THE CHRISTIAN POST: Friday May 18, 2012 Iyyar 26, 5772

Greg Laurie
(Photo: Harvest Ministries)

Greg Laurie's Upcoming Sermon Traces Disciple Peter's Footsteps in Jerusalem

By Alex Murashko

Evangelist Greg Laurie can be seen tracing the steps of the disciple Peter in his upcoming sermon filmed in Jerusalem that will be shown to his church in Southern California and webcast to a global online audience during worship services this Sunday.

Vanderbilt's All-Comers Policy 'Discouraging,' But Unites Christian Students

By Katherine Weber

While some consider Vanderbilt University's new all-comers policy to be an assault on religious freedom, one lawyer for the American Center for Law and Justice argues that the university's Christian students have become more unified as a result of increased campus hostility.


Bishop Harry Jackson Jr.

Black Christians in an 'Adulterous' Relationship With Obama, Says Evangelical Pastor

By Paul Stanley

An influential African-American evangelical pastor says that many black Christians are in an "adulterous" relationship with President Obama over the issue of same-sex marriage and that if the issue is not addressed soon, it will negatively impact the president's desire for a second term in November.

A bill that would ban Sharia law in Kansas has passed both houses of the legislature and awaits the signature of the governor.

While many have speculated that presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may harm his chances to win some voters, few have suggested the opposite. Could Romney's LDS faith help him win more votes? A new study published this month by The Brookings Institution, a left-of-center think tank, suggests the answer may be yes.

With summer fashions seemingly getting skimpier every season, some men may be finding it increasingly challenging to control wandering eyes and lustful thoughts -- at least that's what one minister has confessed.

Church & Ministries


Saddleback Church Hosts 'Justice Begins on the Playground' Seminar, Anti-Bullying Expert

By Alex Murashko

Anti-bullying expert Paul Coughlin plans to teach the community leaders of values-based and faith-based organizations how to bring justice, mercy and compassion into the "theater of bullying" during a half-day seminar on Saturday.

Bobby Schuller, the son of former pastor Robert A. Schuller, spoke to Lawrence Wilkes of The Crystal Cathedral's "Hour of Power" television program to discuss life after leaving the famous ministry founded by his grandfather, and the challenges he faced starting his own church from the ground up.

Pastors should not be afraid of offending their followers with the message that God hates divorce despite churches having congregations that often reflect the same alarming rate of divorce as the general population, said theologian and pastor John MacArthur.

A Texas congregation is considering a vote to break away from Presbyterian Church (USA) due to the denomination's growing acceptance of homosexuality.

Crystal Cathedral Considers Relocating to Nearby Catholic Church

Crystal Cathedral's newly minted president said ...

Mo. Pastors in Christian Softball League at Odds Over Bisexual Minister

Pastors of three churches in Saint Clair, Mo., have declared that their softball teams from a Christian league will no longer compete against a fourth church because its pastor is openly bisexual, which they say is unbiblical.

'Imagine No Religion' Canadian Atheist Convention Sells Out

A Canadian atheist conference with speakers from ...

Manny Pacquiao Denies Anti-Gay Bible Reference After Flurry of Criticism

World champion boxer Manny Pacquiao has denied ...

CP World Report: Muslim School, Argentina, Eritrea, London Olympics

The Toronto District School Board has suspended ...

Mary Kennedy, Wife of RFK, Jr., Found Dead in Apparent Suicide

Mary Richardson Kennedy, the estranged wife of ...

Catholic University Stops Providing Student Health Insurance Over Birth Control Mandate

Franciscan University of Steubenville, a small Catholic university in eastern Ohio, has decided to no longer offer health insurance to its students rather than comply with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) birth ...

More Blogs

What is Spiritual Maturity?

Have you ever wondered if you are spiritually ...

The Irony of Tolerance and Intolerance: Carson’s Commencement Address

The four Emory University biology faculty who ...

Are You A Disciple or a Christian?

Did you know that the term Christian is only used ...



Christopher Michael on New Movie 'Hardflip': 'Forgive Others and Yourself'

By Sami K. Martin

The Christian Post recently spoke with Christopher Michael, who stars in the new movie "Hardflip." Michael has had a lot of experience in the acting business, but this marks the first time that he has played a homeless man.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. weighed in on the same-sex marriage debate recently, opposing rival fighter Manny Pacquiao's views on the traditional definition of marriage.

Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers decided to turn a battle with addiction around this season after recently breaking records in the MLB, a feat he says was only possible with the grace of God.



UN Makes Urgent Appeal for South Sudan Food Aid

By Ivana Kvesic

The United Nations launched an urgent appeal on Tuesday calling for emergency assistance for the millions of Southern Sudanese who are facing staggering levels of food insecurity.

Egypt's Coptic Christians fear they could face further persecution should an Islamist candidate win next week's presidential elections, and one of the major issues on their agenda is a controversial law that puts heavy restrictions on building and maintaining Christian houses of worship.

Churches are being asked to pray during the 70-day Olympic Games torch relay when it gets underway in England this Saturday.

A court in an underdeveloped southwestern province of Iran has sentenced four men to death by hanging for committing "sodomy," according to a recent report by the Human Rights Activist News Agency (HRANA).

Church of Ireland Upholds Marriage as Between One Man and One Woman

The General Synod of the Church of Ireland has ...

Islamist Website Offers $100,000 Bounty to Kill Iranian Rapper

An Islamist website is offering a $100,000 reward ...

Thousands Deported From Sudan While Violence Continues

The government of Sudan, a mostly-Muslim East ...

Samaritan's Purse Calls Christians to Pray for Peace in Sudan

Refugee pastors are asking Christians to pray for ...

49 Decapitated Bodies Found on Mexico Highway

Mexican authorities found 49 bodies, with their ...

Tech & Biz

Journey of Jesus: The Calling

Journey of Jesus: The Calling, Facebook Game Brings Christ's Life to Social Media

By Vincent Funaro

Facebook users can now walk the in the footsteps of Jesus during his time on Earth with the new online game titled "Journey of Jesus: The Calling."

Apple has reportedly acquired the domain name from a squatter who was using it for a forum full of ads, according to The Next Web.

Amazon is planning to launch an 8.9-inch Kindle Fire tablet later on this year, according to a new report from Reuters.

Amazon is rumored to be releasing a new Kindle in July that will feature a background light, similar to Barnes and Nobles' new Nook, although one may offer a more competitive price.

Should Tithing Count as 'Charitable Giving?'

By Nicola Menzie

GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was recently criticized for counting money given to his Mormon church and affiliated charities as charitable giving. The issue has sparked the question is it "charitable giving" when the faithful donate or tithe to their churches if it is not directly aiding the poor or doing similar work?

Why Every Christian Is a Disciple

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

There is plenty of talk these days about which term or terms to use when defining those who belong to Christ. I know it can be tempting to want to define "disciple" differently than you define "Christian." I was actually toying with that idea myself a number of years ago. But as Scripture details what it means to be in relationship with God through faith in Christ, I don't believe it is wise or beneficial to make this distinction and end up with two different categories of believers.


Ghoulish 'Art:' The Body Worlds Exhibit

By Eric Metaxas

body worlds

Why should we care about how human corpses are treated? Your answer depends on your worldview.


What the Bible Really Still Says About Homosexuality

By Kevin DeYoung


It is simply not true that Paul, or Jesus for that matter, never considered homosexuality an ethical matter. Paul thought the prohibition against homosexuality in the Old Testament was still relevant and the sin was still serious.


The Christian's Ultimate Graduation

By Lane Palmer

Students attend a 2009 graduation ceremony at Notre Dame.

I remember watching each of my friends as they crossed the stage to receive their diploma and being smacked with the reality that I had blown chance after chance after chance to share the love of Christ and the gospel of salvation with them.


Playing the Stooge: Georgetown and Kathleen Sebelius

By Eric Metaxas

Georgetown University

How has the nation's oldest Catholic University responded to the HHS mandate? I almost don't want to tell you.


Ministry: Kingdom of Self or Kingdom of God?

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

It took God employing pastoral hardship for me to embrace the inescapable reality that everything I did in ministry was done in allegiance to, and in pursuit of, either the kingdom of self or the kingdom of God. This truth is best exegeted for us in Matthew 6:19-34. I'm convinced that this passage is an elaborate unpacking of the thoughts, desires, and actions of the kingdom of self.


Chuck Colson Honored as 'Champion' of Christian Faith at Memorial Service

By Katherine T. Phan

Patty Colson, Chuck Colson Memorial

The impact that evangelical leader and Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Charles W. "Chuck" Colson left on the lives of his family, friends and the Christian world was celebrated during a public memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral on Wednesday.


How Should the Church Love a Gay Couple? (Part 2)

By Jeff Schapiro

new york gay marriage

Behind the church's debate over homosexuality, behind the theology and the politics, lies a community of people who need Jesus Christ. Regardless of a church's stance on homosexuality, understanding gay couples and how they view the church may provide some key insights into how this group of people can be better reached with the Gospel.


Helping Someone Escape Sin Is Not Judgmental

By Dan Delzell


Do you ever get the feeling these days that if you tried to help someone you love escape from sin, you might be accused of judging that person? You are not alone if you feel this way.


The Greatest Untapped Evangelistic Opportunity Before the Modern Church

By Scott Brown

Come What May

There are many mission fields, but family presents what may be the greatest untapped evangelistic opportunity before the church today. What is at stake is the salvation of millions of children under the evangelistic and discipleship ministry of fathers and mothers in the home. This is not the only mission field, to be sure, but it is perhaps the most neglected mission field before the church in our time.


Jonathan Haidt on Social Conservatives, New Atheists and Civility in Politics

By Napp Nazworth

Jonathan Haidt

In his new book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Religion and Politics, Jonathan Haidt, a social psychology professor at University of Virginia, argues that our intuitions come before our reasoning and our reasoning is usually a post-hoc justification for those intuitions. As a result, humans do a horrible job at understanding those with whom they disagree.


How to Answer Arguments in Favor of Abortion

By June Hunt

June Hunt

Imagine it's your first night hosting a national call-in counseling broadcast. The program is live, your calls aren't screened and no topic is taboo. The theme music plays ... the producer counts down the seconds ... "three, two, one, you're on!" Then, you hear these exact words: "I was attacked two months ago, and I am pregnant through rape."


If We Believe All the Same Things, Why Do Our Churches Seem So Different?

By Kevin DeYoung


Here are ten things that distinguish between what I would call a vibrant, robust Bible-believing church and one that gets the statement of faith right but feels totally different.


Forget Lady Gaga, God's People Are Sharing God's Heart Right Across the Globe

By Joel Edwards

Lady Gaga

Pop star Lady Gaga has yet again hit the world headlines after her planned gig was cancelled. But the real story in Indonesia has more far reaching implications. And it is good news for those who care about what God cares about.


Rational Thought Underlies Conservative Christian Views on Climate Change

By David R. Legates

climate change

Environmentalist David Suzuki writes in his recent article " Is it Just Me, or is the World Getting Nuttier? " that some American and Canadian scientists hold religious views that are anti-science. He argued that some climate scientists – including me by name – put "misguided beliefs above rational thought."


Social Conservatives, Get Ready to Rumble

By Ken Connor

Ken Connor

Oh, the irony of it all. For the past two years, the Republican establishment has been insisting that the only effective way to beat President Obama in 2012 is to set contentious social issues aside and focus like a laser on the economy.


Adoniram Judson: Endurance Personified in the Life of Burma's First Protestant Missionary From North America

By Paul Borthwick

Adoniram Judson

As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Adoniram and Ann Judson's sailing from Salem, Massachusetts to India and later Burma, we are not merely celebrating a critical early event in the North American Mission Movement. We celebrate the life of a devoted follower of Christ whose life and ministry personified the long-term impact of endurance, perseverance, and tenacity.


Jonathan Falwell: Culture Is Redefining What's Right, Wrong

By Lillian Kwon

Jonathan Falwell

Joining pastors throughout the country in denouncing President Barack Obama's support for same-sex marriage, Pastor Jonathan Falwell told thousands from the pulpit that they must protect the biblical definition of marriage, even if the culture and the president tries to redefine it.


How to Deal With Betrayal

By Perry Noble

Perry Noble

Betrayal is one of the most brutal things a person (especially a pastor) deals with. It hurts ... deeply. Someone who was close to you and who you trusted walked away and they did not do so silently, they left making a lot of noise.


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