COMPASS DIRECT NEWS: Friday July 27, 2012 Av 8, 5772

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Updated7/26/2012 4:30 PM GMT
Violence topples Nigeria’s ‘bridge’
Gyang Dantong was killed while attending a funeral.   He was among a handful of elected members of Nigerian government attempting to bury the more than 100 Christians killed just the day ....
Indian Christians forced into Hindu worship, driven from homes
JAWANGA, Chhattisgarh state, India, July 17 (Open Doors News) - Hindu extremists forced 15 Christians to participate in Hindu worship rituals, then beat them up and rousted them from their village, according to an evangelical organization in India. ....
Nigerian attackers kill dozens of Christians
The news is distressingly familiar: A series of attacks on African Christian communities leaves many dead or injured. On Saturday, July 7, coordinated attacks killed dozens of people in Nigeria's Plateau state. One news report claims the death toll, ....

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