than relgions of man.

Sadly I see On the Altar of Politcs America crucified of her Soul for the sake of Elections and little Grace or God involved at all

Religion and Politics cannot solve personal relationships, only people can.

Jesus wanted nothing do with Politics or Religion

If it meant giving up God in the Process

Have you?






(in more ways than you can imagine)