WEDNESDAY is WORD DAY: Leadership Studies (7-12) -Barry Werner

"Leadership Principles Study"

12 Studies in Leadership Weekly

-Barry Werner-






Is your leadership limited by your character? (68-1)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 4th, 2009. Posted in CharacterGenesisLeader QualificationsLeadership Development,Leadership PrinciplesOld TestamentPower and InfluenceSelf-Discipline.

If leadership is influence, then people have a natural form of leadership that can be seen almost from birth. Read Genesis 25:26-32:32.

Jacob wielded great influence from the very beginning. He turned Isaac’s household upside down. In Genesis 25 his mother Rebekah, having a difficult pregnancy, inquired of God and found out that the older son, Esau, would serve the younger son Jacob. Now in this culture, that news will stir things up. Later, when seeking a bride, Jacob’s presence and influence turned his uncle Laban’s household upside down. 

Over time, Jacob’s leadership brought him great prosperity and 12 sons that ultimately became leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. But, even leaders gifted with tremendous natural leadership struggle as a leader if they have issues of character.

Influential, wealthy, strong and blessed with a large family and many sons, Jacob seemed to have everything. But a leader that goes his own way and seeks benefit only for himself cannot be an effective instrument in God’s hands. God had to break Jacob to make him an effective, useful leader. God had to change Jacob from the inside out from a “deceiver” to a “prince with God “who served God rather than himself.

Everyone is born with natural leadership (influencer) skills. Every child knows how to influence others whether positively or negatively. God gives every person an awareness of how to influence. Leaders who “stand out” develop these natural gifts into a skill. Character, however, is not a gift at birth but must be developed. In fact what we get at birth is a lack of character; it is called a sin nature. Yet it is the leader’s character that determines if their influence will be positive or negative in society and before God.

The good news is that character can be changed and like Jacob, every leader can become a leader that better serves God as they lead people.

What are your character strengths and weaknesses? Don’t get caught in the trap of using the world’s standard for character. How are you doing against the standards God established for holiness and godliness? When an effective leader finds an area that needs work, they seek God’s wisdom on the plan to correct their weakness.


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Are you blessable? (68-2)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 5th, 2009. Posted in GenesisHumilityLeadership PrinciplesOld TestamentServant Leadership.

Leaders cannot do anything of significance in the kingdom of God until they humble themselves before God and seek His face. When a leader is broken of self they can be blessed by God. Read Genesis 32:24-32.

Jacob turned a corner as a leader the night he wrestled the Angel of God. He not only broke physically when the Angel dislocated his hip but he broke emotionally. After this night Jacob’s name was changed from “deceiver” to “Israel” meaning “prince with God.” 

God blessed Jacob because:

  • God always keeps his promises.
  • Jacob got alone with God and all distractions were removed.
  • Jacob desperately wanted to receive what God had for him.
  • Jacob allowed God to break him and change him.
  • Jacob was honest with God and stopped pretending in order to let God work in his life.

Effective godly leaders humble themselves before God with a desire to serve rather than be served.

Write a single sentence defining godly humility. Write a second sentence defining human arrogance. Which sentence most closely describes your actions over the last 12 months? If you find it is arrogance, ask God to help you make the change to blessable humility.


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Are you using positive methods to lead others? (68-3)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 6th, 2009. Posted in CharacterGenesisHumilityInterpersonal RelationshipsLeader Qualifications,Leadership DevelopmentLeadership PrinciplesOld TestamentPower and InfluenceServant LeadershipTeam Building.

We have all served with good leaders and leaders that left a lot to be desired. Read Genesis 25:29-34 and 27:1-30.

Jacob stole the birthright from Esau. Later, with the help of his mother, Jacob stole the blessing of his father. Leaders can use several methods to bring their influence to bear. The following methods of leadership (influence) go from worst to first: 

  • A leader can use the force of physical strength to pressure people to act.
  • A leader can use intimidation to bully others verbally or emotionally to cause others to act, even sometimes against their will.
  • A leader can use manipulation to coerce others to act.
  • A leader can exchange something to receive something i.e. you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.
  • A leader can use verbal skills to persuade someone to act.
  • A leader can find ways to motivate their team in such a way that they want to act.
  • A leader can honor their team and communicate esteem to others by serving them and inspire them to act.

Jacob started life using the negative methods of influencing others. He served himself and used whatever method best met his need at the moment. Later in life, Jacob used more of the positive methods of leadership.

Leadership becomes effective and God honoring when a leader uses positive methods to lead others. If you find yourself using force, intimidation, manipulation or exchange you need to ask why. These methods of influence (leadership) are centered on self and not God honoring. Like Jacob, it may be time for you to change your methods.


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Are you leading with vision? (68-4)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 7th, 2009. Posted in CharacterCommitmentCommunicating VisionCourage/Risk-TakingDecision MakingGenesisHebrewsLeader QualificationsLeadership PrinciplesLong-Range PlanningNew TestamentOld Testament,Power and InfluencePrioritiesVision.

The story of Esau, Jacob’s older twin brother, paints a powerful picture of a leader without vision. Read Genesis 25:29-34; 32:3-23 and 33:1-20.

Esau loved the outdoors from early life and was a skilled hunter and a rugged outdoorsman. His story is that of a leader that lived completely in the present, depending on his own strength and resources and he repeatedly made shortsighted decisions. 

Esau is not the last leader in history to have vision only for the present; many leaders today live for the moment and give little thought to the future. The following list gives some of the characteristics of Esau’s nearsightedness that are still causing leaders to fail today:

  • Esau focused on the here and now as if tomorrow would never come.
  • Esau relied on himself and his natural gifts rather than on God.
  • Esau gave up the greater good for immediate gain. He sold his birthright for a single meal.
  • Esau thought that he could be bailed out from a poor decision by one in authority. He assumed Isaac’s love would fix his lack of seeing the future consequences of his actions.
  • Esau made long term commitments without considering the consequences i.e. he married a Hittite woman and his decedents were the Edomites who were persistent opponents of Israel.
  • Esau’s shortsighted view of life blinded him from the deception of his brother Jacob.

What accounts for the lack of vision and character flaws that impelled many of Esau’s life decisions? What internal controls deter any leader from responding to the Esau-like voices we periodically hear within our own heads?

Leaders desiring to serve God will consider the most succinct and telling commentary the Bible gives on the character of Esau. It is also the one with the gravest warning. Leaders owe it to themselves to read it whenever they are tempted to make a risky shortsighted decision. Hebrews 12:15-16 says Esau is remembered with this quote: “See that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son.”


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Are you giving whatever it takes to achieve your goals? (68-5)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 8th, 2009. Posted in 1 TimothyCommitmentDependence on GodGenesisInterpersonal RelationshipsLeadership PrinciplesLong-Range PlanningNew TestamentOld TestamentProblem SolvingPurpose/Passion.

Effective leaders find a way for their team to win. Good leaders will give whatever it takes; they find a way to achieve their goals. Read Genesis 29:16-30.

Jacob worked seven years for his uncle Laban for the hand of his daughter Rachel, a woman he loved. On their wedding night Laban substituted his older daughter Leah and Jacob did not discover the deception until the morning after. 

A lesser leader may have battled Laban or walked away but even though Jacob was angry for awhile he did not give up. He worked another seven years for his uncle Laban so he could also have Rachel as his wife. As a leader Jacob did whatever it took to reach the goal.

Effective leaders do not give up on a goal because of setbacks. Godly leaders have a power source in God’s power when they reach the end of their own strength to hang on. Is there an area in your leadership life where you are about to give up? Ask God if this is His leading or your own weakness? If it is not God, ask Him for help to do whatever it takes to complete the task.

1 Timothy 4:16 “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”


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Have you learned and developed leadership skills? (69-1)

Written by Barry-Werner on May 11th, 2009. Posted in Communicating VisionGenesisHumilityLeader QualificationsLeadership DevelopmentLeadership PrinciplesOld TestamentPower and InfluenceSelf-DisciplineUncategorizedWisdom.

Some individuals have greater natural leadership gifts than others but all the skills of leadership can be learned and developed. If you think it will happen overnight – think again! Effective leaders need time to develop. Read about the life of Joseph from Genesis 37:1-50:22.

Joseph was the son of Jacob’s old age. He was intelligent, favored by his father and had God’s hand on him. Joseph had a lot of natural leadership gifts but he didn’t have experience, people skills, discipline, humility or good timing. 

Early in his life Joseph did not know how to skillfully work with others. He lacked experience, wisdom and humility. When God gave Joseph a dream revealing that he would someday lead his family, Joseph communicated the vision so poorly that it caused his brothers to hate him and his father to rebuke him. Yet 23 years after Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery to remove his influence from their family, God had developed Joseph into a leader that did not take revenge on his brothers but was able to forgive them and tell them that what they had meant for evil God had meant for good to save the lives of many people.

According to John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Joseph’s life illustrates The Law of Process. Joseph went through four phases to become God’s leader:

  • Phase One: I don’t know what I don’t know. Every leader starts out without all the facts and experience is a great teacher.
  • Phase Two: I know what I don’t know. Every leader will have an incident that will get their attention and impress on them how much they have to learn as a leader.
  • Phase Three: I know and grow and it starts to show. When a leader has paid the price with study, work and experience, the preparation pays off and a leader will begin to see success.
  • Phase Four: I simply go because of what I know. A leader’s skills become obvious to others because a leader is truly effective in their leadership skills.

Like Joseph, effective leaders develop their skills during good times and tough situations. Time alone will not make a good leader. Effective leaders are those that develop their leadership skills over time and in every situation.

What phase of leadership did your momentary self-diagnosis put you in as you read through them? Is there something intentional you can do in order to move to the next phase?


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(Next week 13-18)