The Last Generation Network News Report

"Your Digital News Flash"

"Tuesday is News Day"




Dr. Warren Throckmorton
Did the First Amendment Create a Christian Nation?Dr. Warren Throckmorton

Americans have a Christian heritage, but the First Amendment protects freedom of religious expression for all.

Michael Craven
Democracy and the Role of the U.S. in the Middle EastMichael Craven

For many Westerners, the hope of peace between the Middle East and the West rests in the spread of democracy. However, is our foreign pol...

John Mark Reynolds
Libya: No Clear Goal Equals Unjust WarJohn Mark Reynolds

No sane person roots for Libya's tyrant Muammar Gaddafi, but good intentions such as ousting him will not redeem bad actions, such as hav...

Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff
Top 10 Articles of March 2011Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

A major earthquake hit Japan last month while revolution spread in Northern Africa - does that mean the world is ending? This and more in...

























    • Chuck Colson
    • Albert Mohler




















    The Last Generation Network News Report

    Last Generation News  Last Generation Report



    EVERYONE at "The Biblical Christian Digital Network" takes News seriously. You should to. Serious enough to realize that ALL NEWS and ALL NEWS SERVICES are biased and opionated. That is a fact; that will not change no matter where you get your news or read it from.



    This is News for some but there is no such thing as Fair and Balanced or Fact news.

    When human beings are involved it means we all see things differently at times. News outside of America admits it is biased; News in America in the last 75 years has tried to "market" the idea of "journalistic integrity" when since before America became a nation it has been the venue of News to express opinion. Often as in media, owned and operated by "Newsservices" for political reason. 

    It is up to you what you see; what you hear and what you understand.

    The Only Facts For a Christian is The Word of God.

    You control what you see; Be Carful how you read a story. You control what you hear; Be careful what and who you are listening to. You control what you understand; be mindful of God to direct your understanding.

    In all things remember; you control how you act upon them; don't react to them.

    "Take Everything to the Lord in Prayer; then leave it there."